The faculty of Economics was opened in 1992 then the faculty of Law was opened in 2001. The main reason of creating the new faculties is to develop higher professional education, improve the level of training of highly qualified specialists in the field of Economics and law at Aktobe state University named after K.Zhubanov. The creation of the Institute of  «Economics and Law» as a result of the unification of Economic and Law faculties which is realized by the order of the rector of ARSU named after K.Zhubanov №348-N from 1st of September 2014. However, Institute of «Economics and law» has been reorganized into the faculty of «Economics and law» in 2017.

In 2019, the departments of «State and Local Management» and «Finance and Accounting» were merged and renamed the Department of «Public Administration, Finance and Marketing».

The Faculty prepares highly qualified specialists on  9 educational  programs, 7 –postgraduate  programs  and   1- doctoral  program

Departments of the Faculty of Economics and Law

  • «Economics and    management»
  • « State management, finance   and   marketing»
  • «Jurisprudence»

Bachelor  Educational  programs:

  • 6В04101 «Economics»
  • 6В04102«Management»
  • 6В04107 «World Economy»
  • 6В04108 «ВusinessАdministration»
  • 6В04103«Accounting andAuditing»
  • 6В04104«Finance»
  • 6В04105 « State and  Local   management»
  • 6В04106«Marketing»
  • 6В03101«Jurisprudence»


  • 7М04101« Economics» (2 years)
  • 7М04101« Economics» (1,5 year)
  • 7М04101« Economics» (1 year)
  • 7М04102 «Management» (2 years)
  • 7М04102 «Management» (1,5 year)
  • 7М04102 «Management» (1 year)
  • 7М04108«Business Administration» (2 years)
  • 7М04108«Business Administration» (1 year)
  • 7М04104«Finance» (2 years)
  • 7М04104«Finance» (1,5 year)
  • 7М04104«Finance» (1 year)
  • 7М04105«State and local management» (2 years)
  • 7М04105«State and local management» (1,5 year)
  • 7М04105«State and local management» (1 year)
  • 7М04106«Marketing» (2 years)
  • 7М04106«Marketing» (1,5 year)
  • 7М04106«Marketing» (1 year)
  • 7М03101«Jurisprudence» (2 years)
  • 7М03101«Jurisprudence» (1,5 year)
  • 7М03101«Jurisprudence» (1 year)

Doctoral  program

  • 8D04101 «Economics»

The teaching staff of the faculty consists of 79  teachers, including

  • 1 – Doctors of Sciences, professors;
  • 23 – Candidates of Sciences;
  • 2 –   PhD; 48 master of science.
  • 44 – Mastes of sciences

The total degree of faculty staff is 42 %. All teachers conducting classes have appropriate basic of education.

The faculty significantly expanded the educational and methodical bases in the new academic year. For example, new subjects of the University component have introduced into the curricula, also curricula of courses have developed and modern learning technologies have introduced. Scientists of the faculty conduct active promotion of results of the researches which testifies to their potential growth.

According to the results of the academic year 2018-2019, the Faculty of Economics and Law was awarded the 2nd place in the ranking of faculties of the University. K.Zhubanova.

In 2018 at the Faculty of educational programs are opened. This undergraduate program – 6B04107 «World Economics”, Postgraduate – 7M04108- «Business Administration” 7M03101- “Jurisprudence” 7M04104 “Finance” and doctorate – 6D050600- «Economy»

In 2019, the faculty opened the Bachelor  Educational  program6B04108 educational program “Business Administration”.

The Department of Economics and Management took 1st place among departments according to the results of the 2018-2019 academic year at  university.

The educational programs of undergraduate and postgraduate – «Economics», «State» and «Local Management», «Finance», «Accounting and Auditing» 2016 have been accredited by the IAAR for 5 years.

Educational programs of bachelor and master specialties – «Management», «Marketing» and «Jurisprudence» in 2017  have been accredited by the IAAR for 5 years. By specialty graduate 6M051100 – «Marketing» 2017. accreditation is given for 3 years.

Aslan Tasmaganbetov, Ph.D. in Economics, Dean of the Faculty of «Economics and Law», became the winner of the competition “The best teacher of the university-2018”.   Every year in our country there is a competition “The best teacher of the university”, which assesses the teaching and scientific skills of the faculty of higher educational institutions. The competition was attended by 200 people from 43 universities.

Educational process. The educational process uses the credit system and interactive teaching methods: multimedia, Internet, electronic textbooks, electronic training and monitoring programs, audio and video materials.The faculty teachers use techniques such as case-study, brainstorming, group work, debates, role-playing games, which are largely activates students and arouses interest in learning.

