The peculiarities of historical and geographical development of Aktobe region, where the interaction of cultures and ethnic groups took place in the whirlpool of the historical movement, influenced the formation of the educational and scientific concept of training historians of the new generation. The priority activity of the faculty of history was not only the study of fundamental historical disciplines, giving the opportunity to project the dialectical intertwining in the space of all three time States – past, present, future, but also to attract the creative potential of teachers and students to study the history of their region.
This was expressed in the introduction of the following elective subjects in the educational process, such as “history of Aktobe region”, “Historical geography of Western Kazakhstan”, “Western Kazakhstan in the system of ethno-cultural contacts”, “Geography of Aktobe region”, “Fundamentals of tourist and local history work”.
The faculty also organizes archeological expeditions to study the monuments of the Bronze Age, early Iron Age and Middle Ages, in studying the unique documentary funds of the Aktobe region; the creation of student problem groups on the political, socio-economic, cultural history of their land.
The history Department has a qualified teaching staff including 5 Doctors of Science, 32 Candidate of Science, 14 masters. Among the teachers – Honorary workers of education of Kazakhstan, holders of the order ” Kurmet “and the title “The best teacher of the University”.
The holders of the title “The best teacher of the University of Ministry of Science Education of RK” are:
- “The best teacher of the university – 2006” (Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Abenova B.S.);
- “The best teacher of the university – 2007” (Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate professor Kobenova G. Y);
- “The best teacher of the University-2008” (Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Sultanaliyeva G.S.);
- “The best teacher of the university-2008” (Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Zhumaganbetov T.S);
- “The best teacher of the university-2012” (Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Izbasarova G.B).
Student science. Student science is constantly on the lookout for the faculty. The dean’s study of the students’ scientific work is regarded as one of the forms of revealing the potential reserve of the future staff; The main part of the team is made by university graduates. The scientific circles “Actual problems of the Second World War”, “Archaeologist-ethnographer”, “Actual problems of the history of Kazakhstan”, “History of Aktobe region”, “and Toponyms of Aktobe region” have been formed and are actively working with the students and their leaders.
They join students for a variety of tasks of research character. The results of this activity are presented in the scientific collections of the student conference, participation in the national competitions of student scientific works. International scientific conferences are held annually at the faculty. Both University students and students from other cities and CIS countries take part in it.
The students of the faculty are the winners of the Republican Olympiads:
- 5В011400 – History: 2010. and 2013 – The First place; 2011. and 2012. – The third place; 2015. – Cup rector KazNU named after Abay.
- 5В020300 – History: 2013. – The third place; 2016. –The third place.
- 5В011600 – Geography: 2010. – The first place; 2011. – The first place; 2012. – The third place; 2013 – The second place; 2014 – The third place; 2015. – The first place.
In 2016, the team “Geography” of ARSU named after K. Zhubanov, as a winner, became the organizer of the VIII Subject Republican Olympiad and participated in the competition.
The holders of the grant “The Best Teacher of the University of the RK”
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor., Bibigul Seilovna Abenova The holder of the state grant “The best teacher of the university – 2006”.
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Gulzat Izbasarovna Kobenova The holder of the state grant “The best teacher of the university – 2007”
Doctor of historical sciences, professor Gulmira Salimzhanovna Sultangalieva The holder of the state grant “The best teacher of the university – 2008”
Doctor of historical sciences, professor Talgat Smagulovich Zhumaganbetov The holder of the state grant “The best teacher of the university – 2008”
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Gulbanu Bolatovna Izbasarova The holder of the state grant “The best teacher of the university – 2012”
КеАҚ “Қ.Жұбанов атындағы АӨУ-нің” Басқарма Төрағасы-Ректоры
Түлек -2008
2016-2017 оқу жылы
2017-2018 учебный год
Teachers of the History Faculty held a meeting with theologians
The Faculty of History held an international scientific online conference on the topic “Russia-USSR-RF in the conditions of reforms and revolutions. XX-XXI centuries. “, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution of 1917
In order to promote the article of President Nursultan Nazarbayev “Bolashak-bagdar-Rukhani zhangiru”, the debut tournament for the Rector’s Cup took place at the university, where the team from the first-year students of the History Faculty distinguished themselves by creativity and showed a high level of possession of modern information and won the first plac
Student of the 4th course of the specialty 5B011400- “History”, the owner of the Presidential grant Nursultan Ataniyazov won the IX Republican Subject Olympiad
A student of the third year of the specialty 5B011400-History Aydana Bimurzaeva, being the owner of the “Presidential Scholarship”, was awarded the “best student” medal.
Student of the faculty D.S. Kalmagambet successfully passed an internship in the staff of the Committee for Economic Reform and Regional Development of the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
2018-2019 оқу жылы
Within the framework of the program article of the President “Seven faces of the great steppe” the academic building of the faculty of history was named after the researcher of the history of Kazakhstan XVIII–XX centuries, corresponding member of the Kazakh SSR, doctor of historical Sciences, Professor Bekezhan Suleimenov.
