The mission of the department is to form an advanced research, educational and methodological center in the fields of chemical sciences.
Educational Activities
The faculty of the department develops and annually updates educational and methodological documents for the quality training of specialists: educational and methodological complexes for disciplines, lectures and practical methodological guidelines, and methodological manuals.
Research Areas at the Department of "Chemistry and Chemical Technology":
Synthesis of nanomaterials from polyoxometalates of vanadium and molybdenum; Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor G.L. Esnazarova.
Methodology of level-based learning in chemistry through a modular system; Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor B.B. Dosanova.
Ways to improve natural science education; Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor B.S. Imangalieva.
Current issues in teaching chemistry; Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor K.K. Almyratova.
Research and development of technologies for phosphorus production and organo-mineral fertilizers; Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor I.N. Nurlybaev.
Extraction of practically important substances from sheep wool fats; Master of Oil Chemistry, Instructor S.D. Duzelbaeva.
Ecological aspects of organic chemistry; Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Instructor A.E. Trenova.
Publications of the Department's Researchers
Researchers from the department publish the results of their scientific research in peer-reviewed journals with an impact factor:
Almyratova K.K. "The Goals of a Chemistry Lecture in the Modern Educational Process," Bulletin of ARG University, 2021.
Almyratova K.K. "The Right Choice of Pedagogical Technology — The Foundation of an Effective Learning Process," Chemistry in School, 2022.
Akmetova Z.A. "Production of the Natural Polymer Chitosan and Evaluation of Its Properties for Everyday Use," Bulletin of ARG University, 2023.
Akmetova Z.A., Moldasheva E.B., Duzelbaeva S.D. "Technology for the Production of Tablet Kurta with Vitamin C Addition," Conference: "Science and Education in the Modern World: Challenges of the 21st Century," 2023.
"Effectiveness of Using Audiovisual Teaching Aids in Chemistry Lessons," Conference: XIX International Scientific Conference for Young Scientists, PhD Candidates, Master's Students, and Undergraduates "Youth, Science, and Innovations," 2023.
"Features of the Content of an Elective Course on Applied Problems of Chemistry," Conference: XIX International Scientific Conference for Young Scientists, PhD Candidates, Master's Students, and Undergraduates "Youth, Science, and Innovations," 2023.
Scientists of the Department publish the results of their scientific research in journals recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (KKSON), (Scopus):
S.D. Duzelbaeva Development of the electrocoagulation and electrodialysis technologies for the quantitative recovery of lanolin, 2022
S.D. Duzelbaeva Extraction of wool fat from wool washing waters, production of lanolin and its deep processing, 2022
• B.S. Imangalieva*, B. Dosanova, G. Rakhmetova, A.K. Apendina, I.N. Nurlybaev Features and chemical properties of anthocyanins, 202
• B.S. Imangalieva, B. Torsykbayeva, G. Rakhmetova, T. Nurdauletova, B. Dosanova Effective Technology Of Teaching "Salts Hydrolysis" In Chemistry
B. Imangalieva Ecologization of the Course of Organic Chemistry, Forming Ecological Knowledge and Education Higher Education for the Future, 2023
N.Ubaidulaeva, K. Meiramkulova, A. Kydyrbekova, D. Devrishov, A.Tuyakbayeva, S. Zhangazin, R. Ualiyeva, V. Kolpakova, Y. Yeremeyeva, T. Mkilima Comparative Analysis of Natural and Synthetic Zeolite Filter Performance in the Purification of Groundwater Water, 2023
B. Imangalieva, B. Dossanova, G. Rakhmetova,A. Apendina, I. Nurlybaev Features and chemical properties of anthocyanins Bulletin of NAS RK, 2023.