The results of research of teachers of the faculty are actively used in the educational process, including the development of programs of courses and special courses (elective courses) for undergraduate students of specialties, in the development of educational-methodical complexes, lecture courses, methodological support of seminars on the subjects of the Department.

Teachers who have completed advanced training courses are widely used in the educational process of innovative learning technology such as cases, business games, multimedia lectures, video lectures and other interactive methods.The faculty is paid much attention to the improvement of independent work of students. The forms of independent work such as preparation of analytical reports, essays and abstractsare used in the each department. Control over the independent work of students is carried out during the individual work of the teacher with the student which is carried out additionally to one, several or a group of students and during the current seminars and workshops.The teachers conduct ongoing consultations on educational subjects such as discuss the results of the control work, the final work, homework and essaysduring individual works. Also, teachers and students have discussion and protection of abstracts, holding colloquiums, round tables, quizzes, discussion of case studies, presentation of their results and other forms of work.

The best methodical project – 2019

23.01.2019  Тhe final stage of the contest “Methodical Projects – 2019” took place at Zhubanov University. 11 projects of university teachers participated in the competition.

The project participants introduced their colleagues to the methods which  they use in their disciplines, and shared their experiences. Participants defended their projects by submitting presentations.

According to the results of the competition, the senior teachers of the Department of Economics and Management  Nursamal Sultamuratova  and Samal Tasmaganbetova were awarded the I-place. And   the senior teachers of the Department of «Public Administration, Finance and Marketing».Ibadullaeva Saule    was awarded the III –place.

The teaching staff of the faculty has high ratings for publications in scientific journals, international and Republican scientific-practical conferences, the publication of textbooks and manuals. For example, more than 30 textbooks which are used in all the universities of our country has been prepared and publishedover the working years.

The basic textbooks are: «Bases of Market Economics», «Theoretical Economics», «General economic theory», «Fundamentals of Management», «Fundamentals of management», «History of Economic thought», «General economic theory», «Macroeconomics», «Institutional Economics», «Government regulation of Economy», «Managementof innovation», «Theory of evidence», «Criminal procedural law».

Scientific educational cooperation’s developing for several lines: participation in international programs and projects, joint publications, invitations of foreign scientists under program of academic mobility, training and participation in conferences.

The faculty has close scientific ties with many Universities of Kazakhstan and Universities of foreign countries these days. In particular, with universities:

  • The Xinjiang University of Finance and Economics (China),
  • The Baltic international Academy (Latvia),
  • The University of Vytautas Magnus (Lithuania),
  • The Osh state University (Kyrgyz Republic),
  • The Bashkir state University (Republic of Bashkortostan),
  • The Ufa state petroleum technical University (Republic of Bashkortostan),
  • The Orenburg state University (RF),
  • The Saratov state University named after N.G.Chernyshevsky
  • The Hacettepe University (Ankara, Turkey).

The universities-partners of the faculty:

  • The Atyrau engineering-humanitarian Institute (Atyrau),
  • The Narkhoz University (Almaty),
  • The West Kazakhstan state University named after M.Utemisov (Uralsk),
  • The Aktobe University named after S.Baishev (Aktobe)

There are several contracts toward to perform research and development work. The faculty has branding and marketing research and diagnostic system of small cities and towns of Aktobe region proposed by the Department of economy and budget planning of Aktobe regionon the topic: “Branding in small and single-industry towns, the development of their integrated development plans”. Also, the faculty performs scientific work on the topic: “Plan for the comprehensive development of the city of Shalkar for the years 2016 to 2030”. The scientific supervisor of the work is doctor of economic Sciences, Professor Kussainov H.H.

An international agreement was signed with Naberezhno-Chelny Institute of Kazan Federal University for the implementation of a joint research project on the topic: “Strategy for the integrated development of single-industry towns and the economy of the region of Aktobe region”. The scientific supervisors are doctor of economic Sciences, Professor Makarov A.N. (Tatarstan) and candidate of economic Sciences, Professor Zhunusov B.A. (Kazakhstan).

The student science is constantly of view of the teaching staff. The scientific work of students of the faculty is considered as one of the forms of identification of the potential reserve of the future staff of the departments, the main part of the staff are graduates of the University.

The students and their supervisors are created the research groups which actively work:

  • “Ekomen” which under the leadership of A.A.Kurmanalina, M.A.Tleubergenova;
  • “Bolashak” which under the leadership of B.Zh.Bolatova,B.Sultamuratova, Sh.T.Hurgalieva;
  • “Innovator” which under the leadership of A.B.Tasmaganbetov;
  • “State employee of the XXI century” which under the leadership of R.S.Yakudina;
  • “Researcher-marketer” which under the leadership of Zh.K.Basshieva;
  • “Financial market issues” which under the leadership of G.I.Akhmetova;
  • “Femida” which under the leadership of A.K.Nurlin

They help and unit students to find solutions of various tasks of research. The results of these activities show in a student conference, in Republican competitions of student scientific works.