On March 28-29, the first Republican subject Olympiad was held in Pavlodar State University, in which 21 teams from Kazakhstani universities participated. At the end of 5 rounds of the Olympiad, the team of the Faculty of History in the specialty 5B01 1400 – The history of “Shamshyrak” won the third place.
Winner diploma of the MES RK candidate of historical Sciences, associate Professor Kupenova Gulmira Iklasova
At the conference in honor of the 150th anniversary of Aktobe and the 750th anniversary of the Golden Horde, in the framework of the program article of the President “Seven faces of the great steppe” was attended by teachers of our faculty.
The participants of the student science week, held in the framework of the articles of the First President Nursultan Nazarbayev.And. “Rouhani gear” and “Year of youth”.
May 31, 2019 in memory of the victims of political repression and famine in ARSU Republican scientific and practical conference “political repression in the USSR: history and modernity”»
May 31, 2019 in memory of the victims of political repression and famine in ARSU Republican scientific and practical conference “political repression in the USSR: history and modernity”»
Educational room, veterans of the Afghan war
Conference – hall named after Bekezhan Suleimenov
Assembly Hall.
On 13th November the History faculty held a meeting in a free format with graduates of the University: head of the regional akim’s office Kalauov Nurzhaugan Serikovich and deputy head of the regional akim’s office Barbosynov Nurbakyt Kusainovich. 2-4 year students received full answers to all their questions. The guests of the meeting talked about their native land, recalled their student years, gave motivation to students to set goals and achieve success. Other social topics were also touched upon.
On November 14 within the framework of the project “Zhubanov kerueni” representatives of the University visited Khromtau district. At the local school-gymnasium #6, a meeting was held with students of grades 9-11, where future graduates expressed a desire to enter the faculty of history. There is also a large-scale exhibition of archaeological artifacts and unique finds from all over the region. In addition, teachers of the Department of history and religious studies, geography and tourism held seminars for school teachers of the district. Doctor of historical Sciences Izbasarova G.B. acquainted teachers with new methodological approaches to studying the History of Kazakhstan. The candidate of historical Sciences Maden A.T. told about requirements to scientific works of pupils. At the end of the seminar participants received certificates. The library of the school-gymnasium #6, that is, a branch of the University received scientific works of teachers.
November 4, 2020, at a solemn event dedicated to the 85th anniversary of our University, rector, Professor Erembetov Bauyrzhan Amangeldievich awarded teachers and managers who have made a special contribution to mentoring students, medals “K. Zhubanov”, “for services to the development of the University”, “Veteran of labor of Aktobe regional state University named after K. Zhubanov” and the jubilee medal “85 years Of Aktobe regional University named after K. Zhubanov”.
Vice-rector for academic Affairs-Abenova Bibigul Seilovna was awarded the medal “for merits in the development of the University”, Vice-rector for science and innovation-Beknazarov Rahim Agybayevich-the medal ” K. Zhubanov”.
The Dean of the faculty of history Kupenova Gulmira Iklasova, head of the Department” history and religion “Izbasarova Gulbanu Bolatovna, head of Department” educational-methodical work and distance education “Kadyrkulova Ainur Nuradinova awarded the medal” For merits in development of the University ” and wished success.
On the part of the faculty, we congratulate our esteemed and respected teachers on their fruitful work, and wish them health, family well-being, and well-being!
On October 14, 4th year student of the faculty of history Shekernaev meyrambek won the Grand Prix of the Republican creative competition “Book in my heart”, organized by the regional youth library named after sagi Zhienbayev.
Awarded with the jubilee medal “85 years of the Aktobe Regional University named after K. Zhubanov”, the medal “Edaybergen Zhubanov”, the medal “For merits in the development of the university”, the medal “Veteran of Labor of the Aktobe Regional State University named after K. Zhubanov”.
etc. and. n. Professor Ismagulov U.Sh.
to. and. n. Associate Professor Abenov D.K.
to. and. n. Associate Professor Davletyarova B. Kh.
Dr. f. N. professor Kairova B.E.
On November 10, 2020, at a solemn event dedicated to the 85th anniversary of our university, rector of the University, professor Yerdembekov Bauyrzhan Amankeldinovich awarded the medal “veteran of labor of Aktobe Regional University named after K. Zhubanov” and the medal “veteran of labor of Aktobe Regional University named after K. Zhubanov” to the veteran of labor of Aktobe Regional University named after K. Zhubanov to the deputy dean for Academic Affairs-konbay Yerke konbaykyzy, head of the Department of “assembly of people of Kazakhstan and socio-political disciplines” Sarsembin Umbetkan Kuandykovich, head of the Department of “geography and tourism” abdenov Aydin zhaksanovich wished creative success.
