The Department of State and Law in the faculty of Theory and History was opened by order of the Rector of the Aktobe State University named after K. Zhubanov in 1st of September 1997.

In the newly opened law faculty, which was opened by order of the Rector of the University formed three chairs in 1st of September 2001such as “Civil and criminal law” which was headed by the Shayakhmetova Zh.B., “Customs business” which was headed by the Sarsenov A.S. and the department “Theory of State and Law” which was headed by Alimpieva T.G. Also, the department of  the “Civil Law Disciplines” and “Criminal Law Disciplines” were formed by the order of the rector of the University in 2003.

The department of the “Civil Law Disciplines” was headed by the several members of teaching staff in different years:

  • 2003-2004 – Dosmukhambetova Ardak Amantaevna.
  • 2004-2006 – the candidate of jurisprudence, associate Professor Smagulova A.S.
  • 2006-2009 – the candidate of jurisprudence, associate Professor Tleubaeva Janna Orynbasarovna.
  • 2009-2011 – the candidate of jurisprudence, associate Professor Telibekova Irina Mendigereevna.
  • 2011-2012 – the candidate of jurisprudence, associate Professor Ostapenko Inna Genadievna.
  • 2012-2015 – the candidate of jurisprudence, associate Professor Telibekova Irina Mendigereevna.

The department of the “Civil and criminal law” in different years was headed by:

  • 2003-2004 – the candidate of jurisprudence, associate Professor Shayakhmetova Zhanna Bekbolovna,
  • 2004-2005 – senior lecturer Tulebayev Askar Nurlybekovich,
  • 2005-2006 – senior lecturer Dairova Ainagul Abatovna,
  • 2006-2012. – the candidate of jurisprudence, senior lecturer Nurlan Akylbek Kylyshniyazovich.
  • 2012-2015.- the candidate of jurisprudence, associate Professor Kulushev Seytkali Maksutovich.

The Department of criminal-legal and civil-legal disciplines were combined in 2015, due to transformed the Department of “Legal disciplines” which head of the Department is candidate of jurisprudence Ismailova Bakytgul Shaimerdenovna.

The Department of theory of state and law in different years was headed by:

  • 1997-2001 – Sarsenov Aldar Sarsenovich, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor;
  • 2001-2002 – Tlepina Sholpan Valerievna, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor;
  • 2002-2011 – Alimpieva Tatiana Gennadievna, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor.
  • 2011-2014 – Korykbayev Serikgali Ilyasovich, Candidate of Legal Sciences.
  • 2014-2015 – Nurlin Akylbek Kylyshniyazovich, Candidate of Legal Sciences.
  • 2015-2016. – Alimpieva Tatyana Gennadievna, associate professor, candidate of historical sciences.

The Department of State and Legal Disciplines was established in 2015.
The Department of “Legal Disciplines” and “State Legal Disciplines” were combined in 2017, due to transformed the Department of “Jurisprudence” which head of the Department is candidate of jurisprudence Nurlin Akylbek Kylyshniyazovich.

The department carries out training of specialists in the specialty “5В030100 – Jurisprudence”, where graduates are received an academic degree “Bachelor of Law”.

The period of study for a specialty is:

  • for persons with secondary general education – 4 years;
  • for persons with secondary vocational education in the field of jurisprudence – 3 years;
  • for people with higher non-legal education – 2 years.

The department conducts classes in compulsory and special disciplines for full-time and part-time students studying in the specialties “Jurisprudence”.

The educational program in the university is carried out by credit technology which in accordance with the standards approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan. The credit system uses all educational organizations around the world because it is aimed at revealing the student as an individual. The students of the faculty study disciplines such as “Theory of State and Law”, “Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, “Civil Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, “Civil Procedural Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, “Criminal Procedural Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, “Criminalistics”. They have classes as in the form of lectures, practical and laboratory exercises.

It is clear that the curricula and programs, lecture and practical classes are an activity which is aimed at increasing the level of knowledge. In this case all department of the faculty are conducted lessons using interactive methods such as business game, debates, round tables and scientific seminars. There are training laboratories such as office of criminalistics, a training ground, a training court room, a legal consulting center in the department.

The main aim of the department is the preparation of highly professional specialists who have a responsible attitude to business and official duty, who possess modern methods of a systematic approach to understanding social and state-legal reality, who have the skills to understanding scientific information and its practical application. Additionally, capability of creative approaching to the business and solving serious problems is main quality specialists in this subject. In this case all departments of the faculty attempt to teach students to skills which is listed above.

The strategy of the department: training of qualified specialists in demand on the labor market in the Republic of Kazakhstan; increase of the scientific potential of the department; improving the quality of training students who are future lawyers; improvement of the methods of work of the department which is aimed specialization, individualization of training, preparation for transition to the credit system of education Currently, the Department of Jurisprudence is a part of the Faculty of Economics and Law, head of the department is the candidate of jurisprudence, senior teacher Nurlin Akylbek Kylyshniyazovich since 2016.

In the 2021-2022 academic year, new educational programs appeared at the Department of Jurisprudence:

1.BACHELOR’S DEGREE 6B04202 – Law and Law Enforcement

DEGREE AWARDED: Bachelor  of  Law

2.BACHELOR 6B04201 –Law and Business

DEGREE AWARDED: Bachelor of Business and Law.