History of the Faculty of Natural Sciences
The Faculty of Natural Sciences was founded in 1950 as the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Geography as part of the N. Baiganin Pedagogical Institute. In 1958, it ceased to exist after the closure of the institute. Later, in February 1978, the Faculty of Natural Sciences was re-established at Aktobe State University named after K.Zhubanov. The first graduates of the faculty graduated in 1983, among them were 43 teachers of chemistry and biology, 16 of them received a diploma with honors.
In 1982, the Department of Chemistry and Biology appeared as part of the Faculty of Natural Sciences. A.R.Sadykov became the first dean. At the beginning of its existence, the faculty was headed by: M.D.Dryamova, associate professor B.G.Podlibner, associate professor A.M.Sarsenov, associate professor E.G.Urazaev, professor S.A.Aipeisova and senior lecturer S.M.Brudnaya.
Then Maria Dmitrievna Dryamova, a graduate of the Leningrad Agricultural Institute (Faculty of Plant Protection), the Orenburg Agricultural Institute and a graduate student of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, was appointed head of the faculty.
The Faculty of Natural Sciences maintained scientific relations with scientific research institutions of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the Kazakh SSR Academy of Sciences, the USSR Academy of Sciences and higher educational institutions of the Republic. Candidate of Biological Sciences O.H. Abdrakhmanov, together with the staff of the Institute of Zoology of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, conducted experiments on the entomopathogenic fungus and fish Aplocheilus, listed in the Red Book of the USSR and the Kazakh SSR.
Teachers such as A.R. Sadykov, A.T. Saginaev, E.G. Orazaev, S.I. Aipeisova conducted scientific research on environmental problems of the Aktobe region, namely, they were looking for ways to purify water from chromium, boron, harmful substances, etc. Under the guidance of associate Professor S.A.Aipeisova, scientific research was conducted to study the flora of the Aktobe region.
Since 1990, departments with the Kazakh language of instruction have been opened. In 1995-2000, the specialties "chemistry-biology" and "biology-geography" were opened. In 2004, the training of specialties in one area was started under the credit system.
Since the establishment of the faculty in different years (during the period of separation and reunification of the university), the faculty has been led by qualified scientists and teachers in the position of dean:
1978-1982 - Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor A.R. Sadykov;
1982-1991 - Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor M.D.Dryamova;
1991-2001 - Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor E.G.Urazaev;
2001-2004 - Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor A.T.Saginaev;
2004-2008 - Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor G.L.Esnazarova;
2004-2007 - Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor A.T. Kazkeev;
2007-2010 - Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor A.M.Temirova;
2008-2013 - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor A.S.Mambetalin;
2013 September - 2013 November - Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor E.H.Mendybaev;
2013-2014 - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor T.A.Botagariev;
2014-2015 - Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor G.L.Esnazarova;
2015-2016 - Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor Z.B.Sultanamuratova;
2016-2017 - Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor A.A.Bazargalieva;
2017-2022 - PhD, Associate Professor M.J.Makhambetov;
2022-2024 - Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor A.K.Apendina;
Since September 2024, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor G.B. Amanova has been appointed Dean of the Faculty.
The Faculty of Natural Sciences is currently comprised of three departments.
• Ecology
• Biology
• Chemistry
The department includes the following educational programs:
Bachelor's degree programs:
• 6B05201 — ECOLOGY
• 6B07104 — ECOENERGY
• 6B01505 – BIOLOGY
• 6B01533– IP BIOLOGY
• 6B05101 — BIOLOGY
• 6B01504 — CHEMISTRY
• 6B01514 — IP CHEMISTRY
• 6B05302 — CHEMISTRY
Master's Degree educational programs:
• 7M05201 – ECOLOGY
• 7M01505 — BIOLOGY
• 7M05101 — BIOLOGY
• 7M01504 — CHEMISTRY
Graduates of these programs receive the following academic degrees: "Bachelor of Education", "Bachelor of Natural Sciences", "Bachelor of Engineering and Technology", "Master of Pedagogical Sciences", "Master of Natural Sciences".
In the 1986-1987 academic year, in addition to the specialty "Chemistry", students studied in the specialty "Ecology".
In the 1995-1996 academic year, the Department of Ecology and Geography prepared the specialty "Ecology". In 2002, the specialty with a five-year period of study was changed to specialty 010940 - "Ecology and Environmental Management", and in 2004 it was reorganized into the Department of Ecology and Biology.
1994 - 2006. during this period, the post of head of the department was held by Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Sadykov Alexander Rakhmidinovich.
On November 1, 2007, by order of the rector of the University, Professor K.K. Kenzhebaev, the Department of Ecology and Biology was divided, and the Department of Ecology began to operate as a separate department.
