History of the faculty
The specialty “History” was opened in 1985 as part of the faculty of Philology. In 1987, the faculty of history and education was established. In 1989, the faculty, transformed under the name of the faculty of history, had departments of “history of the USSR” and “world history”. From that moment on, the faculty of history teachers graduated additionally in the specialty “Geography”.

Thus, the faculty of history became independent. The first Dean of the faculty was Ph. D., associate Professor A. P. Pruss. Then the deans of the faculty at different times were Ph. D., associate Professor S. M. Maduanov, Z. B. Baydosov, G. S. Sultangalieva. In the first years of the faculty’s existence, lectures were given here by graduates of St. Petersburg University, al-Farabi Kazakh state University, Ural pedagogical Institute-V. P. Belikov, T. V. Belikova, A.V. Yugay, B. H. Davletiyarov, G. S. Sultangaliev and others. Doctor of historical Sciences, Professor Serafim Semyonovich Ivashkin, who headed the Department of “history of the USSR”, was invited to form and develop the scientific school of the faculty in Aktobe.

According to the curriculum of the specialty “History”, a Researcher of the Aktobe regional Museum of local history, S. gutsalov, Was invited to conduct archaeological practice and disciplines related to archeology.

The management of the Institute paid great attention to improving the professional skills of teachers of the faculty of history. In a short time, about 10 teachers were sent for scientific training and postgraduate studies. As a result, the faculty is filled with new academic staff: Ph. D., (now Professor) of baydosov Z. B., Ph. D., (now doctor of historical Sciences, Professor) Sultangalieva G. S., Ph. D., (now doctor of historical Sciences, Professor) of Mukhlisov N. To., Ph. D., associate Professor Perevezentsev A. L., Ph. D., associate Professor of Rubattino K. J., Ph. D., (now D. I. B.) Ismagulov U. S.

In 1990, In accordance with the growth of national consciousness and social requirements in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Department of “history of the USSR” was transformed into the Department of “History of Kazakhstan” (the first head of the Department, Ph. D., associate Professor G. Sultangalieva).

The Department of “world history” was established in 1986 under the leadership of Ph. D., maduanov S. M. this Department was headed by Ph. D., associate Professor Pruss A. P., Ph. D. Belikova T. V., senior teachers Yugai A.V., arsenova S. I., kamaludinov S. P., Zhubatkanov K. Zh., Sakenova G. S. in 1992, the Department was divided into two departments: the Department of ancient and middle ages (head of the Department of Ph. D. Belikov T. V.), New and modern history (head of the Department of but in the next academic year the Department Was Renamed The Department of “world history” and was headed by associate Professor Perevezentsev A. L.

Since 2004, the faculty of history Has had the following pedagogical specialties: “History”, “Geography”, “Fundamentals of law and Economics”.

In different years, the deans of the faculty worked fruitfully Beknazarov R. A., Izbasarova G. B., Kobenova G. I.

From 2004-2017, the Dean of the faculty was PhD, associate Professor S. A. Eskaliev.

In 2017-2023, the dean of the faculty was candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor G. I. Kupenova. Since September 1, 2023, candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor A. B. Aman has been appointed acting dean of the faculty.

Department of history and religious studies (head of the Department, doctor of historical Sciences, Associate Professor G. B. Izbasarova)

Department “Assembly of peoples of Kazakhstan and Socio-Political disciplines” (head of the Department, Ph. D. Sarsembin U. K)

Head of center “Ruhani zhangury” (Ph. D., associate Professor D. K. Abenov)

“Cameral processing of historical exhibits” (head of the laboratory, Ph. D., associate Professor S. A. Bisembaev )


The faculty trains personnel in 6 bachelor’s and 3 master’s degrees:

Specialties of the bachelor’s program:

6B01601 – “History”
6B02201 – “History”
6B01506 – “Geography”
6B11101 – “Tourism”
6B01511 – “Geography-history”
6B01602- “History-religious studies”

Master’s degree programs:

7M01601 – “History”
7M02201 – “History”

7M01506 – “Geography”

Specialties of the doctoral program:

8D02201 – “History”

Deans of the Faculty of History:

Anatoly Pruss – Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor 1987-1993.


Baidosov Zakradin Baidosovich - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor 1993-1996

Gulmira Sultangalieva Salimzhanovna – Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor 1996-2004

Beknazarov Rakhim Agibaevich – Doctor of historical Sciences, Professor

Vice-rector for science and Innovation

Gulbanu Izbasarova Bolatovna – Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor . Dean of the faculty of history 2004-2012

Eskaliev Samat Amangeldinovich – Candidate of Historical Sciences, associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of History 2007-2017.


From 2017 to the present, Gulmira Kupenova has been a candidate of Historical Sciences, associate professor 

In 2023, Aman Alibek Bakytzhanuly is a candidate of historical sciences, associate professor 

In 2024, PhD, senior lecturer Abdullina Akzhunus Gafurovna