Academic mobility
In the framework of academic mobility, lecturers from abroad were invited to lecture:
- Sarvat Al-Sakran, UAE, American University of Sharja, course “Theory of Analytical Discourse”;
- Mahanbet Djusupov, Uzbek State University of World Languages, Republic of Uzbekistan, course “A. Baytursynov and problems of morphology “,” New directions of linguistics “;
- Parihshat Singh-Manhas, India, Jammu University, “Distance and e-learning management”;
- Nuraliev Abdusattor, Republic of Tadzhikistan, Russian-Tadzhik (Slavonic) University, course “Kazakh-Tadzhik Literary Links”;
- Mukhtarullina Aigul Raisovna, RF, Bashkiria, Bashkir State University, course “Category of the modality of argumentative discourse”;
- Davletshina Markhaba Sayafarovna, RF, Bashkiria, Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmolla, course “Conversational Bashkir language”;
- Geikhman Lyubov Kimovna, Perm National Technical University, Russia, the course “Teaching language subjects using information and communication technologies”;
- Alexander Ivanovich Kulyapin, RF, Altai State Pedagogical University, “Creativity M. Zoshchenko in the Literary and Artistic Context of 1920-1930”, “Cave” E. Zamyatin and “Firewood” M. Zoshchenko: comparative analysis “,” Semiotics and the poetics of Russian literature of the 1930s-1950s “,” The Artistic World of Zoshchenko’s Prose: Things and Signs”.
Teaching staff of the faculty were invited to give lectures at the following foreign universities:
- Sadirova K.K, RF, Bashkiria, Bashkir State University (2011), course: “Kazakh-bashler tіlderіndegi phrasologizmderdіn etnomadeni sipata”; CNR, Kuldzha, Ili Pedagogical University (2014), lecture: “tilderi syntaksisin zerttelu.”
- Isakova S.S, RF, Bashkiria, Bashkir State University (2011), course: “Cognitive Linguistics”;
- Shokim G.T, CNR, Xinjiang Financial and Economic University, Institute of Languages, (05.12-18.12.2016), course: “Til teories and lingvomadeni bagittary “;
- Pangereevm A.Sh., China, Mingzu University (Beijing), (2014), lectures: “Kazakh folklore”,” Kazak adebietіndegi obraz zhiyesі “;
- Boras B.T. Institute of History, Language and Literature of the Ufa Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, (2015), lecture “Kazakh-bashkurt adebi bailanystary”, “Kazakistandagy madeni-adebi ahual”;
- Musaev AA, France, University of Nice, (2015), lectures: “The Poetics of Satire”
- Evtyugina Alla, Russian Federation, Russian state vocational pedagogical University, course on ” Methods of teaching the Russian language»;
- Makarova Venus Fayzieva, Russia, Naberezhnye Chelny state pedagogical University (Naberezhnye Chelny), the course “Tatar-Kazakh literary relationship”;
- Orhan Soilemez, Professor, University of Kastamonu (Turkey), course on comparative analysis of Turkic literary monuments.
- Balakhonskaya L.V. , Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Saint Petersburg State University (Russian Federation)
- Samet Azap, Ph.D., Kastamonu University (Turkey).
International academic mobility (2016-2017 academic years):
- 13 students of the 3rd year of the specialty 5B011700-“Kazakh Language and Literature” were trained at the Pedagogical Institute of Ile China;
- 4 students of the first year of the specialty 5B011800-“Russian language and literature” – in Xinjiang Financial and Economic University of China.
2017-2018 academic year:
- 10 students were trained in the specialty 5B011800 – “Russian language and literature”, 5B012200 – “Russian language and literature in schools with non-Russian language of instruction” from Xinjiang University of Finance and Economics (people’s Republic of China);
- 8 students studied in the specialty 5B011700-Kazakh language and literature from the people’s Republic of China.
2018-2019 academic year:
- 1 student of specialty 5B011700-“Kazakh language and literature” studied at the University of the People’s Republic of China;
- 2 students of specialty 5B012200-“Russian language and literature in schools with non-Russian language of study were trained” at Naberezhnye Chelny state pedagogical University;
- 3 students majoring IN 5В020500-“Philology: Kazakh philologists” and 1 student majoring IN 5В011700-“Kazakh language and literature” are trained at the University of Kastamonu (Turkey);
- 2 students from Naberezhnye Chelny state pedagogical University are trained in the specialty 5B012200-“Russian language and literature”.
