Code – name of the specialty:

6В07104 – Ecoenergy


Accreditation process:

The educational program 6B07104-"Ekoenergetics" is accredited by the Association of Modern Education of Kazakhstan from Kazsee for a period of 5 years (12.21.2021 – 12.20.2024).


Training period:

Full-time: 4 years

Awarded degree:

Bachelor of Engineering and Technology Educational Programs of  6B07104 – Ecoenergy

Field of professional activity:

In regional organizations for environmental protection, industrial and environmental enterprises, landfills, waste recycling plants, energy facilities, research centers and institutes as an environmental technician, specialist in the field of alternative energy, environmental engineer.

Objects of professional activity:

Territorial departments of environmental protection, enterprises for the production, transmission, distribution and consumption of electricity, power plants and substations; energy facilities, nuclear power plants, electrical networks and substations, dispatch centers for managing electrical networks, automated control systems for energy facilities, external power supply systems for electrical energy.

Professional Activities:

  • power plants and substations;
  • electrical systems and networks;
  • protection and automation of electric power systems;
  • power supply to enterprises of various industries;
  • non-traditional and renewable energy sources;
  • electromechanics;
  • electrical insulation and cable technology;
  • Electrotechnological installations and systems.

Types of professional activity:

  • research;
  • organizational and management;
  • environmental;
  • production and technological;
  • experimental research;
  • design.

Ожидаемые результаты обучения по ОП:

RО 1.Uses knowledge in the field of Physics and Mathematics, chemical, applied sciences and information technology to solve production problems.

RО 2. Evaluates the environmental, economic and social conditions for doing business, identifies new market opportunities and forms new business models, understands the importance of the principles and culture of academic honesty and writing.

RО 3.Determines the parameters and operation modes of electrical power equipment.

RО 4. Provides the required modes and specified parameters of the technological process according  to a given method and uses technical means to measure  and control the main parameters of the technological process.

RО 5. Participates in the installation and testing of the commissioned  electric power and electrical equipment.

RО 6. Carries out research activities in the field of eco- energy and carries out activities on environmental education and culture among the population, creates innovations and directs them in the field of alternative energy, the environment and the social sphere, knows the methods of scientific research and academic writing and applies them in the studied area.

RО 7. Compiles and draws up standard technical documentation, reads automation and automatic control schemes in the electric power industry.

RО 8. Conducts diagnostics of electric power and electrical equipment; assesses the technical condition and residual life of the equipment.

RО 9. Uses practical skills in the field of alternative energy-efficient technologies to solve problems of environmental protection, as well as in the creation of technologies for the construction of power plants and is able to apply this knowledge in practice; uses elements of environmental and economic analysis in the creation of energy and resource-saving technologies and the design of unconventional and renewable energy.

RО 10. Participates in the repair of electric power equipment; draws up applications for equipment and spare parts and prepares technical documentation for repairs.

RO 11. Evaluates the technological and economic efficiency, environmental safety of production using modern technology, taking into account the requirements of green ecology; formulates arguments and solutions to problems in planning and conducting environmental protection measures in various industries.

RO 12. Applies knowledge of Philosophy, Kazakh and Russian and foreign languages for professional communication, analyzes the stages of the historical development of society for the formation of a civil position, owns the legal  and ethical standards of his professional activities; can characterize the political structure, main political institutions and socio-political movements at different stages of development of Kazakhstan.

Base practice:

Алиев Д.Б. – генеральный директор ТОО «Гидроэкоресурс», Утегенов С.А. – директор «АСУ ЭКО», Есенгулов А.Н. – генеральный директор ТОО «НИИ Батысэкопроект», Нурмуханов Б.Е. – директор ИП «Алихан», Бекмуратов Н.Б – директор ТОО «АЭМК – Жарык».