The department prepares specialists in 2 educational programs of Bachelor’s degree and 2 educational programs of Master’s degree, 1 educational program of Doctoral degree:


  • 6В01701 – “Kazakh language and literature”;
  • 6B01705 – “Kazakh, Russian language and literature”;


  • 7М01701 – “Kazakh language and literature”;

Doctoral study:

  • 8D02304 – “Philolgy”;


The Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics was opened in 1989, when the university began training specialists of Kazakh language and literature. The department had different names in different years. There are 4 doctors of philological sciences, 9 candidates of philological sciences, 2 PhDs, 6 masters of sciences, 2 senior lecturers working at the chair today.

The chair in different years was headed by candidate of philological sciences, associate professor Zh.N.Nurzhanova; doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor N.Zh.Kurmanova; doctor of philological sciences, professor Zh.O.Tektigul; doctor of philological sciences, professor K.K.Sadirova, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor A.A.Imangazina, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor A.K.Aitbenbetova,  candidate of philological sciences, Professor of ARU B.S.Karagulova, PhD, Senior Lecturer N.K.Kultanbaeva. Now heads the department PhD, senior lecturer Sh.G.Abdirova.

In 2022 under the guidance of PhD., doctor of philological sciences, Professor S.S.Isakova defended her doctoral dissertation on the educational program “8D02304-Philology” N.K.Kultanbaeva, in 2023 under the guidance of PhD., doctor of philological sciences, Professor K.K.Sadirova – Sh.G.Abdirova; under the guidance of Doctor of Philosophy, doctor of philological sciences, Professor G.T.Shokym- E.T.Burankulova, K.Zhumasheva defended a doctoral dissertation on the educational program 8D02304 -“Philology”.

The Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics is a reputable academic environment with such priorities as extensive experience, long-standing research traditions, quality education, cultural development, unity of science and practice.

Today our graduates work in all corners of the country and contribute to the education of the younger generation. Graduates of the Faculty of Philology are in demand in the system of science and education (higher educational institutions, colleges, schools, scientific institutes), press (editorial offices of newspapers and magazines, publications, radio and television), public service (Ministry of Internal Affairs, archives, libraries, museums), travel agencies, domestic and foreign firms of various profiles. We are creating new educational programs at the bachelor, master and doctoral levels; research centers are working.

Within the framework of external academic mobility and double degree education our students are provided with opportunities to study at leading universities of the world: Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (Russia), Kazan Federal University (Russia), Silesian University (Poland), Hubei University (China), Niyde Omer Halisdemir (Turkey) and others. We look forward to young people who are capable of learning languages, eager for literary creativity, inquisitive, motivated and talented.