On the part of the faculty, we congratulate our teachers on the fruits of their work, wish them well-being, family well-being, and prosperity!
On the eve of the new year, the dean of the Faculty of history Kupenova Gulmira Ykhylasovna was awarded a letter of thanks for her many years of work and achievements in the development of the education system and the upbringing of the younger generation on the basis of the competition of the National Innovative Research Center “bilim civilization” and a badge “best dean of the year” based on the results of 2020.
We congratulate Gulmira Ykhlasovna with the award and wish you well-being, family well-being, and further success in your work!
Today Aktobe regional University named after K. Zhubanov celebrated its 85th anniversary. As part of a significant event in the history of the University, the Department of history held a seminar «AKTOBE REGIONAL UNIVERSITY named after K. ZHUBANOV IN ARCHIVAL DOCUMENT».
The solemn event was opened by the Dean of the faculty, Candidate of Historical Sciences, associate Professor Gulmira Kupenova, moderator of the round table was the Head of the Department of History and religious studies, Doctor of Historical Sciences, associate Professor Gulbanu Bolatovna Izbasarova. The event was also attended by faculty members, archive staff and University graduates.
During the round table, Gulmira Ikhlasovna presented the personal archive Fund of the great teacher, Professor, linguist Mukhtar Aryn, who headed the University in 1983-1995.
Gulshara Alibievna Zharkilova, Director of the Mukhtar Aryn Museum from 1998 to 2019, who formed the archive Fund of M. Aryn, spoke about the important documents of the Fund of his life, career and social activities. Master’s student Aidana Bimurzayeva, who is writing her master’s thesis on the basis of documents from the personal Fund of M. Aryn under the guidance of Gulmira Ikhlasovna, also demonstrated archival documents.
After Head of Department of Use and Publication of documents of Aktobe regional state archive Bahytgul Zhaksymuratovna Yeshmuratova made a report «The History of the University in the archival documents2.
Candidate of Historical Sciences, associate Professor Daulet Abenov Kusainovich, made a report «The history Department in the archival documents», told about a new book on the history of the University written on the basis of regional.
Aktobe regional organization of the Kazakhstan branch trade Union of workers of education and science on the eve of teacher’s Day and the 85th anniversary of the Aktyubinsk regional University.To. Zhubanov awarded the teachers and staff of Aktobe regional state University.To. Zhubanov letters of thanks and certificates of remuneration of 50 thousand tenge, for many years worked in the school and for merits in the development of education, for achievements at various levels.
Among them-Dean of the faculty of history, associate Professor Kupenova Gulmira Kalasova, doctor of historical Sciences Izbasarova Gulbanu Bolatovna, candidate of historical Sciences alikulova Nurlyzhol Sapakova, candidate of philosophical Sciences Matsyuk Dmitry Anatolyevich, masters of history Kalybaeva Aynur Zhakypova, Shintemirova Aynur Sadibekova, masters geography Shumakova Gulnur Aslanovna, Nurgazina Aijarkyn Sultanbekovna.
We congratulate our colleagues on the awards and wish them health, family well-being and creative success!
One of the winners who presented the university was Rakhim Agibayevich Beknazarov
The winners of the competition will have the opportunity to complete an internship at the world’s leading universities in order to conduct research and improve their skills.
623 applicants from 73 universities of the Republic took part in the competition. The activity of teachers was evaluated according to the actual qualitative and quantitative indicators of evaluating the work of applicants, consisting of two blocks: I block-the quality of teaching, II Block-research activities.
This year, for the first time, applications for participation in the competition” best university teacher-2020″, the procedure for checking documents, as well as the appeal was held online through the information system of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The points received by the applicants were published in the information system and allowed the candidates of the contest to get acquainted with the results online.
One of the most important events that took place on December 27 at the Faculty of history is the opening of four objects that give a special direction to the development of Education, Science and education. These are: Archeology,ethnography Research Center, Local History Center, it room and coworking area “History Place”. The opening of these facilities was attended by the University’s management, faculty staff, students and undergraduates, as well as heads and employees of the Aktobe Regional Museum of local lore.
For the implementation of the directions in the article of the head of state “seven facets of the Great Steppe”, archaeological and ethnographic research is becoming increasingly important and important in our country. In this regard, the work of the center of Archeology and Ethnography, which was opened at the faculty, will be great. Work is being carried out on the search, research, and introduction into scientific circulation of archaeological sites of Kazakhstan, including the western region, from ancient times to the Golden Horde period. In particular, the center gives priority to the study of monuments of the Hunnic-Sarmatian period on the territory of Aktobe and West Kazakhstan regions. As the head of state noted in the article “looking to the future: modernization of public consciousness”, traditions and Customs play a huge role in preserving the national code and continuing it from generation to generation. The work for this purpose will undoubtedly become the main area of work of the Center for ethnographic research.
