Academic mobility

The academic mobility of students at the History Faculty  is based on the strategic planning programs of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Along with this, academic mobility of the students of the faculty is realized on the basis of memorandums concluded by the University with leading foreign universities (Great Britain, Spain, Germany, Czech Republic, USA, Canada, Russia, etc.).

The Bolashak program of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan also provides an opportunity to receive education for gifted Kazakh youth in the best universities in the world for the development of their principles of human values ​​through the program of academic mobility.

In accordance with the academic mobility program of the History Faculty in 2014, the third-year students of the specialty 5B090200-Tourism – A.Utegulova, J.Kenzhalina and S.Umbetov were educated at the Baltic International Academy (Riga, Latvia).

In the first semester of 2016-2017 academic yeas, the second year student of the specialty 5B090200 – “Tourism” ENU named after LNGumilev., Dostiyarov Adilet was trained in the academic mobility program at the Faculty of History

In 2017, the 3rd year students A. Mukhtarova, E. Zholdybaeva specialty 5B090200 – “Tourism” under the program of academic mobility were trained for one semester at the University of Economics of the Polish Republic of Bydgosh.

In the 2017-2018 academic year, the second-year student of the specialty 5B011400-History Asylbek Ayazhan and the third-year student of the specialty 5B011600-Geography Zhuldyzbaev Nurgaly will plan to study the first semester under the academic mobility program at the West Kazakhstan State University named after M.Utemisova, students of the 2-courses specialty 5B011600-Geography – Pernekul Asem, Bolatbek Nazerke, Kydyrbay Ainur, Darmenkulova Aizhan at the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay, students of the 2-year specialty 5B020300-History Zhanabergenova Adina, Sherniyazova Dana on the program of the international academic mobility in Orenburg Pedagogical University of the Russian Federation

The faculty established creative contacts with national and foreign scientific institutions, inviting “guest lecturers” reading elective courses for the students of the specialties “History”, so, in the 2013-2014 academic year were invited to the Japanese scientist K. Matsuzato and N. Biancolli from Hong Kong, 2014-2015 academic year, Professor, St. Petersburg state University, Russia, A. I. Kubyshkin, in 2016, the associate Professor of Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosova A. I. Danshin, in the second semester of 2017 head of the Department of Leningrad state University, doctor of science, Professor V. A. Veremenko.

Thus, the number of students seeking to obtain high-quality knowledge is growing at the faculty. Academic mobility gives the possibility of personal development of the student and is conducive to the further employment of graduates, and also contributes to the formation of sociability, tolerance, individual autonomy, linguistic pluralism and to the pursuit of competitiveness of future specialists.

Students of the third year of specialty 5В090200-Tourism in the Baltic International Academy (Latvia)

As part of the academic mobility program in the History Department held a meeting with a professor at Indiana University East Dr. Kristoffer M. Rees.

The 17th of  November, 2017 ARGU after named K.Zhubanov Christopher Rice  held a presentation of the discipline ”Globolazition” at historical faculty.

As part of the academic mobility programs at the Department of Geography of the Faculty of History for training on specialty “Tourism” came Associate Professor of Recreation Geography and Tourism of M.V Lomonosov Moscow State University, PhD in Geography N.V. Shabalina

2018-2019 academic year Students of 2-3 courses of the Faculty of History, began semester studies in academic mobility at the University of Kastamonu (Republic of Turkey).

  • Akkazieva A. – specialty “History”, 3 year
  • Suleimenov A. – specialty “History”, 3 year
  • Bolatova A. – specialties “Tourism”, 2 year
  • Zholaman D. – specialties “Tourism”, 2 year
  • Markabaeva A. – specialties “Tourism”, 3 year

Also, as part of the “double diploma” program, at Kastamonu University, first-year undergraduates of the specialty “History” began training: B. Kanapin, R. Kartmagambetova

On 17.09.2020, the center for international relations and responsible teachers for the academic mobility program organized an online meeting of 1st-year students of the Technical faculty. The meeting was attended by 1st year students who are interested in academic mobility. The meeting was opened by the responsible teacher of the technical faculty G. M. Zheksenbayeva, who spoke about the program of national and international academic mobility. All questions from the students were answered by the Methodist programs of academic mobility Kuanysheva Gulbanu. A number of issues that concern students: the language level required to participate in academic mobility; partner University in accordance with the specialties; average grade required for the national academic mobility program; terms and subscription to language courses, etc. At the end of the meeting the students thanked the Methodist programs of academic mobility G. Kuanysheva.

