
Professor A.A. Aytaly, who worked at the university for a long time, held leading positions at the university, in 1999-2008. was elected a deputy of the Mazhilis of the 2nd and 3rd convocations. He was awarded the medals “Badge of Honor”, “Parasat” and the Order “Barys” of the third degree.

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Kurmanbekov Berkin, who headed the department for more than 10 years, in 2004, based on the results of scientific activity, was recognized as the “Best Head of the Department” at the State University named after Zhubanov, in 2007 he was awarded the title of “Best Scientific Researcher”.

In 2014, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor B.Kh. Davletyarova was awarded the Y. Altynsarin badge of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for significant success in organizing and improving educational and educational processes.

The teachers of the department took advanced training courses at the national center “Orleu” in Almaty, training courses for trainers within the framework of the level PPK of pedagogical personnel of the Republic of Kazakhstan, developed by the CPM jointly with the Faculty of Education of the University of Cambridge at the third (basic) level in Nur-Sultan.

The following teachers took advanced training courses abroad within the framework of academic mobility: senior teacher A.S. Zhalmaganbetova – in Portugal (Lisbon) at the Higher Technical Institute; Candidate of Philosophy, Acting Associate Professor G.D. Khussainova – in Germany, at the International Academy of Management and Technology in Dusseldorf, senior lecturer G.S. Simuganova – in Spain, at the Polytechnic University of Valencia. Also, the following teachers of the department studied at foreign universities: A. Kulmanova graduated from the educational master’s program in Turkey at the Sakarya University; O.M. Mukhitov (Bashkir State University, RF) and A.K. Bolysbayeva (Brigham Young University, USA) underwent scientific internships as part of doctoral studies at foreign universities.

The scientists of the department regularly publish scientific articles in the republican socio-political magazines “Akikat” and “Mysl”. Doctor of Philosophy, Professor A.A. Aytaly and candidate of philosophical sciences U.K. Sarsembin is the author of many publications in the Akikat magazine. The articles mainly touch upon the problems of the state and religion, the secularity of the state, the problems of religious extremism, the national idea, the peculiarities of the formation of the Kazakh national intelligentsia, national consciousness, etc.

Members of the department actively participate in international, republican, university scientific and practical conferences. Over the past 10 years, under the guidance of Professor, Doctor of Philosophy A.A. Aytaly and Doctor of Philosophy B.E. Kairova held 7 scientific and practical conferences at the international and republican levels.

The International conference “The value content of Kazakh culture” dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Kairova Bakhyt. Members of the department are among famous scientists.

In the 2016-2019 academic years, the teachers of the department: head of the department, candidate of philosophical sciences U.K. Sarsembin, candidate of philosophical sciences, senior lecturer N.A. Nurgaliev, candidate of philosophical sciences, senior lecturer D.A. Matsyuk participated in scientific competitions of the republican and regional levels and became winners. In 2016, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Senior Lecturer N.A. Nurgaliev, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Senior Lecturer D.A. Matsyuk took 1st place in the competition of scientific projects organized at the initiative of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan.

Scientists of the department, who participated in the republican competition dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Kazakhstan’s independence in February 2017, took first place in the “Best Scientific Article” nomination. The teachers of the department are the head of the department, candidate of philosophical sciences. W.C. Sarsembin, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Senior Lecturer D.A. Matsyuk were awarded diplomas for prizes.

In May 2017, the teachers of the department presented their scientific projects for the competition “Young Scientist 2017”, organized by the Aktobe regional akimat and the department of youth policy. Head of the Department, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences U.K. Sarsembin, won the 3rd place

The teachers of the department are regular participants in international, republican scientific conferences and seminars. Since 2015, the head of the department, candidate of philosophical sciences U.K. Sarsembin was appointed director of the Aktobe branch of the republican public association “Congress of Political Scientists”, deputy chairman of the scientific expert group at the APK of the Aktobe region. Also, its members are teachers of the department: senior teacher, candidate of philosophical sciences. N.A. Nurgaliev, senior lecturer, candidate of philosophical sciences. D.A. Matsyuk, master of political science O.M. Mukhitov.

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor A.A. Aitaly in 2016 was awarded medals established in honor of the 25th anniversary of Kazakhstan’s independence and the 50th anniversary of the formation of ARSU named after K. Zhubanov.

On October 26, 2016 in Astana, at the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the international scientific and practical seminar: “Actual problems of the study of ethnic and interfaith relations” teachers of the department made reports. In 2016, the department was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Association of Trade Unions of the Aktobe region, a letter of thanks was received from the regional akim B. Saparbayev for his contribution to the strengthening and development of the republic, timed to coincide with the 25th anniversary of the independence of Kazakhstan.

The teachers of the department were awarded medals in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Zhubanov University: Doctor of Philosophy, Professor B.E. Kairova, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor A.Zh. Mukanbetzhan, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor B.Kh.Davletyarova, Candidates of Philosophical Sciences U.K. Sarsembin, M. G-N. Gabdssattarova, N.A. Nurgaliev, G.D Khusainova, D.A. Matsyuk and senior teacher B.S. Nurpeissova.