In his program article “looking to the future: modernization of public consciousness”, published on April 12, 2017, the head of state proposed to launch the Tugan zher program. The head of state noted that patriotism begins with love for your native land, the village where you grew up, the city and the region. There are many ways to instill patriotism in the youth of our independent country. One of them is education through the use of local history works. We believe that the Local History Center, which was opened for this purpose, will respond to these requests.
The center is engaged in the study and promotion of the history of our region from ancient times to the present day, architectural monuments, literature, geography, toponomics, flora and fauna, as well as famous personalities of the region. Students, undergraduates and doctoral students will also be involved in the work of the center along with university teachers. The History Place co-working area is designed to hold various intellectual events for students, including round tables, debates, competitions, etc. There are also events of student organizations. During the opening of the co-working area, the importance of the project “School of young women”, which was opened at the faculty last year, and the work of the debate club “Koblandy” were also promoted. The project partici
Today, on January 15, an exhibition was organized, where the main achievements of the scientific and innovative work of the Faculty of History were presented. The following achievements were mainly presented at the exhibition.
- Information on the results of archaeological research conducted in the Aktobe region for 2019-2020 is provided. Monographs of the teaching staff of the year 2020.
- in the republican competition of research works of students, teams took part in the educational programs Geography, 01 History, 02 history and won prizes.
- At the XII Republican Subject Olympiad among students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a 1st-year student of the specialty 6b01506-Geography Balgabekov Aydin took the 3rd place in the individual competition (S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan State University, 05.05.2020, head of Sergeeva A.M.).
- in the XII Republican student subject Olympiad among students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the team of the specialty 6B11101 – “Tourism” took part, in the remote Olympiad in the specialty” Tourism “defended the project on the topic” Digitalization and virtual tourism ” and took the 2nd prize (Ust-Kamenogorsk, S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan State University, heads: Abdenov A. Zh., Umirzakova M. Zh.).
“First deputy chairman of the party Bauyrzhan Baibek presented letters of thanks to the active party members who took part in the elections of Deputies of the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan and maslikhats of all levels in accordance with the Constitutional Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan” “on elections in the Republic of Kazakhstan” “on behalf of “”Nur Otan “” party as observers at the polling stations.” Among the recipients of the award,candidate of historical sciences, senior lecturer of Aktobe Regional University named after K. Zhubanov Ganibayeva Zhaydarman Anuarovna, a letter of thanks reads: “the success of the party today is the result of the hard work of hundreds of thousands of active citizens like you.” Our colleagues at the university took an active part in the pre-election campaign. We wish success to our esteemed colleague, who has devoted his entire life to the education and upbringing of young people.
In honor of the 85th anniversary of Aktobe Regional University named after K. Zhubanov, students of the Faculty of history were awarded scholarships from patrons within the framework of the project “generosity to Zhubanov”.
On behalf of the head of the patron, veteran of Labor Admanov Bakytkerey Abdimanovich, the holder of the Bekezhan Suleimenov scholarship awarded 2nd year student Utegulova Guldana Zhanbolatovna 200,000 tenge of the scholarship, individual entrepreneur Kupenov Yerkingali Ikhlasovich 3rd year student Tleumaganbetova Amangul Beibitovna 100,000 tenge of the scholarship.
On behalf of the Faculty of history, we express our gratitude to the patrons!!!
On the eve of the new year, the rector of the University awarded the head of the Department of history and religious studies Gulbanu Bolatovna Izbasarova with a certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Education and Science for her contribution to the development of the education system and improving the quality of education for the spiritual and social development of independent Kazakhstan. On the part of the faculty, we congratulate Gulbanu Bolatovna on the fruits of her work, wish her health, family well-being and prosperity!
Another student of the Faculty of history entered the “best student of Kazakhstan-2020”. We congratulate Saikom Biketay, a 3rd-year student of the specialty “geography”, on becoming the winner of the international competition “Best Student of Kazakhstan-2020” during the popularization among young people of the address of President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev to the people of Kazakhstan “constructive public dialogue-the basis for stability and prosperity of Kazakhstan”! Let there be so many passes!
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of “History and Religious Studies” Izbasarova Gulbanu Bolatovna won a grant from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the development of her research project.
“Historical figures of the Great Steppe of the XVIII-30s. XX centuries. (based on the materials of Western Kazakhstan) ” fills a gap in the history of the imperial and initial period of Soviet Kazakhstan, is part of the implementation of the program “Archive-2025”. The research is aimed at recreating political portraits of Kazakh khans, sultans, batyrs, biys, and Kazakh intelligentsia of the Soviet period.
Faculty of history “people of Kazakhstan
Social and political assembly
teacher of the department” disciplines ” Balzhan Khamidullaevna
distinguished by high-quality scientific research in its activities, young scientists have been able to improve their students over 40 years of teaching and research experience.
