Scientific progress: January achievements of Zhubanov University scientists
The year has just begun, yet scientists from K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University have already impressed the international scientific community with their January publications, demonstrating a high level of research across various fields.
The results of an important scientific analysis are presented in the article “Exploring the Effects of Professional Learning Experiences on In-Service Teachers’ Growth: A Systematic Review of Literature” published in Education Sciences (Q1). This study was conducted by Nazarbayev University researcher Zhadyra Makhmetova in collaboration with Zhubanov University Rector Laura Karabasova and scientists Abylai Karinov and Aselya Zhakim. The research focuses on professional development as a key factor influencing the quality of education.
Scientist Guzel Abilova, together with colleagues from Russia and the UK, presented the results of their work on polymer films for drug delivery in glaucoma treatment. Their article, “Mucoadhesive gellan gum/poly(2-ethyl-2-oxazoline) films for ocular delivery of pilocarpine hydrochloride”, was published in the high-impact, peer-reviewed journal "Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology" (Q1).
Additionally, two studies were published in scientific journals in January, focusing on thermally stimulated luminescence spectra and the luminescence properties of bound excitons. The article *“The Nature of High-Temperature Peaks of Thermally Stimulated Luminescence in NaCl:Li and KCl:Na Crystals” appeared in the journal "Crystals" (Q2). The authors of this study include scientists Kuanyshbek Shunkeev and Shynar Sagimbayeva, as well as PhD student Adelya Kenzhebayeva and master's student Zarina Serikkaliyeva.
Another study, “Luminescence of bound excitons in the field of local lattice deformation by sodium impurity ions in KCl:Na single crystals”, was published in "Optical Materials X". This research was carried out in collaboration with international scientists by Kuanyshbek Shunkeev, Shynar Sagimbayeva, and Adelya Kenzhebayeva.
Furthermore, a scientific article authored by Dr. Saule Sadykova in collaboration with Bhaskar Upadhyay from the University of Minnesota was published in "Education Sciences" under the title “Building Science Teacher Leaders for Indigenous Schools: Lessons from a Science Professional Development Workshop in Nepal.” This study provides an in-depth analysis of teacher leadership in Indigenous schools.
It is important to note that all of these studies have been published in peer-reviewed international journals, underscoring the quality and novelty of the research.