Code – name of the major:
6В01505 – «Biology»
Accreditation process:
6B01505 - "Biology" received an accreditation certificate for a period of 5 years from the specialized accreditation "Independent Accreditation and Rating Agency" (05.12.2021-04.12.2026).
Education period:
Full-time: 4 years, 3 years
Degree awarded:
bachelor of education in education program 6B01505-Biology
Sphere of professional activity:
- education (in secondary school, lyceum, gymnasium, college);
- management (departments of education akimats, organizations on gardening, ecology);
- science (research organizations and institutions).
Objects of professional activity:
- secondary, secondary vocational schools;
- research organizations;
- sphere of management.
Subject of professional activity:
- training and education using the latest tools and methods, etc;
- the newest methods of research, equipment, materials, etc;
- stationery and various auxiliary materials, agrobiostations and station of young naturalists, etc.
Kinds of professional activity:
- educational work in various educational institutions (schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, colleges, etc.);
- research: implementation of scientific research in profile disciplines in various organizations);
- design: implementation of general and specialized developments in design and engineering organizations (landscaping, watering, reconstruction, planning);
- production and management activities in state structures of various levels (departments of education, akimats, biological and chemical laboratories, etc.);
- organizational and technological activities in the production of biological profile (sanitary-epidemiological stations, etc.).
Base of practice:
- – secondary schools, lyceum, gymnasium;
- – Aktobe Agricultural Experimental Station;
- – station of young naturalists, etc.