Heads of the Department of Ecology:
2006-2013 - Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor E.H.Mendybaev;
2013-2017, 2019-2022 - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor G.A.Isengalieva;
2017-2019 - Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor G.E. Nurmukhanova;
Since September 2022, the master's degree, teacher A.A.Dauletyarov, has been in charge.
Professors who have made a great contribution to the development of the Department of Ecology: A.M.Sarsenov, A.R.Sadykov, A.N.Teleuov, E.H.Mendybaev, O.M.Turgenova, K.I.Islamova, G.E.Nurmukhanova, S.M.Bazarbayeva, M.J.Makhambetov, G.A. Isengalieva, Kartova M.A., Kalieva A.Sh. and others.
The history of the Department of Biology begins with the Department of Chemistry and Biology, which was established in 1978. Since 1979, it has been renamed the Department of Biology. From year to year, as the institute grew, the volume of work of the departments expanded, their names changed depending on the direction of the department's activities.
During the periods of separation and reunification of the university, every year the department was called "Biology and Ecology", "Chemistry and Biology", "Theoretical and Applied Biology", "Biology" and the department was headed:
1978-1982 - Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor E.G. Urazaev;
1991-1998 - Candidate of Biological Sciences, Professor S.A.Aipeisova;
1998-2003 - Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor A.N.Teleov;
2003-2004 - Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor E.T.Kazkeev;
2004-2006 - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor B.M.Tazhigulova;
2006-2007 - Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor O.M.Turgenev;
2007-2013 - Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor R.I.Izimova;
2013-2014 - Candidate of Biological Sciences, senior lecturer G.B. Admanova;
2008-2017 - Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor E.T. Kazkeev;
2017-2024 - Candidate of Biological Sciences, senior lecturer G.B. Admanova;
Since September 2024, the position of head of the department has been headed by a master's degree, senior lecturer Zh.I.Kuanbai.
Professor-teachers who made a great contribution to the creation of the department: N.V.Olkhovik, E.G.Urazaev, A.R.Sadykov, M.D.Dryamova, K.O.Khasenov, S.Ya.Isabaev, S.A.Aipeisova, S.M.Brudnaya, A.V.Fandina, M.G.Osinova, I.G.Tsygankov, A.A.Bazargalieva, E.T.Kazkeev, R.I.Izimova, A.M.Abdukarimov, G.M.Ataeva, I.M.Zholdasova and others.
In the Aktobe region, due to the increased need for teachers of the subject "Chemistry", in 1978, the specialty 2122 – "Chemistry" with an additional specialization "Biology" was opened on the basis of the Faculty of Philology of the Aktobe Pedagogical Institute. In the first academic year, 50 students were enrolled. The specialists were awarded the qualification of "Subject teacher of chemistry and biology" of a comprehensive secondary school.
In 1979, applicants were accepted for the second time, and the Department of Chemistry and Biology was reorganized into the Department of Chemistry (head of the department A.R. Sadykov) and the Department of Biology (head of the Department E.G. Urazaev).
In 2004, Aktobe State University named after K. Zhubanov was divided into two parts (Aktobe State Pedagogical Institute, Aktobe State University), in connection with the reorganization in 2013 and depending on the direction of the specialties being prepared, the names of the departments changed over the years to "Chemistry", "Chemistry and Biology", "Chemistry and chemical technology". Heads of departments who have contributed to the development of specialties in different years:
1978-1981 - Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor E.G. Urazaev (Chemistry and Biology);
1981-1986 - Associate Professor A.R. Sadykov (chemistry);
1986-1987 - Professor N.R. Bukeikhanov (chemistry);
1987-2001 - Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor A.T. Saginaev (Chemistry);
2000-2001 - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor K.K. Karataev (chemical technology);
2001-2004 - Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor G.L. Esnazarova (Chemistry);
2001-2002 - Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor A.U. Rsymbetova (chemical technology);
2002-2006 - Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor J.E. Dzhakupova (chemical technology);
2004-2006 - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor I.N. Nurlybaev (chemistry);
2004-2007 - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor S.M. Kogisov (chemistry, pedagogical direction);
2006-2012 - Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor E.B. Dosmurzina (Chemistry);
2006-2009 - Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Senior lecturer N.A. Ubaidulayeva (chemical technology);
2007-2011 - Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor K.J. Estekova (chemistry, pedagogical direction);
2009-2012 - Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor L.K. Tastanova (chemical technology);
2011-2013 - Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor R.I. Izimova (chemistry and biology, pedagogical direction);
2012-2013 - Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor L.K. Tastanova (Chemistry and Chemical technology);
2013-2014 - Candidate of Biological Sciences, senior lecturer G.B. Admanova (chemistry and biology, pedagogical direction)
2014-2015 - Candidate of Chemical Sciences, senior lecturer Z.B. Sultanamuratova (chemical technology);
2014 - 2017 - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor B.B. Dosanova (Chemistry);
2015-2017 - Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Senior lecturer N.A. Ubaidulayeva (chemical technology);
2017-2018 - Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Senior lecturer Z.B. Sultanamuratova (Chemistry and chemical technology);
2019-2022 - Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Senior lecturer A.K. Apendina (Chemistry and Chemical technology);
2022-2023 - Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor R. Orynbasarovna (chemistry and chemical technology);
Since September 2023, the master's degree, teacher A.E.Trenova, has been in charge.
