Bachelor program in the specialty Jurisprudence in 2017 was accredited by the IAAR for 5 years.
In the department of “Jurisprudence” there are 9 candidates of science and 16 masters of law, 8 of them are holders of the jubilee medals.
In 2018, the department opened a specialty magistracy – 6M030100- “Jurisprudence”
The teaching staff of the department participate in international, republic and regional scientific competitions, conferences, exhibitions every year.
The department has concluded contracts with several universities and scientific organizations such as University named after Mykola Romeris (Lithuania); the Institute of Law and Economics, Lipetsk, Russian Federation; the Kyrgyz State National University named after J.Balasagyn, Kyrgyz Republic; “Bolashak” Karaganda University. The purpose of this cooperation is accumulating experience in the development of scientific and educational relations, exchange of teaching methods and methodical aids, scientific literature, to hold an online conference, lecture series for academic mobility and for joint work on the coordination of curricula and programs and for the implementation of other forms of cooperation. In this case, the framework of the implementation of these programs, the department is working on the development of the research strategy of the University.
December 21, 2018 at the Faculty of Economics and Law a meeting of the international round table on “27 Years of the Almaty declaration on the purposes and principles of the CIS: trends and prospects of interaction of the states parties”, organized by the department of “Law” ARSU them. K. Zhubanova together with the Department of Theory of State and Law and Constitutional Law of Orenburg State University for members of student scientific circles “Problems of the Theory of State and Law” (research supervisors: Candidate of Laws Head of the Department Akylbek Klyshnyazovich Nurlin and Ph.D., Associate Professor Tatyana Gennadievna Alimpieva) “Themis” (supervisors, Candidate of Laws, Associate Professor Aigul Kuanyshevna Kurmanova and teacher Asel Aidarkhanovna Bekbauova), «Əдiлет» (scientific leaders are junior scientists, senior lecturer Aigul Amangeldovna Bekbauova and junior scientists, senior lecturers Lyazzat Amangeldievna Mursalova), «Заңгер» (supervisors, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Elizaveta Imangalievna Ishibaeva and junior researcher, Senior Lecturer Aynur Zharylgasynovna Nurutdinova).
The department is working on the organization of international seminars on the organization and control of the educational process. On April 26, 2018, lecture was opened interactive conducted using innovative practice-oriented technologies and involving Kazakhstani and foreign scientists and legal practitioners and a psychologist on “Protection of the rights of minors in Kazakhstan and international law”. Oralbayeva Gaukhar Sundetbaykyzy, a judge of the city court number 2 of Aktobe, Aitbayeva Batima Kubashevna, chief specialist of the department of moral and spiritual education of self-knowledge and protection of the rights of children of the city akimat of Aktobe took part in the work., Elena I. Maksimenko, Associate Professor at the Department of theory of state and law and constitutional law, Orenburg State University, specialist-psychologist D. B. Akhmetova, PhD, Head of the department of pedagogy and psychology, ARSU K. Zhubanova, librarian Krembaeva K. Along with practitioners, the theoretical positions were highlighted by the associate professor, Ph.D. Aigul Kurmanova, Senior Lecturer, junior professor Bekbauova Aigul Amangeldiyevna, teacher, Bekbauova Asel Aidarkhanovna. The lecturer and the organizer of the open lecture together with the invitation of a specialist, associate professor of the department of jurisprudence of ARSU. K. Zhubanova Alimpieva T.G.
Traditionally, the department holds a subject Olympiad on the basics of law among students graduating from classes in secondary schools in the Aktobe region.
On the 12th of April, 2018, the annual 18th Legal Olympiad of schoolchildren of 10-11 grades of Aktobe and Aktobe region took place in the framework of the implementation of one of the directions of the Bolashak Bakhdar: Ruhani Zagyru program regarding the cult of knowledge, which was attended by 77 participants from 19 schools.