“I don’t know,” he said. Before that
Badge “Y. Altynsarin”,
40 Aktobe Regional State University named after K. Zhubanov
anniversary badge,
Aktobe Regional State University named after K. Zhubanov 50
he is the owner of the anniversary badge, the 85th Anniversary badge of Aktobe Regional University named after K. Zhubanov
“I’m sorry,” I said. Today, for special merits in the field of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Honorary worker of Education»
he was awarded the badge
The decisive second stage of the intra-university competition “the best methodologist – teacher-2021” was held from March 2 to 3, and the winners were determined. We express our gratitude to A. L. Perevezentsev, G. zh.Suleimenova, A. T. Maden, who defended the interests of the Faculty of history.
According to the results of the competition, associate professor of the Department of history and religious studies, candidate of historical sciences A. T. Maden became one of the Best, became the winner, took the III place.
Congratulating our colleague Asylbek Torekhanovich on his prize-winning victory, we wish you to improve your professional skills.
By the decision of the Chairman of the Committee for Quality Assurance in the Sphere of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, by order No. 219 of March 10, 2021, the academic title of Professor in the specialty 07.00.00-History was awarded to Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department IZBASAROVA GULBAN BOLATOVNA. who came to historical science with her own style of research, contributed to the study of “white spots” in the history of Kazakhstan in the 18th-19th centuries, revealed their essence in prestigious foreign publications, seeking recognition of national history by foreign scientists. On behalf of the collective, we sincerely congratulate Gulbana Bolatovna on receiving the title and wish her a creative contribution to science and the training of scientific personnel!
December 5, 2022 in the conference hall “Kudaibergen Zhubanov” Aktobe Regional University. K. Zhubanov, the presentation of the textbook “Philosophy” by professor of the West Kazakhstan Medical University named after. Marata Ospanov, Doctor of Philosophy Altai Taizhanovich Taizhanov and Senior Lecturer of the Assemblies of the People of Kazakhstan and Socio-Political Disciplines Department of ARU. K. Zhubanov, Master of Humanities, Guldariga Serikovna Simukanova.
This is the first textbook on philosophy, prepared in accordance with the latest Model Program, approved by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan and certified by the seal of the RUMS UMO. The textbook is intended for teachers, graduate students and students of higher and postgraduate educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Vice-rectors and faculty of universities of our city took part in the event.
Beknazarov Rakhim Agybaevichy, Member of the Board of the Aktobe Regional University named after K.Zhubanova – Vice-Rector for Science and Innovation, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of History and Local Lore, said that the textbook is the result of a lot of creative work and research. Book presentations are often held at our university, and it is very gratifying that they discuss the content of these books. The first author of this textbook, Altai Taizhanovich, is a well-known professor in the republic, and the second author, Guldariga Serikovna, is an experienced person who has already published several books and a number of articles. Professor Altai Taizhanov is a scientist and teacher who made a great contribution to the development of our university, giving our students a huge amount of knowledge based on the values of national culture, worldview, philosophy. In 1991, at the invitation of the rector, Professor M. Arynov, he participated in the opening of a new department “Ethnopedagogy and cultural studies” at our university (then still a pedagogical institute). At that time, such a department was opened for the first time in Aktobey in our republic as a whole. Since then, he worked at our university until 2013. During these years, he held the positions of head of the department, vice-rector for scientific work, professor of the department, director of the Center for Ethnocultural Education and Training. In general, the vice-rector emphasized that Tаizhanov A.T. is an outstanding scientist who made a great contribution to the development of Kazakh philosophy.
The next speech was made by the authors of the textbook themselves – professors Altai Taizhanovich and Guldariga Serikovna, who emphasized that each topic of the textbook was written in the traditional way and at the same time convenient for distance learning. Each topic also has national components that allow you to more fully penetrate into their content. The authors expressed their gratitude to the management and staff of the university, who took the initiative in organizing such an event.
After that, it was time for the opening ceremony. Professor Amangeldy Aitaly and Ph.D. Nurbek Nurgaliev symbolically cut the red ribbon.
In addition, at the award ceremony, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor A.A. Aitaly, Member of the Board of Aktobe Regional University named after K. Zhubanov – Vice-Rector for Social and Educational Work, Ph.D. Associate Professor E.E. Mukhanbetkaliyev, head of the department of “Socio-political disciplines” of the West Kazakhstan Medical University named after. M. Ospanova, candidate of historical sciences, associate professor Tolepbergeni Zh., head of the department “Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan and socio-political disciplines”, Sarsembin U.K., Associate Professor Davletyarova B.Kh., Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor Khusainova G.D., who also expressed their warm wishes about the textbook “Philosophy” by Professor Taizhanov AT. and Simukanova G.S.
During the presentation, the head of the department “Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan and socio-political disciplines” of our university Sarsembin U.K. on behalf of himself and on behalf of our students, he presented Professor Altai Taizhanovich with a special portrait of the professor.
