
The teaching staff has made significant progress in the development of the educational process and research activities of the university. For many years of impeccable work in the education system and contribution to the training of qualified specialists, the teachers of the department received certificates of honor, letters of appreciation from the MES RK, the head of the region and the heads of regional and city educational organizations.

The teaching staff has achieved significant success in the organization of the educational process and the development of research activities of the university.

In particular, Doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Turebaeva K.Zh. was awarded the badges “Y. Altynsarin”, “Honorary Worker of Education” for significant achievements in the training and education of the younger generation, the holder of the state grant “Best Teacher”;

Candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Kenzhegulova A.K. – holder of badges “Y. Altynsarin”, “Honorary Worker of Education”, the state grant “The best teacher of the university”;

Candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor Tasimova A.A. – holder of the state grant “Excellence in Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, “The best teacher of the university”;

Candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Doszhanova S.E. was awarded the jubilee medal “20 years of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan”, a diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Certificate of Merit” for services in the field of education;

Candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Turetaeva G.I. was awarded the badge of trade union of workers of education and science, Honorary Diploma;

Candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Esengulova M.N., candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Kusametova G.K., candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor Sautenkova M.Y., candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Taganova A.M. awarded the jubilee medal “50 years of the University”, the Letter of gratitude of the Aktobe regional scientific-practical center, the Letter of gratitude of the International Fund for support of pedagogical creativity and development of science.

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Esengulova M.N. passed a course of advanced training at the University of Tsukuba (Japan) on the topic “Professional development of educational and organizational skills among teachers of the university”.

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Doszhanova S.E. passed a qualification course at the University of Economics, Bydgoszcz (Poland).

At the beginning of the 2017-2018 academic year at the university for the first time held an intra-university competition of startup projects “ARSU START-UP-2017” under the direction of the head of the department, Ph.D., Professor Turebaeva K.Zh. and Bozgulanova N.E. took the first place in the competition on the theme “Smart Kindergarten” and were awarded a letter of thanks from the rector of the university.

According to this project, in December 2018, the Children’s Development Center “Zerek” was opened. The purpose of this center: physical development of children at the age of 5-10 years; provision of health care and safety, creation of socio-psychological conditions, correction of speech disorders and support of the musculoskeletal system; training of spatial orientation; preparation for school; intellectual development; computer development; development of fine arts skills; mastery of the English language.

Students of specialties 5B010100-Pre-school education and upbringing 5B010500-Defectology have achieved a lot in the past decade.

They won the second place in the republican subject Olympiad in Karaganda in 2016, the 1st place in the republican subject Olympiad in Karaganda in 2017, where students of “Defectology” specialty took the 2nd place.

In 2019, under the leadership of the senior lecturer of the department Duisenbaeva R.D. presented the project work of students Zhalgasova G., Erahmet A. “The world of sounds”, Kuanyshbekova M., Kuangalievna N. “Development of fine motor skills of the hand (mediated by Asyk)”, successfully passed the selection stage of the republican competition of startup projects “My dream” in Astana and won prizes in 2 stages.

In the intra-university competition “The best student scientific circle” our acting student scientific circle “Tanym” under the direction of Ph.D., associate professor Esengulova M.N. took the 2nd place.


As a result of the general rating of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, conducted by the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating in 2019, the educational program 6B01201 – Preschool education and upbringing took I place, educational program 6B01101-Pedagogy and psychology took III place, educational program 7M03101-Psychology (master’s degree) took II.

In 2020, the educational program 6B01201 – Preschool education and upbringing took I place, educational program 6B01101-Pedagogy and psychology took III place, educational program 7M03101-Psychology (master’s degree) took II.

In April 2019 in the inter-university competition “Excellent of the Year”, organized by the University in the framework of the Week of Science of the Department of Psychological, Pedagogical and Special Education was awarded the nomination “Best Department 2019”.

In 2020, the department took 1st place in the annual KPI evaluation at the university scale.

KVN team from among the young teachers of the department “To’rt say’saq” became one of the best KVN teams at the university

Student of EP 6B01101-Pedagogy and Psychology Makanova Gulnur in the weight category 57 kg in the international tournament in memory of the Hero of the Soviet Union Alia Moldagulova took 2nd place.

Student of EP 6B01901-Defectology Suleimen Azamat is a prize-winner of the XI Republican subject Olympiad on Special Pedagogy among students of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, who passed in Karaganda.

Student of EP 6B01901-Special Pedagogy Zhalgasova Gulmanat is the winner of the Youth Prize under the auspices of “Aktobe Daryny” and in the nomination “Student of the Year”.

Congratulations to 3rd year students Abdikalykova I.M., Asylbek S.K., specialty “Special Pedagogy” of Aktobe Regional University named after K. Zhubanov, who received a 2nd degree diploma in the nomination “Best tactile book” at the Republican competition “Inclusion at your fingertips within project “The World of Unusual Books”.

Tactile book samples of seven fairy tales, presented by students, were written in Braille and transferred to the Aktobe Regional Library Fund. We express our gratitude to the senior teachers of the Department of Psychology and Special Education Baltymova M.R., Orazova Zh.O., who provide leadership in the creation of a tactile book for students with educational needs!