B. Imangalieva, G.Rakhmetova, B.Dosanova, R.Zhanalieva Technology Of Manufacturing Soap From Natural Substances In Domestic Conditions, 2023
J.T.Almanov, E.B. Moldasheva Sustainable gastronomy: Realizing environmental benefits through plantbased proteins and smart packaging innovation, 2024
B. Imangalieva, I.Nurlybaev, G. Beketova, G. Zhaumitova, Sh. Karassayeva Similarity of periods and periodicity in groups of periodic tables of chemical elements: Periodic law South African Journal of Chemistry,2024
Literature published by scientists of the department:
• Imangalieva B. S. "Theoretical foundations of inorganic chemistry".188 p. 2021.
• Imangalieva B. S. "Teaching the concepts of Biogeochemical ecology", 195 P. 2021.
• Imangalieva B. S. "Analytical chemistry" 376 p. 2021.
Volobueva N.A. Duzelbaeva S. D., Dosmurzina E. B. "Organic Chemistry", 2022.
Apendina A. K. Volobueva N. A. Dosmurzina E. B. "Chemistry of functional derivatives of organic molecules", 224 p. 2022.
• Imangalieva B. S. "Methods of conducting chemical experiments at school", 2022.
Dosmurzina E. B. "Chemistry of functional derivatives of organic molecules""252 p. 2022.
Imangalieva B. S. "Methods of conducting chemical experiments at school", 2022.
Volobueva N.A., Duzelbaeva S. D., Dosmurzina E. B. "Organic Chemistry", 2022.
Students who participated in the internal academic mobility program of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the 2021-2022 academic year:
Turarova A. – Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University (EP 6B05302 - Chemistry);
Berkalieva K. – Zhansugurov West Kazakhstan Agrarian Technical University (ZKATU) (EP 6B07206 – Technology of food products).
Students Participating in the External International Academic Mobility Program for the 2021-2022 Academic Year:
Amaniyazova U. – University of Genoa, Italy (EP 6B01504 – Chemistry);
Omarova Zh. – Slovak University of Technology, Slovakia (EP 7M07102 – Chemical Technology of Organic Substances).
Students Participating in the Internal Academic Mobility Program of Kazakhstan for the 2022-2023 Academic Year:
Adilov Aslan – Almaty Technological University (EP 6B07206 – Technology of food products);
Qanalbekova Uldana – Almaty Technological University (EP 6B07206 – Technology of food products);
Kartanova Gulasem – Almaty Technological University (EP 6B07206 – Technology of food products);
Zhaksylykova Zhanely – Almaty Technological University (EP 6B07206 – Technology of food products).
Students Participating in the External International Academic Mobility Program for the 2022-2023 Academic Year:
Abat Aizhan – Kastamonu University, Turkey (EP 7M01504 – Chemistry);
Murat Fauziya – Kastamonu University, Turkey (EP 6B01504 – Chemistry);
Shynbolatova Aruzhan – Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Turkey (EP 6B07206 – Technology of food products);
Mukhtarova Zhamilya – University of Economics in Bydgoszcz, Poland (EP 6B07206 – Technology of food products);
Kobegen Tamirlan – University of Economics in Bydgoszcz, Poland (EP 6B07206 – Technology of food products);
Abuov Bekzatkhan – Pamukkale University, Turkey (EP 7M07102 – Chemical Technology of Organic Substances).
Students Participating in the Internal Academic Mobility Program of Kazakhstan for the 2023-2024 Academic Year:
Bozghulan Mereigul – Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University (EP 6B05302 – Chemistry);
Amanova Gulim – Almaty Technological University (EP 6B07206 – Technology of food products);
Erdoskyzy Ainara – Almaty Technological University (EP 6B07206 – Technology of food products);
Kazbekova Sabina – Almaty Technological University (EP 6B07206 – Technology of food products);
Qosalova Akjunis – Almaty Technological University (EP 6B07206 –Technology of food products);
Yrzabaykyzy Nurai – Almaty Technological University (EP 6B07206 – Technology of food products);
Bekmaghammet Albina – Almaty Technological University (EP 6B07206 - Technology of food products);
Khairosh Anel – Almaty Technological University (EP 6B07206 – Technology of food products);
Askeroova Ayagoz – Almaty Technological University (EP 6B07206 –Technology of food products);
Quttybay Zhanerke – Almaty Technological University (EP 6B07206 –Technology of food products);
Jasenova Asel – Almaty Technological University (EP 6B07206 – Technology of food products).