April 13, 2018 at the Faculty of Economics and Law of Aktobe Regional State University. K. Zhubanova was held scientific and practical international round table “Protection of the constitutional rights of man and citizen” The round table was attended by: the faculty of the Faculty of Economics and Law of ARSU. K.Zhubanova, as well as students of 1-3 courses of the specialty “jurisprudence”
2nd year students Tulegen Sagatov, Botagoz Baisalbaeva, Assem Urazalin, Assem Mukan, Alisher Ganiev, 4 courses Aziz Kulmagambetova became winners – diplomas of the 2nd and 3rd degree of the international competition of scientific initiative in various nominations “Discovery – 2018”, organized by the “Kazan (Volga region) Federal University” with the information support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
A student of Aziz Kulmagambetov became the owner of the scholarship of the Foundation of the Head of the State-First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
For special merits in the field of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Candidate of Laws, Associate Professor of the Department of Law Smagulova A.S. awarded medals: dedicated to the 50th anniversary of Aktobe Regional University. K.Zhubanova; To the 20th anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan candidate of Law Ismailova B.Sh., Ph.D. Nurlin AK, senior lecturers N. Sautbaeva, O.Sh. Adaev also were awarded medals dedicated to the 50th anniversary of Aktobe Regional University. K.Zhubanov
The faculty of law department annually improve their skills. In JSC “National Center for Advanced Studies” Orleu “associate professor, Ph.D. A.Kurmanova, senior lecturers, junior professor Sautbaeva, S.B., Rzagulova, S.R. A was taken course on the topic «Scientific and methodological support of the teaching of the law in the period of social modernization of the society» (22.01.18 – 02.02.18 г.). In addition, in the Kazakh-Russian International University for the period from (25.12.17) to (12.01.18), Associate Professor, Ph.D. Kurmanova AK, associate professor, Ph.D. Alimpieva T.G., senior lecturers, junior professor Sautbayeva S.B. was successfully mastered the course “New Methods of Teaching Legal Subjects in Educational Institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. Developing the qualifications of lecturers and use of newer technologies will put an end to the fact that the Department of PPS is constantly looking for new forms and methods of teaching.
The guest lecture was held on April 9, 2020 through the ZOOM program online. It was held for students in the discipline of «Business Law»on the topic «Legal basics of the agro-industrial complex and industrial and innovative activity.» The lecture was held by Candidate of Law Sciences, head of the project medical office of NAO Astana Medical University Zhumanova Mayra Khalelovna and by docent, Candidate of Economic Sciences of the Department of Jurisprudence L.I. Kusainova. The lecture, which was conducted by an innovative method with the invitation of a scientist from the city of Nur-Sultan, is increased huge interest among students.
On April 10, 2020, a Live broadcast was held with Abekenov M.D. who is the chief specialist of the state Department Of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for anti-corruption in the Aktobe region. This live broadcast was conducted by teacher – head of the club “Sanaly urpak” – Tukeshova A. S.
As part of the anti-corruption advocacy campaign, on 13 of April 2020 a webinar was held between the universities of the city. The online seminar was organized by the senior lecturer of the Department of «Jurisprudence» of ARSU named after K.Zhubanov Nurutdinova Ainur and the head of the department of «Law and General Education», Baishev University Ph.D. Sagieva G.K. and senior teacher Kuatbek G.K. The purpose of the event is to educate, promote the ideology of integrity in the context of the formation of an anti-corruption culture for jurisprudence students.
During the active dialogue, the participants discussed about the latest changes in the sphere of anti-corruption legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, issues of improving the anti-corruption culture and mechanisms for preventing corruption. This on-line meeting was organized and implemented in the framework of cooperation between universities.
On 21 of April, 2020, by using the ZOOM program, a binary lecture was held for 2nd-year students of the specialty “Accounting and audit” in the discipline “Business law “on the topic”State control and supervision in the field of entrepreneurship”. The lecture was conducted by the coach, business coach of the “Atameken” National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan Abuov A.A. and docent of the Department, Kusainova L.I.
In order to implement the Agreement on scientific and educational cooperation between Aktobe regional state University. K. Zhubanov and Orenburg state University on 23 of April 2020 docent Alimpieva T. G., docent of Orenburg State University Savashikova E.V. was conducted a binary lecture for 3rd year students of specialty “Jurisprudence” on the subject “Problems of state and local government”.
Debatable lecture aroused great interest of students to discuss actual problems of reforming the legal framework of local government.
The lesson in the form of a binary lecture (method “lecture together”) was held by a senior lecturer Rzagulova S.R. with the participation of a business coach of the Atameken National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan Abuov A.A. The lesson was held for 2nd year students of the specialty “Accounting and Audit” in the discipline “Entrepreneurship Law” on the topic “State support and protection of entrepreneurship”.
During the lesson, Amandyk Abuovich explained the importance of state support for entrepreneurship by the state and the implementation of these measures.
In the 2021-2022 academic year, a senior lecturer of the Department of Jurisprudence, Tleulesova B.T., who defended her scientific work at the L.Gumilyov Eurasian National University, began with a PhD in Philosophy (specialty Jurisprudence).