Educational and scientific activities of the department
The Department of history and religious studies trains specialists in 4 bachelor’s and 2 master’s degrees and 1 doctoral degree.
Bachelor’s degree
6B01601-History (academic degree: bachelor of education);
6B02201-History – bachelor of arts in the Educational Program History
6B01511-Geography-History (academic degree: bachelor of education);
6B01602–Religious Studies (academic degree: bachelor of education).
7M01601-history (in the scientific and pedagogical direction: master of pedagogical Sciences; in the profile direction: master of education).
7M02201-master of arts in the educational program of History/master of arts
Doctoral study
8D02201-doctor of philosophy in the educational program History
All specialties have passed specialized accreditation. In the process of teaching, teachers use various innovative teaching methods, which are aimed at developing students’ independence. Teachers use interactive and creative methods such as a lesson-conference, lesson-debates, discussions and guest lectures.
Following the principles of the Bologna Convention, students on the specialties in our department actively participated in academic mobility programs. In the academic year 2017-2018, four students of the 2nd and 3rd courses on the specialty 5B011400-History (Asylbek A., Yusupova G.A, Ganieva Z.M., Tuleugalieva A. Zh.) were studying in other higher education institutions of Kazakhstan. At the first half of academic year Atyrau State University named after H. Dosmukhamedov (Zheisov N., Serikbayizy R.), two students were trained in our university under the academic mobility program for this specialty. The elements of dual education are introduced into the educational process; classes in some subjects are conducted on the basis of the department’s branches at schools, in museums and archives.
The attention is paid to the department of scientific research and research. There are two scientific circles for students and undergraduates. The faculty of the department participated in various scientific conferences. In the academic year 2017-2018 the teachers of the department organized and conducted such scientific and practical conferences as: “Prospects for Russian and Kazakh scientists in studying general history” (Aktobe, June 2017), “Alash Movement: Historical Investigation and New Investigations” (Aktobe, October 2017), “XVII-XVIII centuries. The role of the national heroes in Kazakh-Dzungarian conflict: the formation of Kazakh identity “(Aktobe, November 2017),” Derbisali Berkinbaev: historical personality and its time “(Aktobe, August 2017), “Astana – as a symbol of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (Aktobe, March 2018).
The department has established strong and long-term research and creative relationships with far and near abroad universities: St. Petersburg State University, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Saratov State University (Russia), Stanford University (USA), Liverpool University (Great Britain) ), Xinjiang Institute of Economics and Finance (PRC), Bashkir State University, Bashkir State University named after M. Akmulla (RF, Bashkortostan) and leading universities, scientific organizations of the Republic: KazNU named after Al-Farabi, ENU named after L. Gumilev, Institute of History and Ethnology named after V. Valikhanov, ATSU named after Kh. Dosmukhamedov and others.
In order to improve the skills and perform scientific research, the teachers of the departmenthad gone on a scientific internship to foreign universities.Candidate of Historical Sciences, Docent Izbasarova G. B. was the owner of an international research grant. Through the program “Bolashak” she continued her education in doctoral studies on the specialty “History” at Moscow State University after named M.V.Lomonosov. Izbasarova G.B. has repeatedly traveled to foreign scientific missions (USA, Russia, etc.). Teachers of the department passed professional development courses in foreign universities organized by Republican Institute of Advanced “Orleu”: Alikulova N.S. (2012) and Espenbetova A.M. (2015) at the University of Tsukuba (Japan),. Esetov N.E at the International Academy of Management and Technology (Germany, 2015), Kupenova G.Y. at Higher Technical University (Portugal, 2016). Teachers Aidarova G.B, Demeuova N.K. passed the courses on the state program “Bolashak” in Moscow State University named after M. Lomonosov (RF).
Teachers of the department published a number of scientific works: “History of Independent Kazakhstan”, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Abdollaev N. A. “Internal Kazakh Horde” Candidate of Historical Sciences, Professor Oramah Zh.О., “Administrative reform in 1868 and Orenburg Region”, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Docent Abenova B. S, “The history settlement on Russian people in Kazakh land” Candidate of Historical Sciences, Docent Abenov D. K, “The new history of Asian and African countries”, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Docent Kupenova G.Y. and etc.