Students of the faculty are regular winners of the Republic subject Olympiads, competitions and international conferences held by the leading universities of Kazakhstan.

Students of the faculty are winners of both university and republican and international competitions, in particular, a group of students in the Phoenix team in 2018 took 2nd place in the Republican Olympiad “Zhas Tolkyn” in the nomination “The Best Student Video”. A team of students  – «Mansap – was ranked 3rd  place at the 10th Republican Student Olympiad in Almaty. The first degree was awarded to the «Mansap» team at the XVII Republican Student Olympiad in the Uralsk city.  The student of the specialty “Accounting and Auditing” Mezhanova Anastasia took the II place at the XV Inter-State Scientific and Practical Conference in the city (Bashkortostan, Russia). Students of the department “Finance and Accounting” Medvedeva V.K., Begeeva G.Zh. awarded diplomas for the best student scientific work at the X International Student Scientific Conference. In the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences

A student of the specialty “Jurisprudence” Dartayeva Alina, was awarded with the 1st degree diploma for the best scientific work.

According to the results of the All-Russian Conference, wich  held on 27-29 of March, 2019, on the basis of Orenburg State University, students of the faculty distinguished themselves with scientific achievements and were awarded diplomas of the 1st and 2nd degree:

Diploma of the 1st degree – Daniyar Begimov – 1st year undergraduate awarded for scientific work on the topic “Methods of countering terrorism and extremism in the Republic of Kazakhstan”)

Diploma of the 2nd degree – Raushan Smagulova – student of the U-201 group awarded for scientific work on the theme “The problem of unification of the national legislation of states in the field of countering extremism and terrorism”  and the 1st Degree Diploma for winning the roundtable competition “Actual issues of the practice of enforcement of criminal legislation of the Russian Federation

Diploma of the 3rd degree – Akerke Zhumabek and Ersamat Koblanov – students of the Yu-208 group were awarded for their scientific work on the topic “Legal basis of the migration policy of Kazakhstan”.

The «Coworking zone» has created at the Faculty of Economics and Law. There are rooms such as «NameLab»,  202-«Art room», 203-«Business research center», 204-«Smart office», 205-«Conference hall», 206-«Meeting room” and 207-«Creative room». The «Coworking zone»opens the door to the additional opportunities for integration of science, education, production and business, including, on the principles of «dual education». The main goal of the opening «Coworking zone» is to unite students, undergraduates, university graduates and young professionals who are implementing their own projects or just intending to realise their ideas into reality.

At the Faculty of «Economics and Law» cabinet opened named after the candidate of economic sciences, professor Uketay Serikbaevich Baizhomartov. There are books of the professor, which students can familiarize themselves with. The office is equipped with an interactive whiteboard and is intended for students, undergraduates, young teachers and educational circles of the faculty.

There are also educational and methodical study rooms in the form of a computer laboratory with 1C-accounting software (1C-accounting version for Kazakhstan 8.2). The Laboratory for computerization of accounting provides documentary and technical activities of the Department in the field of educational process and records management.The Department of “Finance and accounting” specially for conducting classes on subjects «Financial analysis», «Corporate Finance» and «Financing and lending investments»  uses the Software product  «Automated system of planning and analysis of the effectiveness of investment projects Project Expert for Windows»   for the development of business plans and analysis of investment projects.   As well as, the department uses Software product such as «Program for assessing the financial condition of the enterprise Audit Expert».

In addition, Aktobe student school of public service   411 – «MANSAP»operatesin the faculty and 419 «NameLab»

Also, training rooms such as 410- «Forensic technical laboratory»,  110-«Courthouse» and «Legal consulting center»  were opened for classes.

Implementation of the principles of the Bologna Convention has caused the need to ensure academic mobility of students. In this case, students of economic and legal specialties are trained in leading foreign universities.

By   academic mobility, the following students were sent to partner universities in the 2017-2018 academic year

At the «S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University»:

  • 3-year student of the specialty “Management” Dauletzhan Azamat Olzhasuly

The university «Narhoz», Almaty were trained:

  • 2nd year student of the specialty “Management” Zhұmabai Maira Ualihanzyzy

  • 3-year student of the specialty “Economics” Құltazina Gүlayim Serikuzy

At the «Eurasian National University named after L.N.Gumilyov»:

  • 3rd year student of the specialty «State and local management» Muzabayeva Asemgul Zhandoskizy.
  • A 3rd year student of the specialty Accounting and Audit Mezhanova Anastasia is studying under the program of academic mobility in the Bashkir State  university. At the moment she is studying under the program of academic mobility at the university in the city of Bydgosh (Poland)

