Period of study:

term of study in the scientific and pedagogical direction-2 years;

profile training-1 or 1.5 years.

Academic degree awarded:

master of education in education program 7М01503 – «computer science»

Field of professional activity: Education; science;

Forms of professional activity:

educational institutions (higher education institutions, colleges, schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, preschool educational institutions, educational institutions of technical and vocational education); research organizations in the field of Informatics, pedagogy, psychology and teaching methods, design and engineering bureaus, firms and companies; management organizations: education departments.

Subject of professional activity:

organization of the process of training and education, design and management of the pedagogical process, diagnosis, correction, forecasting the results of pedagogical activity; organization and research in the field of mathematics, pedagogy, psychology and teaching methods; study, synthesis and dissemination of innovative learning experience; implementation of organizational activities in educational institutions and other management bodies of the relevant profile.

Professional activities:

education; social and pedagogical; research; organizational and methodological; production and technology.

Base practice:

National center for advanced training “Orleu”; Nazarbayev Intellectual school of physics and mathematics in Aktobe; ARSU. G. Zhubanova