Since the department prepared teachers and pedagogues, the department has established close relations with various educational institutions in the city and region. Teachers of the department conducted lectures, methodological seminars and courses for teachers at schools at the regional and national levels. In addition, Candidates of Sciences Kupenova G.Y, Maden A.T, Alikulova N.S, Espenbetova A.M, Khibina Z.N and senior teacher Kadirkulova A.N regularly conducted educational and methodological consultations for teachers’ schools in the city and region.
In the framework of the program “Rukhani Zhangyru” , at the faculty of History the teaching staff of the Department of “History and Religious studies” organized a scientific seminar “Ulus of Joshi and Sarayshyk at the origins of the Kazakh statehood”, dedicated to the 750th anniversary of the Golden Horde.
At the seminar, doctor of historical sciences, professor T.S. Zhumaganbetov made a report on the socio-political situation in the Ulus of Joshi in the period 1362-1380. Doctor of historical sciences Ismagulov U.S. additionally told about the new facts discovered in recent times on the subject.
During the seminar, the speaker was asked questions and had a comprehensive exchange of views.
The scientific seminar was interesting.
In the framework of the Memorandum of cooperation in the field of education between Aktobe regional state University. K.Zhubanova and Kastamonu University in order to attract foreign experts to educational activities in the 2019-2020 academic year from October 28 to November 1, 2019 at the Department of “History and religious Studies” PhD, associate Professor of Kastamonu University Samet Azap delivered a lecture for students of specialty 5B020300 – “History” on the discipline “globalization Processes: theory and current state”. Various events were also held with the faculty and students of the faculty of History.
On October 29, together with the teaching staff, a master class on “Features of the educational system of Kastamonu University”was held. During the event, questions were raised about the peculiarities of University education, teaching staff, etc.
On October 30, a guest lecture on “Geography in literature: proximity and cooperation of geography and art” was held with students of “Geography and Tourism”specialties. Many details are given to students on this topic.
On October 31, faculty members held an open microphone on the topic “Between Asia and Europe: on the state of Turkia based on the principles of Kemalism”. The meeting discussed the features of bilateral education, issues of academic mobility.
Members of the student scientific circle “Tarikhi Tanym “of the Department of” History and religious Studies” of the faculty of History of Aktobe regional state University named after K.Zhubanov headed by the Alikulova N.S. visited the historical Museum of Aktobe region in order to get acquainted with the valuable exhibits of the “Golden man” found in the village Taskopa of Temir district. During the tour students were presented interesting information about the gold exhibits, which were presented by the Director of the museum Meiram Nurlanovich Dyusengali. In addition, the students met with Ambassador Extraordinary And Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Croatia to the Republic of Kazakhstan Refik Shabanovich, who visited the Museum.
On November 26 a historical and educational evening dedicated to the Day of the First President was held in the hall of the “First President” of The ARSU scientific library. The event was organized jointly with the staff of the library and senior lecturer of the Department “History and religious studies”, Ph. D. Orazaeva Zh. G., students of the group Defectology 101. Chief librarian Sundetova G.S. conducted a Preface and bibliographic review of the evening., Prepared a video slide and the technical side of the head of the Organizational Department Salmanova G.K. During the event, Akbotoev Zena and Janiga Gulbinas performed “Kazakh dance”. Janahmet Aruzhan performed the song “Qazagym”, Elmurat Bagym sang the song ” Head of State”, Amandykov Diaz sang the song “Men kazakpyn”. Kuralbay Gulzhazira report on Nazarbayev’s childhood “Bala Sultan”. Zhangalieva Albina prepared a slide presentation “the Way of the Leader of the nation”. Elmurat Bagym and baykadamova Akmaral performed the duties of the evening assigned to them. Guests of the evening were: senior lecturer of the Department “History and religion” Janybaeva G.I., Deputy Dean on educational work of A. K. Rysbaeva, senior lecturer in psychological, pedagogical and special education M. Karimov, G., curator of Defectology-101 Turebaev K.J., who congratulated everyone on the occasion and thanked the library staff and active students.
