The Department is the main educational and scientific structural unit of the University and the part of the Faculty of Philology.
At the department training activities are carried out by 23 teachers: 9-of them masters, 8-senior teachers.
The main part of the teaching work of the department is performed in non-language specialties of the University: the department of World Languages provides teaching of the foreign language (English) in all faculties. In the plans to teach German, Turkish, Chinese and Korean languages. The education of all faculty teachers corresponds to the disciplines taught.
The Department actively carries out scientific activities:
- Faculty teachers prepare and publish scientific articles in various national and international publications;
Scopus- 4 (Saghieva A.T., Salimherey Z.M.)
14 articles, RSCI -1, WEB of SCIENCE -1 (Sagyeva A.T., Nakesheva S.T., Masalimova A.S., Shakeyeva A.S., Baizhanova A.A., Berstenova A.B., Tulebaeva N.N., Isaberhenova J.T., Turmagambetova G.N., Musralina A.S., Rakisheva J.B., Salimherei Z.M.)
Journal of ARSU named after K. Zhubanov.
1 article (Doskeeva M.E.)
- Faculty teachers are scientific directors of student projects and scientific articles;
- Doskeeva M.E.- 6 student scientific articles
- Sagieva A.T. International Scientific Project «Covid & Knowledge: «The Way Forward» (Nish, Serbia,2020).
III. Teachers develop and publish teaching and methodological manuals on the subjects taught, which are actively used in the teaching process – more than 20 manuals.
Many teachers have copyright rights to published manuals.
- Teachers participate in various scientific and methodological competitions
– Nakesheva S.T. – Participation in the Competition of Meth protects 2020 by APU after named K.Zhubanov , diploma in the nomination «Professional Pedagogue»
– Isabergenova Zh.T.
1.Participation in the competition «Best Open Session in Interactive Form» in 2018 took the 2nd place;
2.As a result of the 2020 competition was noted in the nomination «Providing subjective interaction with students».
- Berstenova A.B.
1.Participation in the competition of methodical projects: The best methodical project of ARU named after K. Zhubanov» with project presentation on the topic: «Interactive Program Active Inspire – the best trend of online learning for effective application of SOFT С1IL in foreign language lessons in multilingual groups», May, 2021g. (certificate)
V.Teachers have experience in developing academic mobility of students. Actively involved in preparing students for international mobility.
VI. At the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics the teachers organized «English Club» where students are engaged with great interest, knowing the world and culture of the country of the language being studied. (Baizhanova A.A., Berstenova A.B., Tulebaeva N.N.) This will be extended to other faculties in the future.