Duration of education:
3 years.
according to academic program “8D05301-Physics”
Field of professional activity of the graduate
The field of professional activity of a doctoral graduate includes:
– research activities in areas that use mathematical methods and computer technologies;
– solving various problems using mathematical modeling of processes and objects and software;
– development of effective methods for solving problems of natural science and technology;
– software and information support for scientific, research and management activities;
– the teaching of the physical disciplines.
Objects of professional activity of the graduate
The objects of professional activity of a doctoral graduate are: research organizations, organizations of education and management.
Types of professional activity of the graduate
A graduate of the doctoral program prepares for the following types of professional activity:
– research;
– industrial-technological;
– organizational and management;
– educational (pedagogical).
Graduates of the doctoral program can carry out professional activities in accordance with the received fundamental and specialized training in the specialty in the following positions:
– specialist, leading specialist, leading physicist;
– research associate in research institutes and centers;
– teacher of physics in higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
– teacher of physics, physics and computer science in secondary professional educational institutions, secondary schools, lyceums and gymnasiums.
Tasks of a graduate’s professional activity
A graduate of the doctoral program should be prepared to solve the following tasks in accordance with the type of professional activity:
- research activities:
– application of methods of physical and algorithmic modeling in the study of real processes and objects in order to find effective solutions to General scientific, organizational and applied problems of a wide profile;
– analysis and generalization of research results in the field of physics using modern achievements of science and technology, advanced domestic and foreign experience;
– preparation and holding of conferences, seminars, and symposiums;
– preparation and editing of scientific publications;
- production and technological activities:
– application of fundamental physical knowledge and creative skills to quickly adapt to new problems that arise in the development of computer technology and mathematical methods, to the increasing complexity of mathematical models and algorithms, to the need for rapid decision-making in new situations;
– use of modern computer technology and software;
– accumulation, analysis and systematization of the required information using modern methods of automated information collection and processing;
– development of regulatory and methodological documents and participation in defining the corporate network development strategy;
- organizational and managerial activities:
– organization of work of research groups;
– application of scientific achievements for forecasting performance, quantitative and qualitative assessment of the results of made decisions;
- teaching activities:
– lectures, seminars, and other educational reforms in a specific field of physics.
– competencies of a doctoral graduate formed as a result of mastering OP
General professional competencies:
– the ability to use basic natural science knowledge in professional activities, including knowledge about the subject and objects of study, research methods, modern concepts, achievements and limitations of natural Sciences (OPK-1);
– expand the fluency in English required for writing scientific articles, reading foreign scientific literature, and participating in international conferences (OPK-2);
– organize and conduct research work, process and evaluate the results of research work, generalize and draw conclusions from the results of research work, recognize the essence of research phenomena (OPK-3);
– demonstrate the ability to create and interpret new knowledge by conducting high-quality original scientific research that meets the requirements of expert assessment in the field of physics (OPK-4);
– to deepen the ability to work with modern foreign and domestic scientific literature and give their own assessment of the described physical phenomena (OPK-5);
– develop the ability to contribute to the development of the latest areas of physical science through original scientific research (OPK-6);
Subject competencies (PC):
– ability to use specialized knowledge in the field of physics for the development of specialized physical disciplines (PC-1);
– develop the ability to contribute to the development of the latest trends in theoretical physics and condensed matter physics (PC-2);
– ability to use modern methods of processing, analysis and synthesis of physical information in the chosen field of physical research (PC-3);
– the ability to conduct scientific research in the chosen field of experimental and (or) theoretical physical research using modern instrumentation (including complex physical equipment) and information technologies, taking into account domestic and foreign experience (PC-4);
– have the ability to design and set theoretical and applied tasks in the field of scientific and scientific-pedagogical activities, conduct expertise of scientific projects and research (PC-5).
The awarded degree:
Doctor of PhD in educational program «8D05301 – Physics»
Sphere of professional activity:
education and science.
Objects of professional activity:
universities and research organizations, public administration bodies, state and non-state institutions of science and education, industrial production, design, technological and design organizations, etc.
The subject of professional activity:
the organization of training and education of students using innovative methods and means, the organization of research activities of a student or undergraduate in the educational process.
Types of professional activity:
educational, research, experimental research, organizational and managerial, educational and technological, administrative and managerial.
Bases of practice and internships:
Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania; Gdansk University, Poland; Bashkir state. University, Russia; University of Sakarya, Turkey; Saratov State Technical University. Y. Gagarin, Russia; Grodno State University name of Y. Kupala, Belarus;Institute of physics, University of Tartu, Estonia.