All academic programs of Heriot-Watt University at the base of K. Zhubanov ARU are accredited by the relevant professional educational institutions or scientific communities, including the Institution of Engineering and Technology, the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, the Institution of Chemical Engineers, the Institute of Physics, and the Royal Society of Chemistry.

The degree in Computer Science is accredited by BCS (The British Computer Society) and the Chartered Institute for IT.

The degree in Electrical Power Engineering is accredited by the Institution of Engineering and Technology.

The degree in Petroleum Engineering and Energy Management is accredited by the Energy Institute and the Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining.

The technical specializations are taught without modifications by an international team, including the academic staff of K. Zhubanov ARU, under the full supervision of the university's administration. These specializations are also taught at the Dubai and Malaysia campuses, located in countries with traditional and conservative values.

According to the decision of the Republican Commission in 2023, 300 applicants received educational grants to study at this branch. Among them, 35% are from rural areas, 41.7% represent vulnerable social groups in need of state support, and 14% are from large families. Thus, the opening of this campus also serves a social mission for the region.

Today, students and their parents note the high level and quality of teaching and believe that studying at this branch will open up tremendous opportunities for them in the future.