Graduates of the bachelor’s degree of “5B021000 – Foreign Philology” can carry out their professional activities in the field of philological education as a teacher of foreign languages and literature in secondary specialized and professional, postsecondary vocational schools in direction of Arts. Bachelor of Philology may also work in research institutions of the corresponding profile as a philologist – researcher of junior level.

According to report after graduation about 80% of graduates are employed in 2018. Most of them get employment in the educational centers of the city of Aktobe as teachers of English language (Lingvocentre “Darina”, Training center “ISMA” LLP “Dream Builders”, Training center “BEST”, Training center “Cinquain”,LLP “International training”, Training centre “Interlingua”, etc.). Many graduates were employed in secondary schools as teachers of English (secondary school №19, SSG №51, school №61, school №20, school №25, school №5, SSG №17, etc.). Some graduates are invited to work as teachers of English in the colleges of the city (Aktobe Cooperative College, Aktobe Road College). In addition, our graduates are employed as instructors and assistants translators(“Agip KCO”, translation agency “Mankent”, etc.).

Graduates of the bachelor’s degree of “5B020700 – Interpreting and Translation” occupy high duties in such companies and firms as TCO Kulsary, Altius Petroleum International LLP, Aktobe, Karachaganak Petroleum Operating BV LLP, Aksai, CNPC AktobeMunai Gas Aktobe,”Schlumberger Logelco Inc.” Aktobe, LLP “DostykMunayKurylys”, Aktobe, “Sun Drilling”, Aktobe city.

Our students undergo internship at various enterprises of Aktobe and other regions. These are such enterprises as TCO Kulsary, Altius Petroleum International LLP, Aktobe, Karachaganak Petroleum Operating BV LLP, Aksai, CNPC AktobeMunai Gas Aktobe, Schlumberger Logelco Inc., Aktobe LLP “DostykMunayKurylys”, “Sun Drilling”, Aktobe and others.

In 2018, graduates of specialty “Interpreting and Translation” were employed in 100%. Our graduates are employed according to their specialties. Every year in April the department holds a “Job Fair”, with the invitation of managers and specialists of enterprises and organizations.

Based on the study of the resume and personal data of students, they select best graduates.

For effective work on employment, to assist students and graduates in choosing the field of professional development, the Department of admission and career guidance functions at the K. Zhubanov ARU. The Department holds open meetings with employers, job fairs, and provides assistance in employment. The Department provides professional assistance to students in making career decisions and finding a job, conducts career guidance consultations, seminars and trainings, lessons on business etiquette, develops recommendations for practical training.

Since May 20, 2020, K. Zhubanov ARU has been opening a new online platform-a digital job fair for its graduates and employers, the main purpose of which is an easy and fast way to employ graduates of bachelor’s and master’s degrees. By registering on the Zhubanov University electronic exchange, graduates will be able to declare themselves, post resumes, and view available vacancies. Employers with the help of the new service will be able to post vacancies, view data about a potential employee, invite young people for an interview (https://facultetus.kz/fairs/arsu/manage). Our graduates are our pride. Our graduate of EP 6B02303 – “Foreign Philology” Mukatov M. works as the director of the Department of Strategic Planning in the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The management of the EP carries out annual monitoring of employment and professional activity of graduates. For this purpose, feedback is maintained with graduates of the faculty.

Data on the employment of students accredited EP

The management of EP 6B02302-Interpreting and Translation, 6B02303-Foreign Philology is systematically working on concluding agreements with the enterprises of the city and the region in order to expand the practice base. In 2017-2018, 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 academic years, according to the schedule of the educational process, students of 3-4 courses completed practical training in various enterprises and training centers of Aktobe.

In the 2020-2021 academic year, enterprises and training centers of the city of Aktobe and the region were chosen as the basis for practical training for 4th-year students: “Success Training Center”, joint stock Company “SNPS-Aktobemunaygas”, Darabala training center, ATSERVICE training center, Dunie College, Gymnasium No. 6 of Khromtau district, training center “Destination”, secondary school No. 5 of the city of Aktobe state institution, training center “Darina”, GU “Bayganinsky district Department of Education”, LLP “BugalaiServiceEngineering”, LLP “MostAktobe”, Zhanasharua Kazakh Secondary School, IronExpert LLP, M. Ospanov Medical University, Saryzharskaya Secondary School “OMAC Integrated”, Aktobe Highway College, Sagiz Petroleum Company Housing and Communal Services, LinguaSchool Training Center, IntensePro Translation Bureau, Aseras Training Center, ProEnglish Training Center”, OilOrgsintezAktobe Company, Bolashak Training Center, Crown Training Center.

