Code – name of the major:
6В01706 – Foreign language: two foreign languages
Accreditation process (year of advancing, stage of advancing):
Based on the results of the non-commercial external expert commission’s verification, the “Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating”, conducted in October 2017, successfully passed specialized accreditation for 5 years. (The certificate is valid from 20.11.2017 to 19.11.2022, Registration number is АВ 1390).
Education period:
Full-time: 4 years, 3 years;
Correspondence department: 3 years; 2 years.
Degree awarded:
Bachelor of Education in specialty 6В01706 – Foreign language: two foreign languages.
Sphere of professional activity:
Graduate of the bachelor of specialty 6В01706 – Foreign language: two foreign languages carry out their professional activities in the field of foreign language education in the field of secondary and post-secondary professional education, within the framework of which the development of the personality is provided by means of a foreign language.
Objects of professional activity:
The objects of professional activity of the specialty 6В01706 – Foreign language: two foreign languages are the educational organizations of continuous and successive foreign-language education: primary, basic and specialized school; specialized school.
Subject of professional activity:
– organization of educational process on basic foreign language;
– organization of the educational process by language for special purposes;
– organization of educational process on language for academic purposes;
– organization of the educational process in the second foreign language.
Kinds of professional activity:
– educational (pedagogical);
– experimental-research;
– organizational and managerial;
– social and pedagogical;
– teaching and educational;
– educational and technological.
Base of practice:
All schools of the city and region №21, №51, №35, №30, №39, №31, №25, №27.