

    Professors and teachers of the department actively participate in public events, paying great attention to the education and upbringing of the younger generation, as well as the popularization of scientific research and creativity, paying attention to all issues in the media, as a result of which they achieve significant success. Holders of outstanding awards as part of the teaching staff:

    Pangereev A.Sh. – State medal "Yeren enbegi ushin" (2023), medal "25 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (2017), "Certificate of Honor" of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2019, 2022), "Letter of Thanks" of the Minister of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2021), medal "The best university teacher" (2013), medal "For Services to the Union of Education and Science Workers" (2019); "Letters of thanks" from akims of Aktobe region (2011, 2012, 2019, 2022, 2023 years), Letters of thanks from the akim of Aktobe (2011), Aktobe city Maslikhat (2019), Letters of thanks from the akim of the Astana district of Aktobe (2021), medal "For Merits in the development of the university" (2018), medal "International Soldier. For fulfilling Germany's international debt" (2023).

    Kushkimbayeva A.S. - III places of the competition "SMART CURATOR-2020", Letter of thanks "The best methodological project", Letter of thanks "The best interactive lesson", International pedagogical competition "The best lesson using ICT", 2nd place; III place "The best methodologist-teacher of the ARU named after K.Zhubanov - 2021", The winner of the competition for grant financing of research by young scientists under the Young Scientist project for 2022-2024; Letter of thanks: Chairman of the Board of "30 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan", 2021, Certificate of Honor, General Institution "Organization of the Trade Union of Workers, innovative and educational organizations" Almaty, October, 2021, Letter of thanks, Experience at a regional seminar on the topic: "Improving learning skills and applying tasks for the development of language skills in educational practice", Winner of the title "Best University Teacher" in 2023.

    Tashimbayeva S.Zh. - Festive medal of the 50th anniversary of Aktobe Regional State University named after K. Zhubanov (2016), to the Trade Union of Education and Science Workers "Ustazdar kunine orai sinirgen enbegi ushin" (2021), a letter of thanks from the rector (2023), a letter of thanks from the rector for leading participation in the XVI Republican subject Olympiad, dedicated to the 165th anniversary of the birth of Sh. Kudaibergenuly (2023), Certificate of Honor of the regional primary trade union organization (2021).

    Sultangalieva Zh.S. - Festive medal of the 50th anniversary of Aktobe Regional State University named after K. Zhubanov (2016)

    Obaeva G.S. - Festive medal "50 years of K. Zhubanov University". A letter of thanks from the akim of the Astana district.

    Ulykpanova A.Zh. - awarded the jubilee medal of the 50th anniversary of Aktobe Regional State University named after K. Zhubanov (2016), a letter of thanks from the regional trade union, the best curator-adviser 2021, a Certificate of Honor from the public association "Aktobe Regional Organization of the Kazakhstan Branch Professional Union of Education and Science Workers;

    Sultangalieva O. K. - medal "Kazakhstan branch trade Union of Education and Science workers", 2020, letter of thanks "Akim of Aktobe region", 2022, Certificate of Honor "Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan", 2023, letter of thanks "Akim of Aktobe region", 2024


        On the eve of the Republic Day, by order of the head of state Kassym-Jomart Kemeluly Tokayev, professor of Zhubanov University, academician of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Kazakhstan, professor, doctor of philology Abat Shamuly Pangereev was awarded the medal "For meritorious service" for his great contribution to the economic, social, spiritual and cultural development of the country.


    Minister of Science and Higher Education Sayasat Nurbek and holder of the title of "Best University Teacher" Associate Professor, PhD Dr. Kushkimbayeva Ainur Serikbayevna

    Published works on the main areas of research of the Department of Kazakh Literature:

  • Monograph (Pangereev A.Sh., Kushkimbayeva A.S., Sultangalieva Zh.S., Ulykpanova A.Zh.).
  • Textbooks approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Pangereev A.Sh., Kushkimbayeva A.S., Tanbergenova G.K.).
  • More than 18 electronic textbooks (Pangereev A.Sh., Kushkimbayeva A.S., Sultangalieva Zh.S., Tashimbayeva S.Zh., Ulykpanova A.Zh., Obaeva G.S., Tanbergenova G.K.). (Pangereev A.Sh., Kushkimbayeva A.S., Ulykpanova A.Zh.).
  • Textbooks: (Pangereev A.Sh., Kushkimbayeva A.S., Sultangalieva Zh.S., Ulykpanova A.Zh., Tanyrbergenova G.K.).
  • Educational and methodological works (Pangereev A.Sh., Kushkimbayeva A.S., Tashimbayeva S.Zh., Ulykpanova A.Zh., Obaeva G.S., Tanyrbergenova G.K.)
  • More than 700 scientific, methodological, journalistic articles by the teachers of the department published in Kazakh and foreign publications in Kazakh, Russian, English, Latin, Arabic.

    Under the guidance of the faculty's teaching staff, our students won prizes at competitions of various levels.