On January 23, Zhubanov University hosted the final stage of the contest “Methodological projects – 2020”, organized by the Center for educational and methodological work and distance education in the framework of the 85th anniversary of the University.
The University’s teaching staff who took part in the competition presented their teaching skills and experience in improving the quality of education, training specialists in its modernization.
By the decision of the jury, Alexander II Perevezentsev, candidate of technical Sciences, associate Professor of the Department of history and religious studies, took second place at the faculty of history.
The annual traditional competition for the best interactive lesson at K. Zhubanov ARU has been completed. The competition is held within the walls of the University for 5 years, this year it is dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the University. The main goal of the competition is to stimulate the teaching staff to innovative educational activities, demonstrate practical experience in supporting, encouraging and applying interactive teaching methods, information and communication technologies in their professional activities. The competition was attended by 29 teachers from 6 faculties (Faculty of physics and mathematics, history, philology, Natural Sciences, Faculty of pedagogical, professional and creative, faculty of Economics and law). This year, the competition was distinguished not only by the positive dynamics of the number of participants (compared to last year, the number of participants was 10 teachers more), but also by the high quality of the competitive classes held.
According to the approved schedule, the members of the jury took part in the open lessons of teachers from February 17 to 21, 2020, and the 1st place was awarded to the candidate of historical sciences, senior lecturer of the Department of “history and Religious Studies” of the Faculty of history Ganibayeva Zhaydarman Anuarovna.
The Scientific Library of Zhubanov University together with the Faculty of history and the Scientific Library of Aktobe Regional University named after K. Zhubanov held a round table “Elbasy-the wise leader of Kazakhstan’s civilization”, dedicated to the day of the first president on December 1.
Opening the opening speech, Vice-Rector for Science and innovation of our university, doctor of historical sciences Beknazarov Rakhim Agybayevich spoke about the origin and relevance of the day of the first president, which has been the Red day of the calendar since 2011, and shared his thoughts on the wise policy of Elbasy Nursultan Nazarbayev.
Today Aktobe regional University named after K. Zhubanov celebrated its 85th anniversary. As part of a significant event in the history of the University, the Department of history held a seminar «AKTOBE REGIONAL UNIVERSITY named after K. ZHUBANOV IN ARCHIVAL DOCUMENT».
The solemn event was opened by the Dean of the faculty, Candidate of Historical Sciences, associate Professor Gulmira Kupenova, moderator of the round table was the Head of the Department of History and religious studies, Doctor of Historical Sciences, associate Professor Gulbanu Bolatovna Izbasarova. The event was also attended by faculty members, archive staff and University graduates.
During the round table, Gulmira Ikhlasovna presented the personal archive Fund of the great teacher, Professor, linguist Mukhtar Aryn, who headed the University in 1983-1995.
Gulshara Alibievna Zharkilova, Director of the Mukhtar Aryn Museum from 1998 to 2019, who formed the archive Fund of M. Aryn, spoke about the important documents of the Fund of his life, career and social activities. Master’s student Aidana Bimurzayeva, who is writing her master’s thesis on the basis of documents from the personal Fund of M. Aryn under the guidance of Gulmira Ikhlasovna, also demonstrated archival documents.
After Head of Department of Use and Publication of documents of Aktobe regional state archive Bahytgul Zhaksymuratovna Yeshmuratova made a report «The History of the University in the archival documents2.
Candidate of Historical Sciences, associate Professor Daulet Abenov Kusainovich, made a report «The history Department in the archival documents», told about a new book on the history of the University written on the basis of regional.
