6B05302 – «Chemical»
Code-name of the specialty:
6B05302 – «Chemical»
Educational program 6B05302 – «Chemistry» has passed the specialized accreditation of the expert commission "Association of Engineering Education of Kazakhstan KazSEE" for 5 years (13.12.2019 – 12.12.2024).
Form of training:
Day: 4 years
Degree Of Reward:
Bachelor of science in the educational program ” 6B05302-Chemistry»
Professional activity:
- analytical, environmental, customs, sanitary and epidemiological,
- production laboratories of certification services;
Objects of professional activity:
- research institutions (institutes, laboratories) of chemical, environmental, metallurgical, pharmaceutical profile, colleges, lyceums
Subject of professional activity:
- assessment of properties and composition of intermediate raw materials for processing of new technological processes providing high quality;
- provision and evaluation of high efficiency of use of auxiliary materials and raw materials, installations;
- implementation of technological processes in accordance with the requirements of technological regulations in the production of inorganic substances and materials;
- development of technical specifications for the design of new technological schemes for the production of inorganic substances and materials, selection of production lines and technological installations;
- repair of technical specifications for the design of new technological processes, technological lines or technological installations;
- processing of technological processes, technological lines or technical means for technological installations and modern technologies;
- processing of various types of technological (laboratory, experimental, production) technological regulations;
- work and support of the sender, repair and restoration work, design work;
- development of project documentation for the production of inorganic substances and materials;
- analyze and analyze alternative path options of alternative routes;
- organization of work of specialists and performers in working conditions;
- maintaining work and work discipline at the required level;
- technical and economic analysis of production;
- inspection and diagnostics of technological processes, equipment and dynamics of devices using analytical tools and methods;
- conducting and conducting research in the field of synthesis of new inorganic materials and processing of new processes and products;
- development and organization of use of service and operational equipment in chemical and technological production.
Types of professional activity:
- industrial-technological;
- computer engineering, design Builder;
- organizational and administrative;
- service-operation;
- research.
Basics of practice
LLP “Hydroecoresurse-L”, “Department of ecology in the Aktobe region Committee for environmental regulation and control of the Ministry of energy of Kazakhstan»