Educational and scientific activities of the department
From 1998 to 2010 postgraduate students by specialty “Social Philosophy” (09.00.11) M.Bozzhigitova , N.A.Nurgaliev , G.D.Husainova , Z.T.Abetova , U.K.Sarsembin , E.E.Muhanbetkaliev who studied in full-time and in extramural study forms, defended candidate dissertations. Scientific guidance in postgraduate studies, opened at the Department of Philosophy and Culturology, was carried out by scientists: Doctor of Philosophy, Professor A.A. Aytaly , Doctor of Philosophy, Professor A.A. Asarov , Doctor of Philosophy, Professor T.Kh. Ryskaliev , Doctor of Philosophy, Professor A.T. Taizhanov . Graduate students defended their PhD thesis at the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science Kaz N have them. Al- Farabi and at the Institute of Philosophy, Political Science and Religious Studies of the KN MES RK .
For 50 years of its existence, the Department of APK and Socio-Political Disciplines has been replenished and replenished with professional personnel, trained competent specialists. During this time , graduates , postgraduates and doctoral students of the S. Kirov State University (now Al-Farabi KazNU) worked at the department . In particular, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor B.E. Kairova , Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor B.Kh.Davletyarova , Senior Lecturer B.S. Nurpeisova , Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor K.K. Sarsembina , candidate of philosophical sciences D.A. Matsyuk , candidate of political sciences A.A. Kenesov, being teachers of the department, studied in doctoral and postgraduate studies at the Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi, and received academic degrees.
Over the past ten years, the faculty of the department has published more than ten scientific monographs and textbooks, about seventy scientific articles.
Over the past five years, the following scientific monographs have been published:
- А.Айталы «Дін және діндарлық» (Қазіргі әлем мен Қазақстандағы дін және діндарлық мәселелері). – ҚРЖОО ассосиациясының баспасы, 2017. – 12 б.т.
- Сәрсембин Ү.Қ. Қазақ интеллегенциясы мәдени феномен ретінде. Монография. / «Жұбанов кітапханасы» сериясы. – Ақтөбе: «Жұбанов университеті» баспасы, 2018. – 170 б.
- Симұқанова Г.С. Нарықтық экономика. Жаһандану. Ұлттық мәдениет. Монография. / «Жұбанов кітапханасы» сериясы. – Ақтөбе: «Жұбанов университеті» баспасы, 2018. – 186 б.
- Сәрсембин Ү.Қ. Қазақ идеясының тарихи және мәдени кеңістіктегі таралымы. Монография. – Алматы: «Эверио» баспасы, 2020. – 170 б.