The composition of the department:

According to the approved staffing table, the total number of faculty of the department is 22 people, including 3 doctors of physical and mathematical sciences, 5 candidates of physical and mathematical sciences, 3 PhD, 9 masters of physics.

The main tasks of the department are the preparation of bachelors in the programs «6B01502 – Physics», «6В01512 – Physics» (IP), «6B05301 – Physics», masters in the programs «7M01502 – Physics», «7M05301 – Physics» and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the program «8D05301 – Physics».

Degrees awarded to undergraduate graduates:
«6B01502 – Physics» — Bachelor of Pedagogical Sciences,
«6В01512 – Physics» (IP) — Bachelor of Pedagogical Sciences,
«6B05301 – Physics» — Bachelor of Sciences.

Degrees awarded to graduate students:
«7M01502 – Physics» — Master of Pedagogical Sciences,
«7M05301 – Physics» — Master of Natural Sciences.

The degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is awarded to graduates of the doctoral program in the educational program «8D05301 – Physics».

In the national rating of the educational program:

In 2020, the educational program «6B01502-Physics» took 2nd place, the educational program «6B05301-Physics» took 3rd place in the rating of educational programs of higher educational institutions of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Atameken».

In 2020, by the decision of the CAM «INDEPENDENT ACCREDITATION AND RATING AGENCY», the educational programs «6B05301-Physics» and «7M05301-Physics» for a period of 7 years, the educational programs «6B01510-Physics-Informatics» and «8D05301 - Physics» will receive specialized accreditation for a period of 5 past years.

In 2021, according to the rating of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Atameken», the program «6B01502-Physics» took 2nd place, «6B05301-Physics» — 3rd place.

According to the rating of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, «Atameken» in 2022, the program «6B01502-Physics» is in 1st place, «6B05301-Physics» is in 4th place.