2019-2020 academic year:
- Alpysbaeyeva D.M. the student of specialty 5В011900 – Foreign languages: two foreign languages (Troy university (USA));
- Tilekbaeva A.B., the student of specialty 5В011900 – Foreign languages: two foreign languages (Bashkir State University, Russia);
- Tleulieva A.B., the student of specialty 5В021000 – Foreign philology (Xinjiang University, PRC);
- Zaikovskaya V.A., the student of specialty 5В020700 – Interpreting and translation(Xinjiang University , PRC);
- Msuina D.K., the student of specialty 5В020700 – Interpreting and translation(University of Economics, Bydgoszcz, Poland);
- Mukhambetsapaev B.A., the student of specialty 5В020700 – Interpreting and translation (Xinjiang University , PRC);
- Bakhytzhan A.K., the student of specialty 5В020700 – Interpreting and translation (Xinjiang University , PRC);
- Kozheli D.M., the student of specialty 5В021000 – Foreign philology(Xinjiang University , PRC);
- Ospanova U.M., the student of specialty 5В020500 – Philology:Russian philology (Xinjiang University , PRC);
- Duisenai A.O., the student of specialty 5В020500 – Philology:Russian philology (Xinjiang University , PRC);
- Ermagambetoba A.S., , the student of specialty 5В020500 – Philology:Kazakh philology (Kastamonu University, Turkey);
- Murzagalieva A.R., the student of specialty 5В020500 – Philology:Russian philology (Xinjiang University , PRC);
- Maiyer K.D., the student of specialty 5В020700 – Interpreting and translation (Xinjiang University , PRC);
- Zhaksylykova A.T., the student of specialty 5В011900 – Foreign languages: two foreign languages , (Sakarya University, Turkey);
- Khaimerdenova U.A., the student of specialty 5В020500 – Philology:Kazakh philology (Hacettepe University,Turkey);
- Gabdualieva A.G., the student of specialty 5В021000 – Foreign philology(University of Economics, Bydgoszcz, Poland);
- Konysbai A., the student of specialty 5В021000 – Foreign philology(University of Economics, Bydgoszcz, Poland);
- Dusmailova K.B., the student of specialty 5В020700 – Interpreting and translation(University of Economics, Bydgoszcz, Poland);
- Abilkhassova A.K., the student of specialty 5В020500 – Philology:Kazakh philology(Hacettepe University,Turkey);
- Dzhunusov I.S., the student of specialty 5В020700 – Interpreting and translation (Xinjiang University of Finance and Economics, PRC).
- Sailaubaeva A.B., 5В011900 – Foreign languages: two foreign languages (University of Economics, Bydgoszcz, Poland);
- Muratova A.M., 5В011900 – Foreign languages: two foreign languages (University of Economics, Bydgoszcz, Poland);
- Zhakypzhanova A.A., 5В011900 – Foreign languages: two foreign languages , (Sakarya University, Turkey);
- Murzataeva A.S., 5В021000 – Foreign philology(Hacettepe University,Turkey);
- Amanova R.K., 5В021000 – Foreign philology(Hacettepe University, Turkey);
- Zhasanova A., 5В020500 – Philology:Kazakh philology(Kastamonu University, Turkey);
- Bazarbaeva B.A. а, 5В011700 – Kazakh language and literature (Kastamonu University, Turkey).
National academic mobility (2016-2017 academic years):
- 1 student of the 2nd year of the specialty 5B011700 “Kazakh language and literature” was trained in the L.Gumilev Eurasian University ;
- 6 students of the third year – in KazNPU named after Abay.
2017-2018 academic year:
- 9 students of specialty 5B011700-“Kazakh language and literature” were trained in the Abai Kazakh national Pedagogical University ;
- 3 students majoring IN 5В020500-“Philology: Kazakh Philology” studied at the Kazakh national pedagogical University. Abai’s;
- 1 student of specialty 5B020500-“Philology: Kazakh Philology” studied at S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar state University.
2018-2019 academic year:
- 1 master’s student from M. Utemisov West Kazakhstan State University was trained in the specialty 6M020500-“Philology: Russian Philology”;
- 6 students of specialty 5B011700-“Kazakh language and literature”, 3 students of specialty 5B020500-“Philology: Kazakh Philology”, 7 students of specialty 5B012200-“Russian language and literature” in schools with non – Russian language of education, 1 student of specialty 5B012200-“Russian language and literature were trained” at Kazakh national University.Abai’s;
- 8 students majoring 5V011700 – “Kazakh language and literature” and 3 students of specialty 5В012100 – “Kazakh the outputin metatarder Kazakh language and literature are taught” in the Kazakh national University.Abai’s;
- 2 students are trained at the State University of technology and engineering.Sh. Esenova;
- 3 students of specialty 5B011700-“Kazakh language and literature” and 5 students of specialty 5B012200-“Russian language and literature” are trained from the State University of technology and engineering.Sh.Yessenov.
