The Accreditation Council of the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Ranking of the Republic of Kazakhstan has accredited for 5 years educational programs in the following areas:

Bachelor’s degree:

  • 5В050800 – Accounting and Auditing
  • 5В050900 – Finance

Scientific and pedagogical cooperation develops in several areas: participation in international scientific projects and programs, joint publications, the invitation of scientists to read courses in academic mobility, participation in conferences and professional development. To date, there are close scientific ties with many universities in Kazakhstan, CIS countries and is the organizer of a number of theoretical and practical conferences.

Within the framework of internal academic mobility, students of the specialty 5В050800 Accounting and audit Shegenbaeva Zh., Seitaliyeva D., Abishkenova A. during one academic term were trained at the Narkhoz University (Almaty). Student of the specialty 5В050900 Finance Nesipbaeva S. during one academic semester she studied at the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay.

A student of the third year of the specialty 5B050900 Finance Kuyshenova Anara visited the international summer school organized by the Orenburg State University.

In the academic year 2017-2018 the student of the specialty 5В050900 Finance Ordin Karina is trained in the framework of external academic mobility in the Baltic International Academy.

Student science is constantly on the lookout for the faculty. The scientific work of students is considered as one of the forms of revealing the potential reserve of the future staff of the department, the main part of the team is made by graduates of the university. By the forces of students and their leaders, scientific circles have been formed and are actively operating. They unite students for solving various problems of a research character. The results of this activity result in student conferences, participation in republican competitions of student scientific works.

The students of the faculty are permanent prize-winners of republican subject Olympiads, competitions and international conferences held by the leading universities of Kazakhstan. For example, students of the specialty “Finance” took an active part in the II International Scientific and Practical Conference “Financial and Economic Policy of Ukraine in the Context of Globalization”, which was held in Ukraine. All the reports were published in the materials of the II International Scientific and Practical Conference “Financial and Economic Policy of Ukraine in the Context of Globalization”.

Also, the teaching staff of the department conducts scientific guidance when writing students scientific articles for participation in scientific and practical conferences and collections of scientific articles. So, for example, in the city of Kursk, the associate professor of the department Makasheva Zh.Zh. took part together with students in the conference “The Future of Science-2016”.

In 2016, a team of students of the specialty “Accounting and Audit” in the Republican subject Olympiad, held on the basis of the University “Narhoz” took 3rd place (supervisor, Ph.D., associate professor Imanbaeva Z.O.). The team of students of the specialty “Finance” in the Republican subject Olympiad, held on the basis of the “Narkhoz” University, took the third place (supervisor, Ph.D., senior lecturer Akhmetov GI).

In 2016 students of the specialty “Accounting and Audit” Nurgali T.E.Beskalieva AB led by Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Imanbaeva Z.O. took part in the VIII International student electronic scientific conference, where they received a diploma “For the best student scientific work” in Moscow.

In 2017 the team “Syndicate” of the specialty “Finance” of the Faculty of Economics and Law of the ARSU named after K. Zhubanov took the prize-winning II place in the IX Republican student’s subject Olympiad, held at the Narkhoz University, Almaty. And also a member of the team Alexander Reznik was awarded a diploma in the nomination “Best financier”.

The faculty of the department has a high rating on publications in scientific journals, publications on international and national scientific conferences, textbooks and textbooks.

As a result of the long-term work of the faculty, more than 30 textbooks and teaching aids have been published and published in all universities of the country. Among them are textbooks: “Basics of a Market Economy”, “Theoretical Economics”, “General Economic Theory”, “History of Economic Thought Studies”, “General Economic Theory”, “Macroeconomics” and others.

Results of student’s research work of specialties “State and local administration” and “Marketing”.

Participants Carrying out form Time and venue Results
1 Otarbay Aliaskar Baimahanuly, Yessenzholova Akzerip Samalbekkyzy, Orynbayeva Nazgul Adilhankyzy, Aganasov Ruslan Aghashuly, Murzabekova Asemgul ІІ place in the II stage of the Republican student subject Olympiad in the specialty “MANSAP” Almaty, KazNU, March 28-30 2018. 3rd place
2 Aitova Akbota, Tursngaliyeva Bakhytgul, Le mire II Republican student subject Olympiad among universities in the specialty “Marketing” “MarkeTrend” Narhoz 26.04.2018g Almaty Grade III Diploma
3 Seilkhan Zh., Kuantaeva G., Myrzazhanova A. Subject Olympiad among university students at 5V051100 – Marketing ARSU K.Zhubanova Aktobe. 19.04.2018 (I degree diploma), (II degree diploma), (III degree diploma)
4 Lim Mira, Busovtsova Oksana, Muldakulov Zhaksylyk, Sarsenbayeva Ayazhan, Kuanyshbai Akerke XVII Republican Olympiad in Economic Specialties Uralsk, 2018 (I degree diploma) team “Mansap”

The students of the specialty “Marketing” Lim Meira and Orynbasar Alina participated in the debates and returned from the city of Uralsk in 2018 with top places.

The teaching staff is always focused on student science. The the Faculty of Economics and Law are actively engaged in research work with students and undergraduates. The research work of students and undergraduates is being introduced into the educational process in the form of creative tasks in order to develop the skills of independent and research work, as well as critical thinking skills in scientific articles, texts, reports, interviews and documents.

The teachers of the department actively use the methods of creative learning as role-playing and business games, group and independent educational projects. The activities of all academics and problem groups are aimed at improving the focus of research teams and graduate students in their graduation projects. Members of scientific circles and problem groups actively participate in scientific conferences, competitions, organize meetings with representatives of city institutions. All activities of the circles are reflected in the relevant minutes of the meetings and stored in the departments.

There are 2 scientific circles at the department:

  • “Researcher – marketing specialist” – the head of the economic candidate Z.K. Basshieva
  • “Leader”, scientific advisor: master D.E. Ospanov;

Teachers encourage students to solve various scientific issues. The results of this event will be reflected in student conferences and republican competitions of student research papers. Among the students are winners of republican subject olympiads, contests and international conferences.

The student team of the Career School took the 3rd place at the 10th Republican Student Olympiad in Almaty. The Career team was awarded at the XVII Republican Student Olympiad in Uralsk.