Over the past five years, the teachers of the department have prepared more than 50 reports at international, republican and regional conferences. Among them, participation and preparation of 10 scientific articles in an international conference organized by the Confucius Institute at the ARSU named after K. Zhubanov.

Over the past 10 years, more than 10 scientific monographs have been published, of which three were published in 2019-2020. The teachers of the department and the APK held more than 10 meetings in the districts of the region for public discussion of the President’s message and published more than 20 articles in the newspapers “Egemen Kazakstan”, “Kazakhstanskaya Pravda”, “Kazakh Uni”, “Kazakh Adebieti”, “Ana tili”, on portal “Аbai. Kz “.

In 2019, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences., Senior Lecturer M.G-N. Gabdsattarova was awarded a diploma of the Republican Interuniversity Electronic Library for her contribution to the development of the higher education system and the creation of modern educational and methodological literature for universities in Kazakhstan.

In 2020, the head of the department, candidate of philosophical sciences. U.K. Sarsembin, candidate of historical sciences, associate professor B.Kh. Davletyarova and Candidate of Philosophical Sciences., Acting Associate Professor G.D. Khusainov were awarded medals and certificates for their contribution to the development of the university, timed to coincide with the 85th anniversary of the university.

Also in the past year, the following teachers of the department were awarded: the head of the department, candidate of philosophical sciences U.K. Sarsembin – with the festive medal “Kazakhstan khalgy Assebleyasyna 25 zhyl”, candidate of historical sciences, associate professor B.Kh. Davletyarova – badge “Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan”

December 5, 2022 in the conference hall “Kudaibergen Zhubanov” Aktobe Regional University. K. Zhubanov, the presentation of the textbook “Philosophy” by professor of the West Kazakhstan Medical University named after. Marata Ospanov, Doctor of Philosophy Altai Taizhanovich Taizhanov and Senior Lecturer of the Assemblies of the People of Kazakhstan and Socio-Political Disciplines Department of ARU. K. Zhubanov, Master of Humanities, Guldariga Serikovna Simukanova.

This is the first textbook on philosophy, prepared in accordance with the latest Model Program, approved by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan and certified by the seal of the RUMS UMO. The textbook is intended for teachers, graduate students and students of higher and postgraduate educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Vice-rectors and faculty of universities of our city took part in the event.

Beknazarov Rakhim Agybaevichy, Member of the Board of the Aktobe Regional University named after K.Zhubanova – Vice-Rector for Science and Innovation, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of History and Local Lore, said that the textbook is the result of a lot of creative work and research. Book presentations are often held at our university, and it is very gratifying that they discuss the content of these books. The first author of this textbook, Altai Taizhanovich, is a well-known professor in the republic, and the second author, Guldariga Serikovna, is an experienced person who has already published several books and a number of articles. Professor Altai Taizhanov is a scientist and teacher who made a great contribution to the development of our university, giving our students a huge amount of knowledge based on the values of national culture, worldview, philosophy. In 1991, at the invitation of the rector, Professor M. Arynov, he participated in the opening of a new department “Ethnopedagogy and cultural studies” at our university (then still a pedagogical institute). At that time, such a department was opened for the first time in Aktobey in our republic as a whole. Since then, he worked at our university until 2013. During these years, he held the positions of head of the department, vice-rector for scientific work, professor of the department, director of the Center for Ethnocultural Education and Training. In general, the vice-rector emphasized that Tаizhanov A.T. is an outstanding scientist who made a great contribution to the development of Kazakh philosophy.

The next speech was made by the authors of the textbook themselves – professors Altai Taizhanovich and Guldariga Serikovna, who emphasized that each topic of the textbook was written in the traditional way and at the same time convenient for distance learning. Each topic also has national components that allow you to more fully penetrate into their content. The authors expressed their gratitude to the management and staff of the university, who took the initiative in organizing such an event.

After that, it was time for the opening ceremony. Professor Amangeldy Aitaly and Ph.D. Nurbek Nurgaliev symbolically cut the red ribbon.

In addition, at the award ceremony, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor A.A. Aitaly, Member of the Board of Aktobe Regional University named after K. Zhubanov – Vice-Rector for Social and Educational Work, Ph.D. Associate Professor E.E. Mukhanbetkaliyev, head of the department of “Socio-political disciplines” of the West Kazakhstan Medical University named after. M. Ospanova, candidate of historical sciences, associate professor Tolepbergeni Zh., head of the department “Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan and socio-political disciplines”, Sarsembin U.K., Associate Professor Davletyarova B.Kh., Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor Khusainova G.D., who also expressed their warm wishes about the textbook “Philosophy” by Professor Taizhanov AT. and Simukanova G.S.

During the presentation, the head of the department “Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan and socio-political disciplines” of our university Sarsembin U.K. on behalf of himself and on behalf of our students, he presented Professor Altai Taizhanovich with a special portrait of the professor.

Also, within the framework of the event, an exhibition of books on the topic “Philosophy” was organized, and at the award ceremony, 2nd year students of the specialty “Music Education” performed melodies and songs. The exhibition featured the works of authors, books and periodicals related to philosophy.