In order to enrich pedagogical technologies of methods of teaching the Kazakh language in higher and special educational institutions, secondary schools; to use innovative technologies in teaching the language; to establish and strengthen ties with educational institutions; to organize the exchange of professional experience of teachers, the staff of the department traditionally holds scientific and methodological seminars. These seminars were attended by teachers of universities of the Republic, teachers of specialized secondary educational institutions, schools of the region and the city, employees of educational institutions, which is a vivid example of career guidance work of the staff.

To the 120th anniversary of the discovery of the mystery of Old Turkic (runic) writing

Republican seminar “Ancient Turkic writing – a sign of high civilization”

Also the teaching staff organizes reading conferences, literary evenings, meetings with the participation of poets and writers of the region, intellectuals, teachers, undergraduate and graduate students.

In association with scientists of the Russian Federation, Republic of Bashkortostan “Cognitive-comparative description of language units” (S.S.Isakova, A.R.Mukhtarullina, K.K.Sadirova, Volume – 277 p. Aktobe-Ufa, 2015).

Published works on the main directions of educational and methodical, research work of the department:

  • K. Sadirova, Study of syntax of Turkic languages (based on materials of Kazakh, Bashkir, Tatar languages). – Textbook. The publication is presented by the educational-methodical association RUMS of higher and postgraduate education at the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai on specialities of the group “Education”. Protocol №2 from 20.05.2016 -ISBN 978-601-7388-78-2. volume-153 p;
  • K. Sadirova, electronic textbook “Ontopsycholinguistics” // certificate of inclusion of information in the state register of rights to copyrighted objects №1975. -26 February 2019 (authors’ association: Baiganova A.M., Moldabaeva Z.M.),
  • K.Sadirova, multimedia encyclopaedia “Zhubanovs” // Certificate of Inclusion in the State Register of Rights for Copyrighted Objects №1974. 26 February 2019 (in association with the author: Tleumuratova Zh.S., Kurmanova B.Zh., Okasova G., Sadirova A., Abdirova Sh.),
  • K.Sadirova, virtual archive-museum “Zhubanov’s World”, Database. // Certificate of inclusion of information in the state register of rights to copyrighted objects №7379. – 31 December 2019 (authors’ association: Baiganova A. M., Mirov M. O.),
  • K.Sadirova, “Problems of Discursology”. Monograph. Aktobe: “Kolibri”, 2019. – 200 p. – 12.5 p. l,
  • K.Sadirova, “Updated education at the lessons of the Kazakh language and literature” (educational and methodological manual) // Aktobe: AzIS printing house”, 2019.-12,5 p.l. (authors’ association: Kushkimbaeva A.S., Tanirbergenova G.K., Oraz G.K.),
  • Zh.O. Tektigul, K.K. Sadirova, “Onomastic discourse: mythological aspect”. Aktobe: Liter-A, 2022. 193 p.
  • K.Sadirova, “Mythophytonyms of Kazakhstan” (Trilingual Illustrated Myth Dictionary (Volume 2). Аuthors’ association: Zh.O.Tektigul, V.Zh.Islamgalieva, Sh.G.Abdirova, R.B.Zhazykova, A.B.Bayadilova-Altybaeva, P.S.Sydyk-Aktobe: Liter-A, 2023. – 143 p.,
  • Zh.O.Tektigul, “General linguistics” – electronic textbook. (Copyright certificate №4140., “20” 2019),
  • Zh.O.Tektigul, “Historical grammar of the Kazakh language” (textbook. RUMS). Almaty: Evero, 2020. – 268 p. 16.75 p. l,
  • Zh.O.Tektigul, “Historical grammar of the Kazakh language” (electronic textbook), (copyright certificate № 10361, “28” May 2020), Aktobe, 2020,
  • Zh.O. Tektigul, “Mythological Dictionary. Mythoanthroponyms of Kazakhstan”, Aktobe: Aktobe: Liter-A.-2022, 16,25 p.l. 260 p. (In Author’s Association),
  • T.Shokym, B.A.Yerdembekov, Ismet Biner «QAZAQ TİLİ GRAMMATIKASI» (śeldik studentterge arnalǵan) (Kazakh-Turkish language training manual) /Stambul: 2019. − 216 p. ISBN 978 – 605 – 7604,
  • T.Shokym «Gender linguistics» (English-language training manual approved by the RUMS) /Gender linguistics: Educational manual/ − Almaty: TechSmith, 2020. − 160 page. (10 p.l.),
  • S.Karagulova “Theory and Practice of Translation”. Textbook. The publishing house is presented by the educational-methodical association of RUMS of higher and postgraduate education at the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai on specialities of the group “Education”. Protocol № 2 from 20.05.2016. -Almaty, 2016.- 156 p;
  • S.Karagulova “Electronic explanatory dictionary of borrowed words in the Kazakh language” / copyright certificate 15 August 2019 copyright certificate № 4921.- Astana, 2019,
  • S.Karagulova “Ethnolinguistic character of borrowed words in Kazakh language”. – Aktobe, 2019 / Monograph. – 133 p. (8.5 p. l.),
  • S.Karagulova, “Fundamentals of neology”. Aktobe, 2020 / textbook. (RUMS protocol №1 of 12.11.2019) – 122 p. (7.6 p. l.),
  • S.Karagulova, N.A.Saduakas, “Zhubanovology” Karaganda, 2022 (RUMS 09.04.2021) – 342 p. (21.38 p. l.),
  • K.Aitbenbetova “Linguistic Stylistics of Artistic Work” (monograph),
  • K.Muratbek, A.K.Aitbenbetova “Practical stylistics of the Kazakh language” (training manual).
  • А. A.K.Aitbenbetova, textbook “Kazakh language”, Turkey textbook.
  • K. Aitbenbetova, “History of the Kazakh literary language” (in Latin script).
  • K.Muratbek, “Stylistics of the Kazakh language”. Textbook. Gryph of MES RK (in association), K. Zhubanov University Publishing House 2019,
  • K.Muratbek, “Comparative dictionary of general vocabulary of Kazakh-Turkish languages”. Almaty and Turkey publishing house “Bilim kurumy”, 2021. Collection of exercises “Stylistics of the Kazakh language”, valid in 5 universities of Turkey. Part 2 (supplemented and edited 3rd edition).
  • A. Saduakas, K.A.Kondybay, Sh.G. Abdirova, “Professional development of Kazakh language teacher”. Manual.- Almaty: Evro, 2019. – 155 p.
  • A.Saduakas, M.O.Mirov, “Translation of the Kazakh alphabet into the Latin alphabet”. Training manual. Türkiye-Mersin: Mer Ak Mersin Akademi, 2021. -136 p. – (three books published in Kazakh, Turkish, English),
  • A.Saduakas, A.S.Kushkimbayeva, “History of the Kazakh Alphabet” (textbook). – Almaty: Medet Group LLP,  2021. -260 p.