2019-2020 academic year
- 1 student of specialty 5В011700 -“Kazakh language and literature”, 1 student of specialty 5В011900 – Foreign languages: two foreign languages at Kazakh national University named after Abai,
- 2 students of specialty 5В012200 – -“ Russian language and literature in schools with non-russian language of instruction” at Kazakh national women’s teacher training university.
By programme of Double-diploma education 10 students of 3rd year (students of specialties 5В012900 – Foreign languages: two foreign languages (8 students), 5В020700 – Interpreting and translation (1 student), 5В021000 – Foreign philology(1 student) study at University of Economics in Bydgoszcz (Poland)
2021-2022 academic year
- Dandibayeva Anel, 6В01706 – «Foreign language:two foreign languages» (Pomor Academy, Poland);
- Kabylova Anar, 6В01706 – «Foreign language:two foreign languages» (Pomor Academy, Poland);
- Zinolla Gulmira, 6В01706 – «Foreign language:two foreign languages» (Pomor Academy, Poland);
- Akyrap Akerke, 6В01706 – «Foreign language: two foreign languages» (Pomor Academy, Poland);
- Kazbekoba Bereke, 6В02303 – «Foreign philology» (Pomor Academy, Poland);
- Utepov Raim, 6В01702 – «Русский язык и литература» (Pomor Academy, Poland);
- Muldasheva Aruzhan, 6В02302– «Interpreting and translation» (Bashkir State University, Ufa).
- Sagyndykova Ayazhan, 6В01706 «Foreign language:two foreign languages» (Bydgosh University,Poland)
- Bolekbai Nurai, 6В01706 «Foreign language:two foreign languages» (Bydgosh University,Poland)
- Rsbai Gulzhan, 6В01706 «Foreign language:two foreign languages» (Bydgosh University,Poland)
- Ilyas Asem 6В02303 «Foreign philology» (Bydgosh University,Poland)
- Nurdavletova Gulnur, 6В01706 «Foreign language:two foreign languages» (Bydgosh University,Poland)
- Muratova Albina, 6В01706 «Foreign language:two foreign languages» (Bydgosh University,Poland)
- Izmaganbetova Alima, 6В01706 «Foreign language:two foreign languages» (Bydgosh University,Poland)
- Karzhau Zhadyra, 6В01706 «Foreign language:two foreign languages (Bydgosh University,Poland)
Халықаралық академиялық ұтқырлық бағдарламасынжүзеге асыру мақсатында 2021-2022 оқу жылының II жарты жылдығына күндізгі бөлімнің төмендегі студенттер шетелдік серіктес ЖОО-да білім алды:
- Kanybek Zhuldyz, 6B02302 «Interpreting and translation» ББ, (Bydgosh University,Poland)
- Aldabergen Erdana, 6В01706 – Foreign language:two foreign languages ББ, (Bydgosh University,Poland)
- Suleimenova Aidana, 6В01706 – Foreign language:two foreign languages ББ, (Bydgosh University,Poland)
- Aidinova Sophiya , 6В01706 – Foreign language:two foreign languages ББ, (Bydgosh University,Poland)
- Zhylkybaeva Meruert, 6В01706 – Foreign language:two foreign languages ББ, (Bydgosh University,Poland)
- Ilmagambetova Zhanat, 6В01706 – Foreign language:two foreign languages ББ, (Bydgosh University,Poland)
- Altybai Akniet, 6B02302 «Interpreting and translation» ББ, (Bydgosh University,Poland)
- Zhuldybekova Miramgul, 6B02302 «Interpreting and translation» ББ, (Pomor Academy, Poland);
- Shunkeeva Kymbat, 6В02303 «Foreign philology» ББ, (Pomor Academy, Poland);
- Kuzembaeva Kamila, 6В02303 «Foreign philology» ББ, (Pomor Academy, Poland);
- Tazhden Aruzhan, 6В02303 «Foreign philology» ББ(Pomor Academy, Poland);
- Otepbergenova Ulzhan, 6В02303 «Foreign philology» ББ, (Pomor Academy, Poland);
- Chutenova Dana, 6В01706 «Foreign language:two foreign languages» ( University of Genoa, Italy)
- Kerek Aikorkem, 6В01706 «Foreign language:two foreign languages», ( University of Genoa, Italy)
- Mukasheva Raushan, 6В01706 «Foreign language:two foreign languages», ( University of Genoa, Italy)
- Malikova Dilnaz, 6B02302 «Interpreting and translation» , (Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania)
By programme of Double-diploma education 10 students of 3rd year (students of specialties 5В012900 – Foreign languages: two foreign languages (8 students), 5В020700 – Interpreting and translation (1 student), 5В021000 – Foreign philology(1 student) study at University of Economics in Bydgoszcz (Poland)