In 2002, “Chemistry with an additional specialty Ecology” specialty was transformed into specialty 010940 – “Ecology and Nature Management” with a five-year study period. Further the training was conducted under the bachelor’s program, that is, 4 years. Training was conducted in full-time and part time form in Russian and Kazakh languages.

Since the specialty of “Ecology and Nature Management” was a university specialty, the Department of Ecology and Geography was reorganized. And in 2004 the department of “Ecology and Biology” was established

In 2007, the Department of Ecology and Biology was divided into independent departments of Ecology and Biology.

In 2009, on the basis of higher and postgraduate education, a master’s degree program was opened in the specialty 6M060800 – “Ecology”. Bachelors and University lecturers received an opportunity to study in the magistracy, and then continue their work in the University.

In the establishment of the department, a great contribution was made by scientists – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Sarsenov A.M., Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Sadykov A.R., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor Nurmukhanova G.E, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences senior lecturer Islamova K.I, Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor Bazarbaeva S.M, Candidate of Biological Sciences Teleuov AN, Ph.D., Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Mendybayev E. Kh., Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Turgenova O.M, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Isengalieva G. A., Lecturer KaliyevaA.Sh., Senior Lecturer M.Kartova, Senior Lecturer Zhapparova B.K., Senior Lecturer A.Tashimova, Master of Science, Lecturer Almat S.K., Master of Natural Science, Lecturer Bekbaulin N.S, Master of Science, Lecturer Gataulina G.A.

Lecturers of the department are winners and prizewinners of republican competitions of different levels, holders of grants. Candidate of Technical Sciences Isengalieva G.A is the owner of Grant of Akim of Aktobe region in the nomination “Young Scientist” (2010), Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor Bazarbayeva S.M. is the holder of the Grant of Akim of Aktobe region in the nomination “The Best Innovative Environmental Project” (2010), lecturers Kartova M.A (2010), Tulenova G.A (2012) were awarded the title “The best teacher of ASU”, KaliyevaA.Sh. (2007), Koyshygulova G.U. (2012) was awarded the title “Best curator of ASU”.

At the present time highly qualified personnel work at the “Ecology” department: 16 lecturers, including 1 doctor of science, 6 candidates of science, 7 master of natural sciences and 2 lecturers.

The teaching staff of the department, realizing the educational program on specialty 5В060800 Ecology, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor Nurmukhanova G.E, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Islamova K.I. have honorary certificates and awards of MES of theRepublic of Kazakhstan for success and achievements.