Students Participating in the External International Academic Mobility Program for the 2023-2024 Academic Year:
Serikbaeva Akgul – Hacettepe University, Turkey (EP 6B01504 – Chemistry);
Umarbekova Dilfuza – Ankara Haci Bayram Veli University, Turkey (EP 6B01504 – Chemistry);
Amaniyazova Uldanay – University of Genoa, Italy (EP 6B01504 – Chemistry);
Murat Fauziya – Pamukkale University, Turkey (EP 6B01504 – Chemistry);
Bimaganbetova Asemay – Kastamonu University, Turkey (EP 6B01504 – Chemistry).
Students Participating in the Internal Academic Mobility Program of Kazakhstan for the 2024-2025 Academic Year:
Nurzhanov Roland – Almaty Technological University (EP 6B07206 – Technology of food products);
Orynbek Assem – Almaty Technological University (EP 6B07206 – Technology of food products).
Students Participating in the External International Academic Mobility Program for the 2024-2025 Academic Year:
Amangali Gulbakyt Yergalikyzy – Pomeranian Academy, Poland (EP 6B01504 – Chemistry).
A.Shynbolatova ЕP 6B07206- Technology of food products. Canakkale University Onsekiz March, Republic of Turkey, 2022-2023 academic year.
A.Shynbolatova, Canakkale University Onsekiz March, Republic of Turkey ЕP 6B07206- Technology of food products, 2022-2023 academic year.
A.Abat University of Kastamonu, Republic of Turkey , ЕP 7M01504-Chemistry, F.Murat – Pamukkale University, Republic of Turkey, ЕP 6B01504-Chemistry, 2023-2024 academic year.
G. Amanova , A. Erdosovna, A. Kosalova, N. Yrzabayevna, A. Bekmagambet, A. Khayrosh, A. Askerova, Zh.Kuttybai, A. Jasenova, S. Kazbekova Almaty Technological University, EP 6B07206-Technology of food products, 2023-2024 academic year.
D.Umarbekova, ЕP 6B01504-Chemistry Ankara Haji Bayram Veli University, A.Serikbayeva, Hacettepe University, ЕP 6B01504-Chemistry, Republic of Turkey, 2023-2024 academic year.
R. Nurzhanov, A. Orynbek, Almaty Technological University, ЕP 6B07206- Technology of food products, 2024-2025 academic year.
Involvement of Foreign Scholars in the Educational Process and Work of Faculty on Internal and External Academic Mobility
Internal Academic Mobility of the Faculty in the 2020-2021 Academic Year.
B.S. Imangalieva, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor – Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University;
B.B. Dosanova, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor – Atyrau State University named after H. Dosmukhamedov.
Academic mobility of foreign and faculty of higher education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, conducted at the faculty in the 2020-2021 academic year:
G.B. Tulemisova, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Professor – Atyrau University named after H. Dosmukhamedov.
A.T. Baykenzheeva, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor – Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University.
Internal Academic Mobility of the Faculty in the 2021-2022 Academic Year:
S.D. Duzelbaeva, Senior Lecturer – Caspian University of Technology and Engineering named after Sh. Yesenov;
A.A. Agisheva, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor – Caspian University of Technology and Engineering named after Sh. Yesenov;
A.E. Trenova, Lecturer – Caspian University of Technology and Engineering named after Sh. Yesenov;
I.S. Tolenisova, Lecturer – Caspian University of Technology and Engineering named after Sh. Yesenov;
S.M. Kogisov, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor – Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University.
Academic Mobility of Foreign Faculty at the Faculty in the 2022-2023 Academic Year:
V.V. Khutoyansky, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Professor – University of Reading, United Kingdom.
External Academic Mobility of the Faculty in the 2023-2024 Academic Year:
B.S. Imangalieva, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor – Berdak Karakalpak State University, Republic of Uzbekistan.
Foreign faculty for the 2023-2024 academic year under the academic mobility program:
V.V. Khutoyansky, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Professor – University of Reading, United Kingdom.
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor В.B. Dosanova – Atyrau State University named after H. Dosmukhamedov.2020-2021 academic year.
А Master's degree holder and lecturer А.E. Trenova, - Caspian University of Technology and Engineering named after Sh. Yesenov , 2021-2022 academic year.
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor B.S. Imangalieva, Berdak Karakalpak State University, Republic of Uzbekistan, 2023-2024 academic year.
Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Professor V.V. Khutoyansky, University of Reading, United Kingdom, 2022-2023, 2023-2024 учебные годы academic year.
Student Research Clubs
Active work is underway in the student research clubs of the department. The result of the clubs' activities is the active participation of students in scientific conferences, forums, seminars, student Olympiads, and Start-Up competitions.
Circles: "The space of healthy nutrition" - heads Moldasheva E. B., Nasyr A. A. Sembigalieva S. R. Maratova K. B.
"The world of chemical calculations" - heads Dosanova B. B., Akhmetova J. A., Duzelbaeva S. D. "Chemist researcher" - heads Dosanova B. B., Akhmetova J. A., Duzelbaeva S. D. Almuratova K. K.
Scientific circle "Young gourmets", ЕP 6B06207-Technology of food pruducts, Head: N.A. Zhakenova, 2021.
Scientific circle "Organization and conduct of scientific and pedagogical research in chemistry", head: Karaseva S. A., Aikenova N.E.2021.
According to EP 6B06207- Technology of food products, the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technology in the 2023-2024 academic year, a scientific circle of students "the space of healthy nutrition" was held. The purpose of the scientific circle is to increase students' interest in their chosen specialty, to correlate theory with practice.
Scientific circle "Healthy food space", Head: E. B. Muldasheva, 2022.
Scientific circle "Healthy food space". Heads: Muldasheva E. B., Nasyr A. A. Sembigalieva S. R. Muratova K. B., 2023
In the scientific circle "Chemist-researcher" EP 6B05302-Chemistry , a method of extraction of essential oil from the root of a medicinal plant. Heads: Duzelbaeva S. D. Akhmetova J. A., Dosanova B. B., 2023.
Scientific circle "Healthy food space". Heads: Muldasheva E. B., Nasyr A. A. Sembigalieva S. R. Muratova K. B., 2024
Advanced training courses
In 2024, advanced training courses were held at the department:
From April 2 to April 30, on the basis of the al-Farabi Kazakh National University, associate Professor, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Imangalieva B.S. and masters, teachers Akhmetov Zh.A. and Tolesinova I.S. took the course "Effective methods of teaching inorganic and analytical chemistry".
From May 2 to May 21 this year, K. Aikenova N.E. and master's teachers Trenova A.E. and Karasaeva S.A. took the course "Chemical Ecology".
From May 20 to 31, on the basis of Almaty Technological University, associate professors, candidates of Chemical Sciences Apendina A.K. and Almanov Zh.T. and master teachers Nasyr A.A. and Kozhabai D.A. took the course "Designing meat industry enterprises". From April 22 to May 10, 2024, Nurdauletova T.N. took the course "Microbiology of milk and dairy products, methods of organizing industrial microbiological control", and Moldasheva E.B. and Maratova K.B. — the course "Technology of confectionery production". From February 26 to March 1, Master-teacher T.N. Nurdauletova took a KLI course organized by Nazarbayev University and the Finnish Scientific and Applied University of Hame — "subject-language integrated learning: training programs for university staff in the field of natural sciences using the KLI method."In 2024, she completed a 72-hour Stem from Purdue University course at Purdue University (USA).