The introduction of new teaching technology in the educational process is carried out continuously. Electronic versions of all scientific, scientific-methodical, educational-methodical literature for the organization of classes in the department are collected and stored in the electronic library of the university, reading room. They are available for students. Among the video lectures-video recordings of online lessons conducted jointly with well-known in the Republic of fundamental educational institutions, A.K.Aitbenbetova held an open practical lesson on the discipline “Basics of language communication” in the specialty “Kazakh language and literature” on the topic “Language and symbols” in online mode together with the group 401 specialty “Kazakh language and literature in non-Kazakh languages schools” Kazakh State Women’s Pedagogical University.

In order to expand the scope of scientific research with the participation of students at the department the work of problem groups is carried out:

  1. “Gylym kainary”, “Problems of speech science”, supervisor  – B.K.Muratbek;
  2. “Young Linguist”, supervisor – A.K.Aitbenbetova.

Acceptance of 1st year students as members of the scientific society “Gylym kainary

Methodological seminars

In order to study and disseminate the experience of using modern pedagogical teaching technologies the department traditionally organizes international and national, intra-university methodological seminars.

In particular, the department traditionally organizes the scientific conference “Zhubanov tagylymy”, international scientific conference “Actual problems of the theory of discourse”. Joint seminars with Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla and and Bashkir State University in online contact on the directions of research work.

