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Zhubanov university scientists’ projects receive grant funding

As a result of the grant competition for scientific research under the "Young Scientist" program for 2025–2027, four projects from Zhubanov University researchers have been awarded funding.

PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Ecology, Murat Makhambetov, received a grant for his research project AP25796055: "Ecological Assessment of Long-Term Changes in the Vegetation Cover of Degraded Pastures in the Atyrau Region Based on Satellite Data Analysis."
The project aims to conduct an environmental assessment and analyze long-term changes in the state of pasture vegetation in the Atyrau region based on field geobotanical and cartographic research. Additionally, the project involves the creation of a digital map (scale 1:1,000,000) using satellite data analysis.

Furthermore, PhD, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Mathematics, Zhailan Tutkusheva, received grant funding for her project AP25794821: "An Efficient Method for Global Optimization of Multicomponent Functions of Many Variables."
This project involves a deep and comprehensive study of a new method of global optimization based on a special auxiliary function for functions of different classes, its numerical implementation and use in solving real world application problems.

Master’s degree holder Aigerim Tankeeva also secured a grant for her project AP25794325: "Development of Approximate Methods for Solving Boundary Problems for Fredholm Integro-Differential Equations with a Constant Kernel."
The project aims to approximate the kernel of first-order Fredholm integro-differential equations using Chebyshev and Legendre polynomials. It also seeks to develop approximate and numerical methods for solving boundary problems for Fredholm integro-differential equations with an invariant kernel based on these polynomials.

Additionally, Master’s degree holder Asemgul Alsitova, a lecturer at the Department of Preschool and Primary Education, received funding for her project AP25795529: "Determining the Impact of Artificial Intelligence and Human Co-Creation (Human-AI Co-Creation Model) on the Development of Creativity in Future Educators."
The project's goal is to enhance the effectiveness of creativity development mechanisms for future teachers by using the Human-AI Co-Creation Model in their professional training process.

Congratulations to our researchers on their scientific achievements!