Also, within the framework of the event, an exhibition of books on the topic “Philosophy” was organized, and at the award ceremony, 2nd year students of the specialty “Music Education” performed melodies and songs. The exhibition featured the works of authors, books and periodicals related to philosophy.
On December 8, 2022, a round table dedicated to the 110th anniversary of Bekezhan Suleimenovich Suleimenov – the scientist, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, Honored Scientist of Kazakhstan, laureate of the Shokan Ualikhanov Prize of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, was held in collaboration with the staff of the Faculty of History and the staff of the library of K.Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University.
The round table was opened by students of the specialty «6B02201» history Kansultan Mansur and Khodzhaberdieva Ulbolsyn.
The Dean of the Faculty of History, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Kupenova Gulmira Ikhlasova made an introductory speech, speaking about the agenda and introducing B. Suleimenov’s interesting life paths.
During the discussion of the topic, students of the specialty «6В01601», «6В01201» history Agataeva D., Zhakyp N., Boranbaeva A., Zakaria A., Sansyzbaeva Z. read reports on the works of B.Suleimenov.
Then the Library Department Head made a bibliographical review of the Professor Bekezhan Suleimenov’s books.
The event was actively attended by the master student of the «History and Religious Studies» Department Shyntemirova A. and 2-4-year students.
«History and Religious Studies» Department teacher, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Begimbayeva Zhibek Saginbaevna summed up the results and thanked the students and participants.
This event was organized in order to promote the memory, respect and example of a historical figure. Organizers: The Deputy Dean of educational work Taskymbaeva Raya Baimuratovna, teacher of the «History and Religious Studies» Department, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Begimbayeva Zhibek Saginbaevna, The Library Department Head Abdullina Elvira Ulanovna, librarian Nurbaulina Gulmira Mendigulovna.
On November 3, The Department of social and humanitarian disciplines of the West Kazakhstan Medical University named after M. Ospanov and the Discussion Club “Zhalyn” held the Republican intellectual Olympiad “history lessons”, dedicated to the 130th anniversary of Magzhan Zhumabayuly. Twenty teams from higher educational institutions of the country took part in the Olympiad. The education competition consisted of 4 stages. At the 1st stage, test tasks in history were given, and the 2nd stage was called “historical figures of the XX-XIX centuries, film paintings, cities”. At the 3rd stage,” historical novels ” were analyzed, and the 4th stage was devoted to the works of M. Zhumabayuly.
The final was won by five groups, including the “Samruk” group of 1st year students of the Faculty of history of Aktobe onsir university named after K. Zhubanov (Zinor Khamida, Sembayev Dosymzhan and Nuraly Nursultan).
We congratulate the team” Samruk ” on their victory and hope that there will be many more passes in the future!
One of the main forms of academic policy of Aktobe Regional University named after K. Zhubanov is to improve the quality of training of specialists with higher education, and on this basis the relevance of qualification requirements is constantly increasing.
In order to ensure compliance with these requirements and high-quality education in the educational programs served by the department, the teaching staff of the Department of history and religious studies in order to deepen and improve their previously acquired professional knowledge, qualifications, took advanced training courses online at the Institute of advanced training and additional education at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University in the amount of 72 academic hours.
The content of the advanced training course includes two training modules: “changes and priorities in the content of the history of Kazakhstan” and “a new approach to fundamental problems of world history”, taking into account the subject competencies of the teaching staff of the Department.
Certificates (72 academic hours) were awarded to 20 teachers of the department who completed the full program of advanced training.
Professional development was carried out at the expense of the university budget.
The staff of the Department of history and religious studies expresses gratitude to the management of the University for the opportunity to adapt professional activities to new conditions.
On March 20 of this year, doctoral student of the Department of History and Religious Studies Yessetov Nurlan Yessetovich at the dissertation Council of the L.N.Gumilev Eurasian National University in the field of personnel training “8D022-Humanities” in the specialty “6D020300-History” successfully defended his dissertation work on the topic “The land issue in Kazakhstan (1870-1940): historical and comparative analysis”, prepared for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). Domestic scientific consultant – Professor of the Department of History and Religious Studies, Doctor of Historical Sciences Ismagulov Uzakbai Shaukerovich, foreign scientific consultant: Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor A.I. Kortunov (Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after Akmulla).