IX International Scientific Conference “Zhubanov talks”

The opening of the research center Zhubanovology was attended by descendants and relatives of Kudaibergen Zhubanov, foreign guests, intelligentsiastaff of the university and students

Scientific Conference “Latin Alphabet: Humanities and World Integration”

Intra-university methodological seminar on the theme “Modern Trends in Language Education”

Methodological seminar on “Training of pedagogical staff within the framework of Renewal of the content of renewed education”

Opening ceremony of the monument named after N. Baiganin

The main directions of scientific research work of the department:

The main directions of research work of the department: history and theory of linguistics, comparative linguistics, cognitive linguistics, linguoculturology, discursology, philosophy of language, psycholinguistics, ethnolinguistics.

From the international scientific conference “Zhubanov tagylymy-2019”

Zhubanov Olympiad – 2020

In the framework of international cooperation, the Ili Pedagogical University (Kulja, PRC), Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia), the Institute of History, Language and Literature of the Ufa Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Ufa, Russia), Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla (Ufa, Russia), Bashkir State University (Ufa, Russia), Cherkessk Research Institute (Cherkessk, Russia), Naberezhnye Chelny State Pedagogical University (Naberezhnye Chelny, Russia), Ural State Pedagogical University (Ekaterinburg, Russia), Orenburg State University (Orenburg, Russia), Russian-Tajik (Slavic) University (Dushanbe, Tajikistan), Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan).

Within the framework of internal and external academic mobility, doctor of philological sciences, Professor K.K.Sadirova underwent a scientific internship at the Ili Pedagogical University in Kulja, People’s Republic of China and gave lectures to students on the course “Study of syntax of type languages”. Besides, in Bashkir State University Professor K.K.Sadirova gave a lecture on “Ethno-cultural character of phraseologisms in Kazakh-Bashkir languages”, and in this university Professor S.S.Isakova gave a lecture on “Cognitive linguistics”. The holders of the scholarship of the international program “Bolashak” Zh.O.Tektigul, K.A.Kondybay, B.K.Muratbek have passed scientific internship in Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan of the Republic of Poland. Professor, doctor of philological sciences G.T.Shokym gave a lecture at the Institute of Languages of Xinjiang University of Finance and Economics of the People’s Republic of China on “Language Theory and Linguocultural Trends”. In addition, Associate Professor, Candidate of Philological Sciences B.K.Muratbek gave lectures at Kastamonu University in Turkey and at A.Nauai University in Tashkent city of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor Aigul Raisovna Mukhtarullina within the framework of foreign academic mobility gave lectures on the disciplines “Linguistic Analysis of Artistic Text” (25 hours) and “Theory of Discourse Analysis” (50 hours).

Within the framework of academic mobility foreign scientists were invited: Associate Professor Abdikhalyk Ospankarievich from Ili Pedagogical University of Kulja, People’s Republic of China, Professor of Moscow State University named after M.L.Lomonosov from Russia Nazarenko Alla Leonidovna, Professor at Bashkir State University, Republic of Bashkortostan, Russian Federation Mukhtarullina Aigul Raisovna, Associate Professor at Sterlitamak University Khusainova Lyailya Midkhatovna, Dean of the Bashkir Philology Faculty, Associate Professor Valiyeva Gulnaz Dauratovna, Gulshan Erkinturovna Sadyralieva, Associate Professor of M.Karasayev Bishkek Humanitarian University, Kyrgyz Republic, Professor Parikshat Sing Mankhas from Jammu University, India, Associate Professor Sevil Pirieva from Ankara University, Turkey, Professor Lyubov Kimovna Geikhman from Perm Technical University, and Professor Ismet Biner from Istanbul University shared substantive conclusions and gave courses on the main directions of research work. In addition, within the framework of academic mobility in the specialty “Kazakh language and literature” were students of Ili Pedagogical University, located in the city of Kulja, People’s Republic of China.

Dr. Samet Azap from Kastamonu University (Turkey) gives a lecture in the discipline of General Linguistics

International seminar “Latin alphabet – unity of the Turkic world”

Dr. Biner Ismet, Professor of Istanbul University, organizes the international seminar “Experience of Latin script implementation in Turkic countries”


Development and publication of e-learning resources

Kushkimbaeva Ainur Serikbaevna

Electronic resources – video lectures:

Sadirova Kulzat Kanievna

Electronic resources – video lectures:

Chokym Gulzhan Tynyshtykbaykyzy

Electronic resources – video lectures: