The teaching staff of the department, in addition to teaching and education of the younger generation, introduction to scientific research and creativity, actively participates in public events, highlights current issues in the media, resulting in significant successes. Winners of prestigious faculty awards:

  • Zh.O. Tektigul, B.K.Muratbek, G.T.Arebaev – holders of the international scholarship of the President of RK “Bolashak”;
  • Zh.O. Tektigul – holder of the scientific title of Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences; breastplate For Merit in the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan; V.I. Vernadsky Medal for achievements in the development of national science; “Honorary Professor of Aktobe Regional State University named after K.Zhubanov”; has a breastplate “For merits in the development of the education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, a letter of thanks for personal contribution;
  • K. Sadirova – Certificate of Merit of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2019), Certificate of Merit of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Nur-Sultan, 2019); letter of gratitude from the Akim of Aktobe region O.Orazalin (2019); medal “For merits in the development of the university” (by the decision of the Academic Council of ARU named after K.Zhubanov from September 30, 2020, protocol № 3 certificate № 74);
  • T. Shokym – Academician of the Kazakhstan Academy of Pedagogical Sciences; Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “For conscientious work and diligent service on the way to prosperity, who made a significant contribution to the development of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan” Astana, 2023;
  • Zh.O. Tektigul, S.S.Mukhtarov – holders of the breastplate “For merits in the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan” ;
  • S.Isakova – Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • A. Saduakas, S.S. Mukhtarov – “Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan”;
  • A.Saduakas – letter of thanks for active participation in the implementation of the program “Rukhani zhangyru” in Aktobe region; Certificate of Merit from the Akim of Aktobe region O. Orazalin; letter of thanks from the Minister of Culture and Sports of RK A. Raimkulova “For contribution to the development of the language sphere in honor of the Day of Languages of the People of Kazakhstan”;
  • – M.T.Kushtaeva – I degree diploma at the national competition “Honored Teacher of RK – 2020” in the framework of the project “identification, development of abilities of gifted students” to popularize the Message of President Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev to the people of Kazakhstan “Constructive public dialogue – the basis of stability and prosperity of Kazakhstan”; Letter of gratitude from the Akimat of Aktobe region of RK;
  • K.Aitbenbetova, Z.M.Moldabaeva – excellent educators of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • K.Muratbek – memorial medal of the 30th anniversary of the December events; letter of thanks “For merits in the implementation of the Serpin program”; letter of thanks for holding the summer language camp “Kazakh tili” in the center of international cooperation; letter of thanks for holding the summer language camp “Kazakh tili” in the center of international cooperation;
  • S. Karagulova – “A. Baitursynov breastplate”, Best teacher of the university;
  • K. Aitbenbetova – “The best methodologist-teacher of ARU named after K. Zhubanov-2021”;
  • A.A.Imangazina – Certificate of Merit of the Kazakhstan branch organization of trade union of workers of education and science (2022).

The winner of the international scholarship of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Bolashak” 2023 N.T. Arebaev is undergoing a scientific internship at Michigan State University (USA)

Students and undergraduates under the guidance of the teaching staff regularly participate in international and national competitions of scientific work and take prizes. In particular, research works, carried out under the guidance of teachers of the department, became prizewinners of the international conference and republican competition of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the best scientific work of students in natural-technical, social-humanitarian and economic sciences. They are:

  • Turaly Tolganay Zhanazhylkyzy – Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Bashkortostan, II degree.Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa, 17.02.2023 (supervisor Zh.O.Tektigul),
  • Kasymbekova Aigerim Askhatkyzy, – Certificate of Merit of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Bashkortostan of III degree. Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa, 21.02.2022 (supervisor Zh.O. Tektigul);
  • Shandybay Raigul Aidosovna – Diploma ІІ degree in the nomination “Essay” of the republican competition among students of higher educational institutions “The country today, I am for its future”, dedicated to the 150th anniversary of A. Baitursynov, Taldykorgan, 2022 (supervisor B.S. Karagulova);
  • Zinollaeva Ayazhan – І place in the competition for the best scientific project of the year (supervisor A. Aitbenbetova, 2020);
  • Baizak Umirzak – 2nd place in the competition for the best scientific project of the year (supervisor A.K. Aitbenbetova, 2020);
  • Slamova Karakoz – 2nd place in the Republican intellectual and cognitive competition “Creative World of R. Amir”, a prize of 20000 tenge (head A.K. Aitbenbetova, 2020), etc.

4 teachers of the department are holders of the grant “The best teacher of the university” of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

Zh.O. Tektigul (2009);

K.K. Sadirova (2012);

S.S. Isakova (2013);

B.S. Karagulova (2019);

Published works on the main directions of research work of the department:

  • 37 monographs (Zh.O.Tektigul, G.T.Shokym, K.K.Sadirova, S.S.Isakova, A.K.Aitbenbetova, N.A.Saduakas, B.K.Muratbek, B.S.Karagulova, M.O.Mirov, A.A.Imangazina and others);
  • Training manuals approved by the Training and Methodological Association of the Republican Training and Methodological Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Zh.O.Tektigul, K.K.Sadirova, S.S.Isakova, G.T.Shokym, N.A.Saduakas, B.K.Muratbek, B.S.Karagulova, A.K.Aitbenbetova, M.T.Kushtaeva, G.S.Esenova, N.K.Kultanbaeva);
  • More than 15 electronic teaching aids (Zh.O.Tektigul, G.T.Shokym, K.K.Sadirova, S.S.Isakova, B.S.Karagulova, A.K.Aitbenbetova, G.S.Esenova, N.K.Kultanbaeva, Z.M.Moldabaeva, Sh.G.Abdirova);
  • More than 120 educational and methodical works;
  • More than 2000 scientific, methodical, journalistic articles of teachers of the department, published in Kazakh and foreign editions in Kazakh, Russian, English, Latin, Arabic languages.

Grant projects:

  1. Scientific project on “Onomastic discourse: mythological aspect” based on the state grant (project leader: K.K. Sadirova, project members: Zh.O. Tektigul, Sh.G. Abdirova, doctoral students of EP 8D02304-Philology: R.B. Zhazykova, P. Sydyk).
  2. On the basis of the state grant “Ethnic stereotypes and the category of laughter in humorous discourse: parallel aspects” (project leader: N.K.Kultanbaeva, project members: S.S.Isakova, G.G.Ermekbaeva, doctoral students of EP 8D02304 – Philology: A.S.Tukhtarova, N.E.Kartzhan, Zh.A.Zhetesova).
  3. on the basis of the state grant “Implementation of research-based model of training of future teachers (RBL) in a regional higher education institution of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (project leader: G.G.Ermekbayeva).
  4. T.Shokym, IVLP International Cooperation Leader Grant (supported by the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Embassy in Kazakhstan, 2020).

From the travels of the grant project