On December 13, the Department of “history and religious studies” with the participation of students of the Faculty of history held a seminar on “history of the Kazakh Khanate and sources of modern historical data”, dedicated to the “December 16 – Independence Day”. The seminar was attended by Professor of Atyrau State University named after H. Dosmukhamedov, doctor of historical sciences Akhmetova U. T., head of the Department of the coordinating and methodological Center for modern history of Uzbekistan at the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, candidate of historical sciences, associate professor Aminov B. B., K. Vice-rector for science and innovation of Aktobe Regional State University named after zhubanov, doctor of historical sciences, professor Beknazarov R. A., head of the Department of “history and religious studies”, doctor of historical sciences, professor Izbasarova G. B., doctor of historical sciences, professor Zhumagambetov T. S. At the seminar, U. T. Akhmetova expressed her opinion on the sources contained in archives related to the history of the Kazakh Khanate, methodological problems of studying this topic and the study of a little – studied part of the history of the Kazakh Khanate-the city of Sarayshyk, which was the capital of the Khanate. Then the scientist U. Akhmetova congratulated the participants of the seminar on the holiday of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Round Table was held in a free format. Students were shown valuable data and directions related to historical science. We were talking about the perfect future of Kazakhstan, and it was noted that the key to the future lies in the hands of future historians.

From February 22 to March 02, 2nd year undergraduates of the Faculty of history visited St. Petersburg and completed a foreign internship within the framework of the academic mobility program of Leningrad State University.A. S. Pushkin. During the 10-day academic visit, our undergraduates took part in special lectures according to a mutually agreed plan, got acquainted with the experience of Leningrad University in the higher education system, its own Russian methods and approaches to higher education. In addition to the theoretical direction of practice, a practical direction is planned. According to this plan, our undergraduates visited the historical sites of the city of St. Petersburg and conducted research on the scientific dissertation works “Central State Archive” and “National Library of Russia”, located in St. Petersburg. During the internship, our undergraduates were awarded special certificates and certificates of Leningrad University. I wish the 2nd year undergraduates, who have overcome new heights in education and science, to continue to work hard for the benefit of Science and not get tired of the work in the development of historical science of an independent country.

In accordance with the curriculum of the educational programs 5b020300 – history of the Faculty of history, students of the 4th year undergo industrial practice from January 25 to April 2, 2021.

Today, on October 30, within the framework of the cooperation agreement between K. Zhubanov ARU and Orenburg State Pedagogical University on external academic mobility, a delegation of 7 2nd and 3rd year students of the History Faculty of Orenburg State Pedagogical University arrived at the Faculty of History.

The students were placed in a new, modern student dormitory of the K. Zhubanov ARU, and then, after lunch, they were invited to the building of the academic building No. 2, where they were shown a scientific library, a computer lab, an archaeology room and classrooms.
Associate Professor A.L. Perevezentsev conducted a lesson on the course “Academic Writing” for OGPU students, as well as a presentation of elective courses (“The personal factor in History”) and scientific and methodological seminars taught at the Faculty of History – on the example of a scientific seminar on the gender factor in American history.

The visit of students from Orenburg, initiated by the head of the Department of History and Religious Studies, Professor G.B. Izbasarova, will last from October 30 to November 10. An extensive and diverse scientific and cultural program is planned for the guests, including lectures and seminars, a round table on topical historical issues, visiting and working at the regional Museum of Local lore and the state Archive of the Aktobe region, as well as visiting the Memorial Museum of Hero of the Soviet Union Aliya Moldagulova.

The staff of the Faculty of History of the K.Zhubanov ARU hopes that this visit will be the beginning of fruitful academic cooperation with scientists and students of the neighboring, bordering Russian region.


The 2nd and 3rd year students of the Historical Faculty of Orenburg State Pedagogical University who arrived at Aktobe Regional University named after K.Zhubanov within the framework of academic mobility, in addition to training sessions, were involved in an extensive cultural program that included visits to the sights and memorable places of our city.
On October 31, they visited the Regional Museum of Local Lore in Aktobe (hereinafter the text and photo about it).

