The learning process of students organized in special classrooms and lecture halls of the faculty of foreign languages, equipped with all necessary equipment, personal computers and interactive whiteboards. With the aim of improving their pronunciation students’ classes in “Practical phonetics”, “Basic foreign language”, “Second foreign language” are held in specialized classrooms laboratory of oral speech, allowing to work with authentic audio and video materials. In addition, students have access to educational, artistic and reference books located in the library of the faculty.

For qualified training of bachelors of the department the professor-teaching staff developed and updated training documentation annually: work programs, syllabus, and brief abstracts of lectures, methodical instructions to practical (seminar) classes, educational-methodical complexes of disciplines. All developed materials are available in the department, in the library of the faculty. In addition, the department has modern dictionaries of famous companies such as Longman, Macmillan, etc.

Branches of the department:

  • Martuk school-gymnasium # 2 in Martuk district,
  • LLP “Zere Tour”, school “Akbobek”,
  • LLP “Intense Pro”
  • Educational center ” АСЕРАС “.

The material and technical base, which ensures the conduct of all types of classes, is provided for by the working curriculum. The material and technical base is provided by the presence of an educational building (Grishin st. 7a) with in-line classrooms equipped with classrooms and laboratories, computer classes for conducting classes

The creation of an effective education infrastructure is a necessary condition for the successful fulfillment of its mission by the university. Every year, for the new academic year, the classroom fund is being repaired and prepared.

In terms of equipment and sufficiency, the classroom fund as a whole corresponds to the goals of educational programs. The university regularly analyzes the sufficiency and modernity of the resources at the disposal of educational programs (classrooms, laboratories, computer equipment and software, access to international databases of research results, teaching aids and materials, etc.) and is working to improve the material technical and information resources, which are an important factor in ensuring the quality of EP education.

The educational process uses modern equipment that meets safety requirements during operation.

In each laboratory, specialized audience, classroom, safety precautions for students during classes are observed, there are information stands that regulate the rules of behavior for students, there are passports for classrooms and appropriate equipment. Students are given a safety briefing and must sign a safety journal.