Professors who contributed to the development of the department: I.N.Nurlybaev, K.K.Karataev, G.T.Turemuratova, A.U.Rsymbetova, K.J.Estekova, L.K.Tastanova, A.E.Baymanova, S.Z.Nauryzova, S.N.Mugalova, G.L.Esnazarova, B.B.Dosanova, S.M.Kogisov, E.V.Volobueva, G.A.Rakhmetova, A.A.Agisheva, B.S.Imangalieva, K.G.Almuratova and others.
All educational programs have been accredited:
Educational programs 6В05201 "Ecology" and 7М05201 "Ecology" have successfully undergone a specialized accreditation for a period of 5 years following an evaluation by an expert commission of the non-profit organization "Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating"(05.12.2021-04.12.2026).
The educational program 6B07104-"Ekoenergetics" is accredited by the Association of Modern Education of Kazakhstan from Kazsee for a period of 5 years (12.21.2021 – 12.20.2024).
6B01505 - "Biology", 6B05101 - "Biology", 7M05101 –"Biology" received an accreditation certificate for a period of 5 years from the specialized accreditation "Independent Accreditation and Rating Agency" (05.12.2021-04.12.2026).
The educational program 6B05102-"Biotechnology" is accredited by the Association of Engineering Education of Kazakhstan from Kazsee for a period of 5 years (12.23.2020 – 12.22.2025).
The educational program 7M01505-"Biology" has passed specialized accreditation from the independent agency for accreditation and examination of the quality of education ARQA for a period of 5 years (06.12.2020 – 06.11.2025).
Educational program 6B01504 – "Chemistry" according to the results of the audit by the expert commission, the Non-profit institution "Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating" received a certificate of specialized accreditation for a period of 5 years (05.12.2021-04.12.2026).
Educational program 6B05302 - "Chemistry" has passed the specialized accreditation of the expert commission "Association of Engineering Education of Kazakhstan KazSEE" for 5 years (13.12.2019 – 12.12.2024).
6B07206 – «Technology of food products» is accredited by the expert commission "Association of Engineering Education of Kazakhstan KazSEE" for 5 years (12.23.2020-12.22.2025).
The non–profit institution "Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education" according to the Educational program 7M01504 - "Chemistry", according to the results of the audit by the expert commission, passed specialized accreditation for 3 years (06.29.2023-06.28.2026).
The material and technical base of the faculty consists of 53 classrooms. lecture halls-5, classrooms – 29, educational laboratories-14, teaching rooms-3, educational and scientific laboratories-2.
Branches of departments of the faculty have been opened on the basis of industrial enterprises and educational institutions of the Aktobe region and the city, dual training and involvement of practitioners in the educational process are being implemented today.
Today, the branches of the department are working on systematic scientific research, the organization and conduct of project activities in the direction of the department, the introduction of new educational innovations in the educational process, the organization of scientific and practical seminars to share experiences, the implementation of research results in practice.
Based on the direction of the educational programs implemented by the faculty, the fundamentals of industrial practice are constantly being supplemented and updated. The project "Uyren-bolis" continues with the Nazarbayev Intellectual School in the specialties 6B01504 - "Chemistry", 6B01505 - "Biology". 4 educational programs in the field of Education have been transferred to the multilingual education system (6B01504-Chemistry, 6B01505-Biology, 7M01504-Chemistry, 7M01505-Biology) and 7M05101-Biology, 7M05201-Ecology.
The faculty's students have access to the resources of RMEB, JSC "RGTK", MS "Dissertations of the RSE", MS "Web of Science", MS "Springer Link". Creates language courses for teachers and students to learn English.
Currently, more than 55 professors and faculty members provide high-quality education and conscious education in order to form about 1,800 students as competitive specialists. The faculty employs highly qualified professors and teachers, whose qualitative composition meets the requirements, its composition is 55 people, including 1 Doctor of Sciences-1, candidates of sciences-21, PhD – 4, senior teachers-12, teachers-17.
