HOME PAGE > 7M01505 - BIOLOGY > 7M01505 - BIOLOGY

Соde – name of the specialty:

7М01505 – «Biology»


The educational program 7M01505-"Biology" has passed specialized accreditation from the independent agency for accreditation and examination of the quality of education ARQA for a period of 5 years (06.12.2020 – 06.11.2025).


Соde – name of the specialty:

7М01505 – «Biology»


The educational program 7M01505-"Biology" has passed specialized accreditation from the independent agency for accreditation and examination of the quality of education ARQA for a period of 5 years (06.12.2020 – 06.11.2025).




Training period:

Scientific and pedagogical direction -2 years;

The profile direction is 1.5 years and 1 year.

Awarded degree:

Scientific and pedagogical direction:

master of education in education program 7М01505- “Biology”.

Sphere of professional activity:

The sphere of professional activity of graduates are:

  • education (higher education institution, general education schools, lyceum, gymnasiums, colleges);
  • management (departments of education, akimats, organizations of nature protection and ecology);
  • science (research organizations and institutions).

Objects of professional activity:

Objects of professional activity of graduates of the master’s degree are:

Scientific and pedagogical direction:

  • Universities, colleges, gymnasiums:
  • Research organizations;
  • Laboratories by specialty;
  • Management of the state organization;

Profile direction:

  • Implementation of scientific research in relevant disciplines in various organizations;
  • Project: implementation of general and specialized developments in design and engineering organizations;
  • Production and management activities in state structures of various levels;
  • Organizational and technological activities in the production of biological profile (sanitary-epidemiological stations, production of processing of plant and animal products, etc.).

Subject of professional activity:

The subjects of professional activity of graduates are:

  • education and upbringing using the latest means and methods;
  • the newest methods of research, equipment, materials, etc;
  • administrative-modern office equipment, the ability to communicate at various levels, teaching aids and textbooks, various auxiliary materials, agrobiostations and stations of young naturalists.

 Types of professional activity:

Graduates of the master’s degree in specialty 7М01505 -Biology can perform the following types of professional activities:

Scientific and pedagogical direction:

  • organizational and managerial;
  • research;
  • pedagogical;
  • educational work;
  • vocational guidance;

Profile direction:

  • teaching;
  • research;
  • Sanitary and hygienic;

Practical bases:

K. Zhubanov ARU department of Biology, “Aktobe Agricultural Experimental Station”, “Station of Young Naturalists”, “State Irgiz-Torgai Nature Reserve”, Aktobe Branch of Kazakh Research Institute of Forestry and Agroorman Melioration LLP, Aktobe antiplague station “; School No. 51, School No. 27, School No. 21, School in Novye, Nazarbayev Intellectual School, M. Kusainov Aktobe Regional Specialized Boarding School.for gifted children, Specialized school-lyceum “Bilim-innovation”.