The 3rd year students of the specialty Law – Azhmurat A.  and  Balabekova K. are trained in internal academic mobility in Astana at the Eurasian Humanities Institute

In 2018-2019 academic year students of the specialty “Jurisprudence”  Ismailova A. and Khalelov D. are  studying at Sakarya University in Turkey with external academic mobility

By the program of academic mobility

  • Master of economic sciences, lecturer (Department of «Economics and  Managment») Shakibaev M.K. studied and passed scientific training by the program “Bolashak” at the international school of business in Montreux, Switzerland;
  • Yakudina R.S. lecturer of the Department «Economics  and  Managment»  held a scientific internship at the University of Leiden (Netherlands) by the international program “Bolashak”.

Passed the foreign internship: 

  • Associate Professor of the Department “Economics and management” Tasmaganbetov B.A. in Information System Management Augstskola (Latvia);
  • professor Zhunusov B.A. at Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Xinjiang University of Finance and Economics;
  • Senior lecturer of the Department “Finance and banking” Baishumurova J.J. finished the course of Chinese language and had an internship at Xinjiang Finance and Economics University;
  • Teacher Azhaipova I.Sh. took courses in high school of business at the national Louis University (Poland).

  • Kunurkulzhaeva G.T. Ph.D., Senior Lecturer in 2018 passed an international internship “Strategies and Practices of Modern Education: European Experience”   University of Euroregional Economics. Alcide de Gasperi» (Poland, Warsaw)
  • From 10 to 20 November 2018 in «Karakalpak State University Berdakh» Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Economics and Management Department Ataniyazov Zh, within the framework of the academic mobility program, lectured on the subject “Analysis of Economic Activity” for 3-year students of the specialty “Economics” in Nukus

Within the framework of the program of international academic mobility, Professor Tolymbek Almaz – from the University of Canada – for students of 5B050600 / 6M050600-Economics gave lectures in English on the following disciplines: “Financial Markets”, “Strategic Management and leadership”, for the faculty of the university held an international seminar on the topic “Financial Literacy”.

Within the framework of the program of international academic mobility, the head of the department of «Samara University» (RF), doctor of economics, professor Tyapukhin Alexey Petrovich was invited to the department of Economics and Management of the Faculty of Economics and Law.

Within 2 weeks from April 16 to April 28, 201, Professor Tyapukhin A.P. led classes in the disciplines of “Investment Management”, “Innovation Management” for students of the specialty 5B050600 “Economics” and 5B050700 “Management”. He also advised undergraduates on research topics.

An unscheduled meeting of the department was held with the invitation of Professor Tyapukhin A.P., as well as student activist groups, at which they exchanged views on the results of the training sessions, discussed future plans for the organization of double-diploma education, further development of academic mobility programs, cooperation in joint scientific

A.P. Tyapukhin took part in the regional scientific seminar organized by the department “The main directions of regional industry development and crisis management in the fourth industrial revolution.”

At the faculty on April 26, 2018, E.I. Maksimenko, an associate professor of the «Theory of State, Law and Constitutional Law Department» of the «Orenburg State University», was invited to give lectures on the legal specialty.

In February 2019, the senior lecturer of the Department of «Economics and Management» M.A. Tleubergenova and  мKurmanalina A.A. as part of academic mobility, they held their classes at the Caspian State University of Technology and Engineering named after Sh. Yesenova (Aktau city).

According to the approved plan on attracting foreign specialists from April 04 to April 30, 2019, a foreign scientist, Professor Ganchev Gancho Todorov lectured at the Department of Economics and Management for students of the Faculty of Economics and Law. In his lectures, the scientist acquainted students with questions in the field of international finance.

Professor Ganchev graduated from Moscow State Institute of International Relations. For a long time he worked at the Institute of International Relations of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. He also graduated from the European University Center in Nancy, France. He specialized in the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. Professor Ganchev was Deputy Minister of Economic Development, Chairman of the Agency for Economic Programming and Development, served as Advisor to the Prime Minister for Economic Affairs.

The best methodical project – 2020

23.01.2020 Тhe final stage of the contest «Methodical Projects – 2020» took place at Zhubanov University. 11 projects of university teachers participated in the competition.

The project participants introduced their colleagues to the methods which they use in their disciplines, and shared their experiences. Participants defended their project «The using of press conference lecture and the briefing method in dual education» by submitting presentations.

According to the results of the competition, the senior teachers of the Department of Economics and Management Ibrasheva Almagul and Shynar Nurgalieva were awarded the III -place.

The results of  Sport  competition of the 2019-2020 year were summed up  among the faculty and staff of the  our   university

According to the results of the competition, the faculty took the ІІ- place in Shooting and the ІІІ – place in Darts.