On December 13, the Department of “history and religious studies” with the participation of students of the Faculty of history held a seminar on “history of the Kazakh Khanate and sources of modern historical data”, dedicated to the “December 16 – Independence Day”. The seminar was attended by Professor of Atyrau State University named after H. Dosmukhamedov, doctor of historical sciences Akhmetova U. T., head of the Department of the coordinating and methodological Center for modern history of Uzbekistan at the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, candidate of historical sciences, associate professor Aminov B. B., K. Vice-rector for science and innovation of Aktobe Regional State University named after zhubanov, doctor of historical sciences, professor Beknazarov R. A., head of the Department of “history and religious studies”, doctor of historical sciences, professor Izbasarova G. B., doctor of historical sciences, professor Zhumagambetov T. S. At the seminar, U. T. Akhmetova expressed her opinion on the sources contained in archives related to the history of the Kazakh Khanate, methodological problems of studying this topic and the study of a little – studied part of the history of the Kazakh Khanate-the city of Sarayshyk, which was the capital of the Khanate. Then the scientist U. Akhmetova congratulated the participants of the seminar on the holiday of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Round Table was held in a free format. Students were shown valuable data and directions related to historical science. We were talking about the perfect future of Kazakhstan, and it was noted that the key to the future lies in the hands of future historians.
From February 22 to March 02, 2nd year undergraduates of the Faculty of history visited St. Petersburg and completed a foreign internship within the framework of the academic mobility program of Leningrad State University.A. S. Pushkin. During the 10-day academic visit, our undergraduates took part in special lectures according to a mutually agreed plan, got acquainted with the experience of Leningrad University in the higher education system, its own Russian methods and approaches to higher education. In addition to the theoretical direction of practice, a practical direction is planned. According to this plan, our undergraduates visited the historical sites of the city of St. Petersburg and conducted research on the scientific dissertation works “Central State Archive” and “National Library of Russia”, located in St. Petersburg. During the internship, our undergraduates were awarded special certificates and certificates of Leningrad University. I wish the 2nd year undergraduates, who have overcome new heights in education and science, to continue to work hard for the benefit of Science and not get tired of the work in the development of historical science of an independent country.
In accordance with the curriculum of the educational programs 5b020300 – history of the Faculty of history, students of the 4th year undergo industrial practice from January 25 to April 2, 2021.
On March 3, Librarians of the Reading Room Department together with the boarding school “Kemel bilim” held a history hour “Alash uly” dedicated to the 155th anniversary of the state and public figure, Leader of Alash Alikhan Bukeikhanov.
In this regard, candidate of historical sciences, senior lecturer of Aktobe Regional State University named after K. Zhubanov a.m. Espembetova focused on the work of A. Bukeikhanov on the political path for the liberation of his native people, History Teacher of Aktobe Regional specialized boarding Lyceum “bilim-innovation” for gifted teenagers, master of history A. G. Batyrgalieva noted the work of Kazakh science, its connection with the ideals of independence today, history teacher of Kazakh Secondary School No. 30 A.D. Dzhugunysova he spoke widely.
Students read poems dedicated to the spirit of Baba Talgatkyzy Nurkhaya Gabiden Kozhakhmet “Alash asyldary”, Dyusenbayeva Aishabibi S. Toraigyrov “presentation”.
During the event, a book exhibition”great personalities in Kazakh history”, a slide show on the theme”Alikhan Bukeikhanov-historical person” and a video tape “short version” were shown, which told about the life of the leader of Alash.
As a result, every citizen of Kazakhstan,who wants to serve his homeland faithfully, has learned a lot about the history of Alash, including the Amanat heritage left to his descendants by a citizen of Alash.
rom January 25 to April 2, 2021, 4th year students of the Faculty of history of Aktobe Regional University named after K. Zhubanov, specialty 5b020300 – “history”, passed a production practice in the Aktobe Regional Museum of local lore. 16 students sent to practice were assigned to the scientific departments of the museum in accordance with the internal order. Employees of the museum N. Gabbasov, A. Yerzhanov and K. Rakhbayev were appointed as scientific supervisors. The production practice of graduate students became possible due to the memorandum of cooperation between the museum and this university. According to the agreement, Aktobe Regional Museum of local lore is, on the one hand, an employer, a practice base and a participant in the development of modular educational programs.
In the first days, interns got acquainted with the internal rules and system of work of the Department. Acceptance of exhibits by students who have completed an internship in the section” ensuring scientific research: modern history”
On May 27, 2021, Aktobe Regional University named after K. Zhubanov hosted the Republican scientific conference “famine and repression in Kazakhstan: history and teaching”. During the conference, theoretical and methodological features of the study of repressive measures carried out in Kazakhstan; famine in Kazakhstan; forced collectivization and peasant uprisings; 1931-1933. famine and the fate of Kazakh settlers; 1920-1950 in Kazakhstan. political repression and the fate of peasants; topical issues of reflection of the problem of repression and famine in domestic historiography and school textbooks, etc.were discussed. .During the conference, the Scientific Library of Aktobe Regional University named after K. Zhubanov organized an exhibition on the theme: “Tarikhtan tagylym – ushke tagzym”. Also, the Aktobe Regional State Archive presented an exposition of documents, and the Museum of Aktobe Regional University named after K. Zhubanov presented its special exhibition. During the conference, the chairman of the Management Board-acting rector of Aktobe Regional University named after K. Zhubanov, Professor R. A. Beknazarov, deputy akim of Aktobe region B. O. Eleusinova made a speech and opened the event. R. Beknazarov spoke about the events of the terrible years and emphasized the importance of the event. The meeting was attended by well-known scientists and historians of the Republic. Among them are Aitaly A. A. (professor of Aktobe Regional University named after K. Zhubanov, doctor of philology), Omarbekov T. O. (Professor of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, doctor of philology), Orda G. (professor of M. Auezov Institute of literature and art, Phil.D. D.), Smagulova S. O. In the course of the meeting, the chairman of the board of Directors of Aktobe Regional University named after K. Zhubanov
✅Students of the “Faculty of History” undergo training in archaeological excavations at the cemetery “Kuraily III” under the guidance of the museum’s archaeologists. K.I. Rector of Aktobe Regional University named after Zhubanov, Ph.D. Beknazarov Rakhim Agybaevich, Cand. Tech. Nauk Maden Asylbek Torekhanovich and curator of freshmen, associate professor Li Inna Klimentyevna met with students and got acquainted with the ongoing excavations.
✅Rakhym Agybaevich spoke about the benefits and importance of traditional annual education. The future historian said that this was a great opportunity for specialists and learned about their situation.
The III International Scientific Conference “The Aral-Caspian region within the framework of the history and culture of Eurasia” was held at Aktobe Regional University named after K. Zhubanov on November 24-25. For the third time (held in 2006, 2011), the international scientific conference brought together scientists from Kazakhstan, Turkey, France, Russia (scientists from Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Novosibirsk), Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and other countries, discussed the significance of the region, considered topical issues of the study of monuments history and culture of the region, etc.
The plenary session on the first day of the conference was opened by Akim of Aktobe region Yeraly Tugzhanov, who emphasized the importance of a large event organized in the city of Aktobe with the participation of scientists from 10 countries
At the Faculty of History of the B.Suleimenov Academic Building No. 2, 107 participants of the scientific conference at 6 sectional sessions made their reports in online and offline formats.
On the second day of the scientific event, scientists met with students of the Faculty of History and gave lectures on various topics. So, the famous archaeologist J. K. Taymagambetov told about the results of archaeological research conducted in the country in recent years, Doctor of Historical Sciences, associate Professor A. U. Toktabay about the sacred places associated with the name of the Kazakhs of the small Juz in Central Asia, associate professor of Lomonosov Moscow State University E. I. Larin on the topic of historical memory. The scientists answered various questions from students and faculty members.
Later, the meeting continued with the symposium “The Cultural and historical district of Bolshoy Doneztau and its significance”. The event was attended by Deputy Akim of the region Yeleusinova B. O., who gave a positive assessment of the conference. The resolution of the international conference was adopted.
At the end of the conference, the 70th anniversary of the scientist – Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Azhigali Serik Eskendirovich, who contributed to the study of the Aral-Caspian region, was celebrated, the hero of the day received many congratulations. The event ended with a folklore concert.
For organizing at the highest level an important international conference on topical issues of history, which brought together scientists from several countries, on behalf of the participants, we express our gratitude to: Akimat of Aktobe region, Department of Culture, Archives and Documentation of Aktobe region, Institute of Archeology named after A. Margulan, Aktobe Regional Museum of Local Lore and Aktobe Regional University named after K. Zhubanova.
On December 8, 2022, a round table dedicated to the 110th anniversary of Bekezhan Suleimenovich Suleimenov – the scientist, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, Honored Scientist of Kazakhstan, laureate of the Shokan Ualikhanov Prize of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, was held in collaboration with the staff of the Faculty of History and the staff of the library of K.Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University.
The round table was opened by students of the specialty «6B02201» history Kansultan Mansur and Khodzhaberdieva Ulbolsyn.
The Dean of the Faculty of History, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Kupenova Gulmira Ikhlasova made an introductory speech, speaking about the agenda and introducing B. Suleimenov’s interesting life paths.
During the discussion of the topic, students of the specialty «6В01601», «6В01201» history Agataeva D., Zhakyp N., Boranbaeva A., Zakaria A., Sansyzbaeva Z. read reports on the works of B.Suleimenov.
Then the Library Department Head made a bibliographical review of the Professor Bekezhan Suleimenov’s books.
The event was actively attended by the master student of the «History and Religious Studies» Department Shyntemirova A. and 2-4-year students.
«History and Religious Studies» Department teacher, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Begimbayeva Zhibek Saginbaevna summed up the results and thanked the students and participants.
This event was organized in order to promote the memory, respect and example of a historical figure. Organizers: The Deputy Dean of educational work Taskymbaeva Raya Baimuratovna, teacher of the «History and Religious Studies» Department, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Begimbayeva Zhibek Saginbaevna, The Library Department Head Abdullina Elvira Ulanovna, librarian Nurbaulina Gulmira Mendigulovna.
Today, on October 30, within the framework of the cooperation agreement between K. Zhubanov ARU and Orenburg State Pedagogical University on external academic mobility, a delegation of 7 2nd and 3rd year students of the History Faculty of Orenburg State Pedagogical University arrived at the Faculty of History.
The students were placed in a new, modern student dormitory of the K. Zhubanov ARU, and then, after lunch, they were invited to the building of the academic building No. 2, where they were shown a scientific library, a computer lab, an archaeology room and classrooms.
Associate Professor A.L. Perevezentsev conducted a lesson on the course “Academic Writing” for OGPU students, as well as a presentation of elective courses (“The personal factor in History”) and scientific and methodological seminars taught at the Faculty of History – on the example of a scientific seminar on the gender factor in American history.
The visit of students from Orenburg, initiated by the head of the Department of History and Religious Studies, Professor G.B. Izbasarova, will last from October 30 to November 10. An extensive and diverse scientific and cultural program is planned for the guests, including lectures and seminars, a round table on topical historical issues, visiting and working at the regional Museum of Local lore and the state Archive of the Aktobe region, as well as visiting the Memorial Museum of Hero of the Soviet Union Aliya Moldagulova.
The staff of the Faculty of History of the K.Zhubanov ARU hopes that this visit will be the beginning of fruitful academic cooperation with scientists and students of the neighboring, bordering Russian region.
The 2nd and 3rd year students of the Historical Faculty of Orenburg State Pedagogical University who arrived at Aktobe Regional University named after K.Zhubanov within the framework of academic mobility, in addition to training sessions, were involved in an extensive cultural program that included visits to the sights and memorable places of our city.
On October 31, they visited the Regional Museum of Local Lore in Aktobe (hereinafter the text and photo about it).
On November 1, Associate Professor of the Department of History and Religious Studies A.L. Perevezentsev invited Orenburg residents to visit the Memorial Museum of our outstanding countryman, Hero of the Soviet Union Aliya Moldagulova.
By agreement with the management of the museum, a detailed tour was conducted for foreign guests. The guide was a senior researcher at the Regional Memorial Museum, an excellent specialist in her field – Tazhbenova Saulesh Bazarbaevna. Students of history from Orenburg were pleasantly surprised by the high level of quality and informative content of museum expositions, the depth and cognitive value of the material presented in the excursion. The guys were imbued with the tragic fate of our national heroine, the historical atmosphere of the Memorial Museum. As future teachers and historians, Orenburg residents noted the great role of the museum in the patriotic education of young people, the formation of historical memory. At the end of the tour, they highlighted the high professional level of the museum staff, thanked Saulesh Bazarbaevna from the bottom of their hearts, and left an enthusiastic entry in the Book of Honorary guests of the museum.
October 31, 2023 2nd and 3rd year students of the Historical Faculty of Orenburg State Pedagogical University,
Those who arrived at the Aktobe Regional University named after K.Zhubanov within the framework of academic mobility, together with the teacher of the Department of History and Religious Studies, R.T. Nasyrov, visited the Aktobe Regional Museum of Local History, which became an important event in the cultural program for our guests. The tour was conducted by researcher Iskanderov S.R. The guests from Orenburg were glad to get acquainted with the exhibition halls and the exposition of the museum. Of particular interest were the halls dedicated to the medieval history of Kazakhstan. OGPU students got acquainted with the traditional costumes of the Kazakh people, the decoration of the yurt, presented in the hall of ethnography. At the end of the tour, the children expressed gratitude to the researcher and the museum management.
On November 1, within the framework of the cooperation agreement between the ARU named after K.Zhubanov and the Orenburg State Pedagogical University for external academic mobility, a lecture on “The activities of the Society of Archeology, History and Ethnography at Kazan University in the second half of the XIX – early XX centuries” was held at the Faculty of History, Associate Professor Begimbayeva Zh.S..
Students of 2-3 courses from Orenburg University together with 2nd year students of OP 6B02201 – History listened attentively to the lecture, questions were asked, then the students took part in the discussion of scientific cooperation between Kazakhstan and Russia.
On November 2, according to the Research Work Plan, an excursion to the Confucius Center of the ARU named after K. Zhubanov was held for students of the Orenburg State Pedagogical Institute. Students from Orenburg State Pedagogical University got acquainted with the Chinese language testing center “HSK” of the Confucius Institute, attended Chinese language classes, and received interesting information about the history of the Confucius Center of the ARU named after K.Zhubanov.
The students were given a tour of the lecture halls, the university library: they visited the reading room of the library, got acquainted with the electronic library. After all, the main mission of the library is to assist the educational process in training specialists using modern information technologies. In the library at the Faculty of History Orenburg students visited the reading room “Open Space”, got acquainted with books on the history of Kazakhstan.
As part of the Month of Science at the University on April 12, in honor of the International Day of Science, the Faculty of History, with the support of entrepreneur Raigul Aldanyshovna, organized an exhibition “ancient map-a timeless testimony of our people” dedicated to the Kazakh state of the XV-XIX centuries, found in the archives of European and American countries by Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor Galym Mukhit-Ardager Sydyknazarov. The exhibition presents the University’s vice-rector for Academic Affairs Myasnikova L. N., Vice-rector for Science and Innovation Beknazarov R. A., Vice-rector for Strategic Development Khusainov D. S., entrepreneur Raigul Aldanyshovna, director of secondary school No. 31 Zhumagulov B. D. The deputy director for scientific and methodological work of secondary school No. 31 Kalkamanova G. T., faculty faculty, students and undergraduates took part in the work. The purpose of the exhibition is to familiarize with the ancient maps of the Kazakh state, to identify and compare the geographical names of the Kazakh state, the location of the Kazakh zhuzes and clans, to prove the continuous development of the state, to improve cartographic knowledge in the disciplines of students. As well as introducing students to scientific research and sharing experiences based on cartographic science. The exhibition was presented by G.T. Kalkamanova, Deputy for scientific and methodological work of Kazakh secondary school No. 31, who presented valuable historical data and information to the audience.
Development and publication of e-learning resources
Izbasarova Gulbanu
Electronic resources – video lectures: