Specialty code:
6B07108 – Electrical and electronic engineering
Period of study:
Full-time: 4 years
Degrees awarded:
Bachelor of engineering and technologies on specialty 6В07108 — Electroenergetics
Sphere of professional activity:
Bachelor of this profile is prepared for activities in the following industries:
- production of electric energy;
- transmission and distribution of electric energy;
- transmission and distribution of thermal energy;
- supply of electric and thermal energy.
Objects of professional activity:
The objects of professional activity of graduates are enterprises for the production, transmission, distribution and consumption of electricity.
Professional activities:
Bachelors on speciality 6В07108 – Electroenergetics can perform the following professional activities:
- scientific research;
- design and development;
- industrial-technological;
- installation and commissioning;
- service and operational;
- organizational and managerial.