As part of the Month of Science at the University on April 12, in honor of the International Day of Science, the Faculty of History, with the support of entrepreneur Raigul Aldanyshovna, organized an exhibition “ancient map-a timeless testimony of our people” dedicated to the Kazakh state of the XV-XIX centuries, found in the archives of European and American countries by Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor Galym Mukhit-Ardager Sydyknazarov. The exhibition presents the University’s vice-rector for Academic Affairs Myasnikova L. N., Vice-rector for Science and Innovation Beknazarov R. A., Vice-rector for Strategic Development Khusainov D. S., entrepreneur Raigul Aldanyshovna, director of secondary school No. 31 Zhumagulov B. D. The deputy director for scientific and methodological work of secondary school No. 31 Kalkamanova G. T., faculty faculty, students and undergraduates took part in the work. The purpose of the exhibition is to familiarize with the ancient maps of the Kazakh state, to identify and compare the geographical names of the Kazakh state, the location of the Kazakh zhuzes and clans, to prove the continuous development of the state, to improve cartographic knowledge in the disciplines of students. As well as introducing students to scientific research and sharing experiences based on cartographic science. The exhibition was presented by G.T. Kalkamanova, Deputy for scientific and methodological work of Kazakh secondary school No. 31, who presented valuable historical data and information to the audience.
800th anniversary of Jochi Ulus: based on reliable data and facts.
On April 16, 2024, the republican conference “Ulyk Ulys and the Kazakh Khanate within the framework of the integration of historical processes” was held at the K. Zhubanov University, dedicated to the 800th anniversary of the ulus of Jochi, organized by the teaching staff of the Department of History and Religious Studies. At the conference, Vice-Rector for Science and Innovation, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Rahim Agybaevich noted that as part of the celebration of the 800-year history of Jochi Ulus, great opportunities are opening up for the inventory of our national values, which is very important for the analysis of history.
At the conference, historical scientists shared their historical research, views on the cultural heritage of the ulus of Zhuchi, its significance and the period of formation in Kazakh history. In particular, the director of the Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Culture Kanat Uskenbai in the report “geography of Jochi campaigns on the East Desht-Kipchak land” told about the first battles of the troops of Khorezmshah and Jochi in the Irgiz-Turgai steppe, professor of Atyrau University named after H. Dosmukhamedova Ulzhan Akhmetova in the report ” the results of scientific research in Juchi-Ulus-Saraishyk, he shared interesting and fresh details about the results of the study of the city. At the same time, Head of the Department of History and Religious Studies at Aktobe University named after K. Zhubanov, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Gulbanu Bolatovna “Descendants of Jochi in the service of the Russian Empire”, Senior researcher at the Institute of Archaeology named after A. H. Margulan, PhD. Associate Professor Arman Bisembayev “archaeological excavations of the Golden Horde period of Western Kazakhstan, students listened with great interest to reports on the topic “historical monuments”. During the conference, historians and students asked questions about the history of the Jochi Ulus, combined with an exchange of views and opinions of scientists.
On 30.04.2024, the Academic Council of the University summed up the results of the month of science.
For the activity shown and the best result in the competition “Excellent Student of the Year of Aktobe Regional University named after K.Zhubanov”, organized within the framework of Science month, the Faculty of History was awarded a LETTER of THANKS!
Minister of Higher Education and Science S.Nurbek awarded teachers of the Department of History and Religious Studies:
Begimbayeva Zhibek Saginbaevna, Candidate of Historical Sciences, associate Professor is awarded a CERTIFICATE of Honor for conscientious work on the path to prosperity, for a significant contribution to the development of higher education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan!
Ruslan Tabrisovich Nasyrov, Master of History, responsible for scientific work at the Faculty of History, is awarded a LETTER of THANKS for his hard work and conscientious service for the benefit of prosperity, for his significant contribution to the development of higher education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan!
Congratulations! We wish you new creative successes!
April 17, 2024 In the city of Orenburg, as part of the TWELFTH Bolshakov readings, the results of the Sixth INTERNATIONAL Competition of Young Scientists of Russia and Kazakhstan “Historical and cultural heritage of the Orenburg Region and the Urals” were summed up.
Undergraduates of the 2nd year of the Faculty of History of the K.Zhubanov ARU Sarsenov Shakidulla Altynbekuly, Azhibayeva Aruzhan Bekbaulykyzy with a scientific project on the topic “Social portrait of the repressed in the 20-30s of the twentieth century” under the scientific supervision of Candidate of Historical Sciences, associate Professor Begimbayeva Zhibek Saginbaevna were awarded a diploma of the 3rd degree.
Rector of Orenburg State Pedagogical University Aleshina S.A. and Head of the Department of Russian History of OGPU, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Lyubichankovsky S.V. expressed warm wishes to our undergraduates, and highly appreciated the work of the supervisor.
17 апреля 2024г. в городе Оренбурге в рамках проведения ДВЕНАДЦАТЫХ Большаковских чтений были подведены итоги Шестого МЕЖДУНАРОДНОГО конкурса молодых ученых России и Казахстана «Историко-культурное наследие Оренбургского края и Приуралья».
Магистранты 2 курса исторического факультета АРУ имени К.Жубанова Сарсенов Шакидулла Алтынбекулы, Ажибаева Аружан Бекбаулыкызы с научным проектом на тему «Социальный портрет репрессированных в 20-30-е годы ХХ века» под научным руководством кандидата исторических наук, доцента Бегимбаевой Жибек Сагинбаевны были удостоены дипломом 3 степени.
Ректор Оренбургского государственного педагогического университета Алешина С.А. и заведующий кафедрой истории России ОГПУ, доктор исторических наук, профессор, Любичанковский С.В. высказали теплые пожелания нашим магистрантам, и высоко оценили деятельность научного руководителя.
CESS Conference
From 6 to 9 June 2024, second-year PhD student Kumyspayev Samat (8D02201 – educational programme ‘History’) participated in the International Conference of Central Eurasian Studies Society/CESS. CESS conferences have been held since 2000 in North American universities and in a regional format in Central Eurasian universities. This annual event has become a forum for communication and exchange of views for scholars and specialists from around the globe engaged with the past and present of Central Asia. Samat Kumyspayev delivered a presentation on the subject of «Making sense of the memory of victims of political repression in the context of decolonisation processes in Kazakhstan».
From May 2 to June 5, PhD student Shalmanova A.B. completed a scientific internship at one of the leading universities in Turkey – Middle East Technical University (Ankara) under the supervision of the head of the Department of Eurasian Studies, Associate Professor, PhD Işik Kuşçu Bonnenfant. During the internship, the doctoral student, in order to select material, study literature on the topic of the dissertation, carried out research work in the university library, the fund of which has more than 520,000 books, has access to 75,742 electronic journals, 587,493 electronic books and 163 electronic reference sources.
In order to get acquainted with the educational process, teaching and research methods, the doctoral student attended lectures and seminars held by I. Kuşçu Bonnenfant, as well as Hazar Ege Gürsoy Erdener. Joint work conducted with a foreign scientific consultant contributed to the preparation of the article manuscript for publication in a scientific journal indexed in the international citation databases Web of Science and Scopus. As a result of the scientific internship, Shalmanova A.B. was awarded a certificate of its successful completion.
Today at the department of “History and Religious Studies” the dissertation work of Mambetova Guldana Abaykyzy, Phd student of the Faculty of History of Aktobe Regional University named after K. Zhubanov on the topic “Religion and Soviet politics: persecution of representatives of religion (20-50s of the XX century)” was discussed. The doctoral student introduced the goals and objectives of the dissertation work and described the characteristics of the main sections. Questions from the faculty of the department were answered. The published articles of the doctoral student recommended and approved in the journals of the Committee for Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan were also discussed.
From 05.27 to 06.26, doctoral student Nurlankyzy Gauharshakhnaz completed a foreign scientific internship at the Russian OGPU, under the guidance of the head of the Department of History of Russia, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor S. V. Lyubichankovsky.
During the internship, the doctoral student was able to familiarize himself with historical materials and archival, museum collections, and conduct research on the topic of the dissertation.
The doctoral student conducted research work on the topic of the dissertation at the State Budgetary Institution “United State Archive of the Orenburg Region” and the scientific library named after N.K.Krupskaya.
The doctoral student, together with the foreign scientific consultant Lyubichankovsky S. V., worked on the structures of dissertations, analyzed the progress of the necessary data. Joint work with the head within the framework of the topic contributed to the writing of manuscripts of 2 scientific articles and publications in scientific journals of Kazakhstan, submitted by the Ministry of Education and Science of the KKSON, the international citation database WoS, Scopus. Following the results of the foreign scientific internship of G.Nurlankyzy at the Department of “History of Russia”, a certificate was issued with its successful completion.
As part of the scientific internship, from September 23 to October 23, 2024, a 2nd-year doctoral student in the specialty "History", Samat Kumispaev, completed a scientific internship at the History Department of the University of Davis-California under the supervision of associate Professor, PhD Ian Campbell. During the internship, the doctoral student, in order to analyze and process literature on dissertation research, conducted research work in the Peter Shields library, whose fund contains a voluminous array of literature on postcolonial studies and decolonization thought.
The doctoral student was familiarized with the methodological and scientific developments of the Department of History, and throughout the internship he attended lectures by the scientific supervisor of the internship, Dr. PhD Ian Campbell and Professor Eric Raichway.
The topic was discussed and the plan of the doctoral dissertation was supplemented with a foreign consultant. The joint work also contributed to the preparation of an article for publication in the scientific journal Central Asia Survey indexed in the international citation databases SCOPUS.
According to the results of the scientific internship, the doctoral student was awarded a certificate.
The winners of the competition" the best teacher of the University-2024 " were announced. The winners of this competition were 150 teachers from 38 universities of the country.
Zhubanov University head of the Department "history and religious studies", there is a doctor of historical sciences, professor Izbasarova Gulbanu Bolatovna.
We congratulate gulbanu Bolatovna with the badge "the best teacher of the University-2024" and wish you health, well-being to your family and fruit for your work!