To optimize the learning process, multimedia tools are used: video projectors and interactive whiteboards for the qualitative development of creative activity and for visual training, which help the teacher and the students to effectively interact.

In the ARSU named after K.Zhubanova constantly works on updating and expansion of a computer park, office equipment, and also software products according to modern technologies.

The main factor in the development and use of new innovative technologies is the availability of modern computer equipment, network equipment to create a single information and educational environment, as well as modern software.

To conduct the educational process of specialties: 5В050800 “Accounting and Audit”, 5В050900 “Finance” there are 11 special rooms (Automation of Accounting, Audit, Accounting, Banking, Tax, Finance and etc.), 2 laboratories (tax disciplines, stock market), 5 computer classes equipped with new generation computers in the amount of 50 pieces working on the following programs MS-Office, Project Expert for WINDOWS, Audit Expert 4.

To conduct classes at the department there are licensing agreements for the use of the educational version of software products for computers:

  1. Software product “Automated system for planning and analyzing the effectiveness of investment projects Project Expert for WINDOWS”. Registration number 21406N. A universally recognized tool for developing business plans and analyzing investment projects.
  2. Software product “Program for assessing the financial condition of an enterprise Audit Expert 4”. Registration number 21407N. A configurable solution for analyzing the financial condition of an enterprise and assessing the borrower’s creditworthiness.

In addition, specialized cabinets with installed licensed software “1C: ENTERPRISE 8,2” and system tax reporting “SONO RK” are used. Teachers conducting classes in the specialties: “Accounting and Audit”, “Finance” widely used didactic materials, visual aids: tables, maps, schemes.

Trainees have access to personalized resources: an electronic journal, summary evaluations, messaging, ESMD, online testing, transcript, FTI.

In the educational building is connected free Internet for students through a wireless network Wi-Fi.

The library fund is constantly replenished with textbooks, teaching aids and the development of the faculty of ARSU named after K. Zhubanov.

The book fund of the library of the faculty consists of various types of classical and modern domestic and foreign documents (scientific, basic educational, fiction, periodicals, etc.), audiovisual and electronic materials and other literature.

For the purpose of carrying out research of the teaching staff and students, and to strengthen the integration of science into the educational process, an international scientific and practical conference is held annually at the university’s base, the publication of the results of which is reflected in the proceedings of the conference proceedings.

In the Faculty of Economics and Law, as an organizational structure of the university, comfortable conditions for training and work have been created. In particular, the infrastructure for the implementation of the educational process is constantly being improved. Based on the results of the monitoring, it becomes clear how satisfied the students, teachers, employees and other interested persons have with the available infrastructure throughout the university.

In the educational building No. 5, the Faculty of Economics and Law, there is a library with one reading room with 100 seats, including an electronic reading room, in which students work with electronic catalogs, electronic textbooks, an assembly hall with 180 seats.

The department uses office number 411 “Mansap – Student School of Civil Service” and number 419 marketing office “NameLab”.

The educational building provides access to structured, organized information on the disciplines of the specialty through an electronic library, which includes electronic textbooks, electronic copies of lectures by faculty, teaching and methodological complexes in all disciplines of mandatory and elective courses of programs, electronic educational presentations and training programs, electronic copies of textbooks and monographs, electronic versions of dictionaries, reference books, articles from scientific periodicals published collection of materials of scientific and practical conferences.

Since 2010, access to the Republican Intercollegiate Electronic Library (RMEB) is provided, which integrates the electronic educational and scientific resources of the universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Students and undergraduates can use the electronic educational resources of other universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the website of the RMEB: http://www.rmeb.kz

The University has created the educational information environment “Univer”, which includes technological support for students and teaching staff through:

  1. a training Web portal for distance learning on the Internet,
  2. educational electronic content for the specialty of DOT.

The educational building also has an information kiosk for trainees, in which you can view the schedule of classes, exams and educational achievements. Free access of teachers and students to the Internet is provided in specialized computer rooms and the department. The same possibility exists for students living in the hostels of the university. A fiber-optic communication line between the buildings was conducted. The speed of the Internet is 160 Mb / s without traffic.