On November 1, Associate Professor of the Department of History and Religious Studies A.L. Perevezentsev invited Orenburg residents to visit the Memorial Museum of our outstanding countryman, Hero of the Soviet Union Aliya Moldagulova.

By agreement with the management of the museum, a detailed tour was conducted for foreign guests. The guide was a senior researcher at the Regional Memorial Museum, an excellent specialist in her field – Tazhbenova Saulesh Bazarbaevna. Students of history from Orenburg were pleasantly surprised by the high level of quality and informative content of museum expositions, the depth and cognitive value of the material presented in the excursion. The guys were imbued with the tragic fate of our national heroine, the historical atmosphere of the Memorial Museum. As future teachers and historians, Orenburg residents noted the great role of the museum in the patriotic education of young people, the formation of historical memory. At the end of the tour, they highlighted the high professional level of the museum staff, thanked Saulesh Bazarbaevna from the bottom of their hearts, and left an enthusiastic entry in the Book of Honorary guests of the museum.


October 31, 2023 2nd and 3rd year students of the Historical Faculty of Orenburg State Pedagogical University,

Those who arrived at the Aktobe Regional University named after K.Zhubanov within the framework of academic mobility, together with the teacher of the Department of History and Religious Studies, R.T. Nasyrov, visited the Aktobe Regional Museum of Local History, which became an important event in the cultural program for our guests. The tour was conducted by researcher Iskanderov S.R. The guests from Orenburg were glad to get acquainted with the exhibition halls and the exposition of the museum. Of particular interest were the halls dedicated to the medieval history of Kazakhstan. OGPU students got acquainted with the traditional costumes of the Kazakh people, the decoration of the yurt, presented in the hall of ethnography. At the end of the tour, the children expressed gratitude to the researcher and the museum management.

On November 1, within the framework of the cooperation agreement between the ARU named after K.Zhubanov and the Orenburg State Pedagogical University for external academic mobility, a lecture on “The activities of the Society of Archeology, History and Ethnography at Kazan University in the second half of the XIX – early XX centuries” was held at the Faculty of History, Associate Professor Begimbayeva Zh.S..

Students of 2-3 courses from Orenburg University together with 2nd year students of OP 6B02201 – History listened attentively to the lecture, questions were asked, then the students took part in the discussion of scientific cooperation between Kazakhstan and Russia.

On November 2, according to the Research Work Plan, an excursion to the Confucius Center of the ARU named after K. Zhubanov was held for students of the Orenburg State Pedagogical Institute. Students from Orenburg State Pedagogical University got acquainted with the Chinese language testing center “HSK” of the Confucius Institute, attended Chinese language classes, and received interesting information about the history of the Confucius Center of the ARU named after K.Zhubanov.

The students were given a tour of the lecture halls, the university library: they visited the reading room of the library, got acquainted with the electronic library. After all, the main mission of the library is to assist the educational process in training specialists using modern information technologies. In the library at the Faculty of History Orenburg students visited the reading room “Open Space”, got acquainted with books on the history of Kazakhstan.

Students of the academic mobility program 2 students of the Faculty of History studied at a foreign university under external academic mobility in 2023-2024. Including: 

* Poland – Bydgoszcz University of Economics – 1 student: 3rd year student of the specialty "6B11101-tourism" – Murzagalieva T.; 

* Poland – Bydgoszcz University of Economics – 1 student: 2nd year student of the specialty "6B01506-geography" – Myrzagul B. 

As part of the academic program, students had the opportunity to participate in various social and volunteer activities. In addition, students traveled to neighboring European countries, listened to lectures of foreign professors, had the opportunity to broaden their horizons, met and exchanged experiences with foreign students

For the 1st half of 2024-2025, 5 students of the 3rd year of OP "Tourism" (Rakimova Z., Torekhan S., Auezova A., Barikova D., Kipshakbayeva) improve their knowledge at the Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism of the city of Almaty on internal academic mobility. The exchange of interesting experience in combination with theoretical and practical classes has a great impact on improving the basic level of students.