Code – name of the major:

6В02302 – Interpreting and translation

Accreditation process (year of advancing, stage of advancing):

Based on the results of the non-commercial external expert commission’s verification, the “Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating”, conducted in December 2023, successfully passed specialized accreditation for 5 years

Education period:

Full-time: 4 years

Degree awarded:

Bachelor of Humanitarian knowledge on the academic program 6В02302 – Interpreting and translation.

Sphere of professional activity:

– administrative and managerial sphere;

– the sphere of education and science;

– the sphere of culture and intercultural communication;

– the sphere of international relations;

– the sphere of publishing;

– the sphere of mass media;

– information and analytical sphere in other areas.

Objects of professional activity:

The objects of professional activity of graduates are: cultural institutions, international organizations, various information and analytical services, embassies and missions, ministries, tourism agencies, publishing houses, translation offices and other organizations and enterprises.

Subject of professional activity:

Original texts of different genres and styles in different types of translation.

Kinds of professional activity:

– translation (translation of texts and documents in different genres, interpretation of negotiations, international meetings, conferences);

– organizational (organization and conduct of various kinds of events, the creation of professional and public organizations);

– production and management (management and / or execution of professional duties (various types of transfer) in the relevant divisions of domestic, foreign and joint ventures and organizations;

– information-analytical (implementation of socio-political analysis, compilation of business correspondence, reports, reviews, forecasts of the situation, editing of translations);

– research (collection and processing of practical material, preparation of reports and articles on problems of translation studies and intercultural communication).

Base of practice:

Intense Pro Translation Agency, OilTekhnoGroup LLP, Ada Oil LLP, KazMunaiGaznimderi LLP, Ratek EAGE, ELS Language Center, TeploGasService.