The academic degree in the areas of training is as follows:
6B015 - Teacher training in natural sciences-51 %
6B051- Biological and mixed sciences-57.9%
6B053- Physical and chemical sciences-56.5%
6B052 - Environment-52.8%
6B072- Manufacturing and processing industries-53.75%
Awards of the teaching staff at the faculty:
Holders of the "Badge of Honor":
Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Aipeisova S. A. knight of the Order of "Kurmet;
"Letters of thanks" of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
• Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor R.I.Izimova;
• Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor B.I.Imangalieva;
• PhD, Associate Professor M. J.Makhambetov;
• Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor G.B.Admanova;
• Master's degree, senior lecturer J.I.Kuanbai
"Certificate of Honor" of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
• Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor R.I.Izimova;
• Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor A.A.Bazargalieva
• PhD, Associate Professor M. J.Makhambetov;
• Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor B.I.Imangalieva;
• Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor G.E. Nurmukhanova;
• Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor B.B. Dosanova;
Honorary diploma "Excellent student of higher and postgraduate education of the Republic of Kazakhstan":
• Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor S.M.Kogisov;
Badge "For merits in the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan":
• Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Professor S.Ya.Isabaev;
• Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor A.A.Bazargalieva;
• Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor A.N.Teleov;
The title of "The best university teacher":
• Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor E.T. Kazkeev;
• Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor B.I.Imangalieva;
• PhD, Associate Professor M. J.Makhambetov;
Badge "The best researcher":
• PhD, Associate Professor A.M.Isimov.
Holders of internship grants under the international Bolashak program:
• Master's degree, senior lecturer G. U. Keubasova;
• PhD, Associate Professor M. J. Makhambetov;
• Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor G. B. Admanova;
The holder of the State Scientific Scholarship for scientists and specialists who have made an outstanding contribution to the development of science and technology, and talented young scientists:
• Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor G. B. Admanova;
• PhD, Associate Professor M. J. Makhambetov;
Students of the international Bolashak program:
• PhD, Associate Professor A. M. Isimov;
• PhD, Associate Professor A. M. Mynbai;
• Master's degree, teacher A.A.Dauletyarov;
"The best teachers of the Zhubanov University":
• Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor I.N. Bodykova;
• Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor R.I. Izimova;
• Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor G. B. Admanova;
• Master's degree, senior lecturer S. D. Duzelbaeva;
• Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor S.M. Kogisov;
"Badge named after K. Zhubanov For merits in the development of the University":
• Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor A.A. Bazargalieva;
• Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor O.M.Turgeneva;
• Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor A.N.Teleov;
• Master's degree, senior lecturer A.M. Abdukarimov;
• Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor S.M. Kogisov;
Badge "Enbek ardageri" of Aktobe Regional State University named after K. Zhubanov:
• Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor S.M. Kogisov;
• Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor G.L. Esnazarova;
• Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor B.B. Dosanova;
• Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor O.M.Turgeneva;
• Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor R.S.Temirkulova;
• Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor R.I. Izimova;
• Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor A.A. Bazargalieva;
Letter of thanks from the akim of Aktobe region:
• Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor A.A. Bazargalieva;
• Master's degree, senior lecturer S.D.Duzelbaeva;
• Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor G.E. Nurmukhanova;
• Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor O.M.Turgeneva;
• PhD, Associate Professor M. J.Makhambetov;
• Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor A.K.Kalieva;
Letter of thanks from the Chairman of the Board-Rector of Aktobe Regional University named after K. Zhubanov:
• Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor G.E. Nurmukhanova;
• Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor R.I. Izimova;
• Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor A.N.Teleov;
• Candidate of technical sciences, Associate Professor G.A. Isengalieva;
• Master's degree, senior lecturer A.S.Tashimova;
• Master's degree, senior lecturer A.K.Umbetkulova;
• Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor A.K.Kalieva;
• PhD, Associate Professor N.A.Utarbayeva;
• Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor E.T.Kazkeev;
• Master's degree, senior lecturer A.M. Abdukarimov;
• Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, senior lecturer K.K.Almuratova;
• Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor N.A.Ubaidullayeva;
• Master's degree, senior lecturer S.D.Duzelbaeva;
• Master's degree, teacher T.N.Nurdauletova;
Grants of the akim of the region "young scientists":
• Candidate of technical sciences, Associate Professor G.A. Isengalieva;
• "Patent for a breeding achievement, authors: Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor A.A. Bazargalieva, PhD, Associate Professor N.A.Utarbayeva.
• Patent "Waste-free technology. Efficiency and quality " (production of science) Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor N.A.Ubaidullayeva.
Grant financing
As a result of the competition for grant funding for scientific and technical projects for 2024-2026 under the guidance of Associate Professor of the Department of Biology, PhD Isimov A.M., the project on the topic: "Nodular dermatitis of cattle: carriers of the virus, distribution area, public awareness and genetic characteristics of a recombinant vaccine-like strain in Kazakhstan" received a grant funding from the Ministry of Higher Education.
This project plays an important role as an applied research in the field of veterinary medicine and is aimed at identifying the distribution zone and the main carriers of the nodular dermatitis virus in Kazakhstan, as well as raising public awareness of this disease.