During the reporting period, according to the schedule of the educational process, students of the 2nd, 4th courses of EP 6B02302-Translation and 6B02303-Foreign Philology completed practical training in 12 different enterprises of the city and region: Zere Tour LLP, Aktobe, Munaygas Engineering Research and Production Company LLP, Kaspiystroyservice and K LLP, Kulsary, Batys-Munai LLP, Aktobe, IP Darmentaeva A.R. Tour firm “Planets and We”, Aktobe, IP Galieva A.A. “Onur Travel.kz “, Uralsk, IP “New Babylon”, Aktobe, JSC “SNPS – Aktobemunaygas”, LLP “SunriseEnergyKazakhstan”, Aktobe, LLP “Kazakhoylaktobe”, Aktobe.

According to EP 6B02302- Interpreting and Translation,  6B02303-Foreign Philology, students undergo academic practice in the 1st year, industrial practice in 2-4 courses and pre-graduate practice in the 4th year.

Branches of the department – LLP “Zere Tour”, translation company “IntensePro” according to the results of practical training graduates of EP 6B02302-Translation business are invited to work. 6 branches of the departments were opened at the Department of Foreign Philology and Translation. These are the Martuk gymnasium School No. 2, Aktobe Humanitarian College, SHVSM “Zere Tour”, school “Akbobek”, SHVSM “IntencePro”, training center “ASERAS”, KSU Secondary School No. 35 named after Haleladosmukhameduly. A dual training agreement has been concluded with Zere Tour LLP. Director of LLP “Zere Tour” Krambaeva B.H. for students of OP 5B020700-Translation business in the 1st half of the year conducts practical classes on the discipline practice of information translation for 4th year students.

Branches of the department:

  • Martuk school-gymnasium No. 2 in Martuk district;
  • ZereTour LLP;
  • Akbobek School;
  • IntensePro LLP;
  • ASERAS Training Center.
  • No. 35  secondary school

Aitkozhina Gulmira
Date of graduation: 2006
Place of work and position: Astana, FTG Development construction company, translator
E-mail: gulkozha@mail.ru

Кадирова Сауле
Date of graduation: 2013
Place of work and position: “Ada Oil Company”ZHSHS, administrative employee

Мырзабекова Мархаббат
Date of graduation: 2018
Place of work and position: KPO B. V., Aksai, Translator of trilingual technical literature
Email: markhabatmyrzabekova@gmail.com

Дауенов Бостандық
Date of graduation: 2014
Место работы и должность: КПО Б. В., г. Аксай, Переводчик трехъязычной технической литературы
E-mail: dauyeb@gmail.com

Tokashev Batyrzhan
Date of graduation: 2016
Place of work and position: “Tengizchevroil”LLP, Safety Specialist
E-mail: batyrzhantokashev@tengizchevroil.com

Karimova Samal Serikovna
Date of graduation: 2011
Place of work and position: Geotech LLP, translator
E-mail: J.S.09@mail.ru

Abilzhan Yernar Yergaliuly
Date of graduation: 2016
Place of work and position: Senimdi Kurylys LLP, Coordinator of the Material Department
E-mail: abillzhanov.94@gmail.com

Tolemissov Beknazar Erlanuly
Date of graduation: 2014
Place of work and position: Special boarding school “Bilim-innovation”, Aktobe
English Teacher
E-mail: beknazar.tolemissov@gmail.com

Bekmagambetov Nurbol Orynbassarovich
Date of graduation: 2010
Place of work and position: Boarding school” Kemel Bilim”, Deputy Director for Academic Affairs
E-mail: nurbolb@gmail.com

Kartzhan Narkozy Essengeldiuly
Date of graduation: 2017
Place of work and position: Advisor to the Rector, ARU named after K. Zhubanov
E-mail: narkozy95@gmail.com

Zhubanysheva Venera Konakbaykyzy
Date of graduation: 2007
Place of work and position: Director of the Oxford Language Center network

Unegulov Oralbek Zhubanuly
Date of graduation: 2015
Place of work and position: Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullin
English Teacher
E-mail: johnfkennedy@mail.ru

Zhurmagambetov Serzhan Maksatuly
Date of graduation: 2018
Place of work and position: Special boarding school “Bilim-innovation”, Aktobe
English Teacher

Burkutova Anargul Zhumagalievna
Date of graduation: 2014
Educational center “Akbobek”
English Teacher

Mukatov Meirbek
Date of graduation: 2015
Place of work and position: Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Director of the Strategic Planning Department
E-mail: Meirbek.mukatov@alumni.nu.edu.kz

Zhakina Diana Gabitovna
Date of graduation: 2009
Place of work and position: Linguistic Gymnasium No. 24 named after A. Baitursynov
English Teacher