Educational and scientific activities of the department
The teaching staff conducts research work in close contact with foreign and domestic universities, research centers in Turkey, France, Russia, Great Britain, Italy, the Czech Republic, etc.
The results of all scientific research are actively published in journals approved by the Committee for Quality Assurance in the field of education and science of the Ministry of Higher Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation, publications of international scientific-theoretical and scientific-practical conferences, journals with impact factor indicators.
For the purpose of retraining and advanced training, the teaching staff of the department annually visits foreign educational institutions. Thus, Z.U. Adilshinova, U.Zh. Tuyakova got acquainted with the work of universities in Portugal, S.S. Seitenov – Turkey, France, G.R. Bakhtiyarova – Turkey, Germany, Azerbaijan, O.A. Shunkeeva, B.K. Almurzayeva interned in Italy, in the Czech Republic, B.B. Yertleuova visited the UK.
In order to share their experience, the teachers of the department take part in scientific seminars not only in Kazakhstan, but also abroad. From April 25 to 29, 2016, Associate Professor of the Department, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences O.A. Shunkeeva and Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences B.K. Almurzayeva took part in a scientific and practical seminar on the topic “The process of organizing education in rural small schools”, which was held in Linz (Austria), gave lectures and held a seminar for future primary school teachers schools and received certificates from the “Private University of Education of the Diocesan Linz”.
Associate Professor of the Department, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences S. Seitenova, from July 1 to July 10, 2014, completed an internship “Organizations international scientifique” (international organizations and scientific cooperation), organized by the CONCORD International Academy in the capital of the French state Paris. The purpose of this course is to share experiences with scientists from Europe and the CIS countries on the development of the creative and intellectual potential of future specialists in scientific cooperation, participate in an international conference and join the CONCORD International Academy as a corresponding member.
The President of the CONCORD International Academy, an expert in international law and economics, an expert of UNESCO and the Council of Europe, Professor G. Tomsky lectured and discussed his research with the course participants.
In the 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 academic years, the director of the Center for Modern Pedagogy “Learning without Borders” (Canada, Montreal), Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Rudik G.A. held a round table and seminars for teachers and students.
From February 7 to 20, 2017, at the invitation of the department, Nikolai Buyukliev, Professor of the Varnov Independent University, PhD, director of the Bulgarian-Kazakh Education Forum, organized a seminar with a team of teachers.
With the participation of Professor Nikolay Buyukliev, a lecture and a practical lesson on the discipline “Pedagogical skills” were held for students of the specialty.
During the lesson, special attention was paid to the features of the European and foreign education system.
In the 2018-2019 academic year, students of EP 5B010200- Pedagogy and methods of primary education Bigeldy N.M., Zhanabaeva B.N., Shurenova F.E.,Salakhitdinova M.Zh., Boranbai A.K. studied at the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai. In the first half of the 2018-2019 academic year, teachers of the department Kubieva V.A., Yertleuova B. exchanged experiences within the framework of the external academic mobility program at Orenburg State University, Orenburg, Russia.
In order to implement the internal academic mobility program in accordance with a mutual agreement between universities, students of EP 5B010200- Pedagogy and methods of primary education of the West Kazakhstan State University named after M. Utemisov Zhoraeva O.Zh., Sembayeva I.M. studied in the 1st half of the 2019-2020 academic year.
In the 2019-2020 academic year, 3rd year students of EP 5B010200- Pedagogy and methods of primary education Boranbai A.K., Kuvonishova R.A. were sent to the Eurasian University of the Humanities to study under the academic mobility program.
From 04.03 to 16. 03.2019, Associate Professor of the Department of Preschool and Primary Education of West Kazakhstan State University named after M. Utemisov Khasanova I.U., was invited to lecture to 2nd year students of EP 5B010200-Pedagogy and methods of primary Education, and senior lecturer of the Department Kenzhebekova N.A. was sent to lecture at this university.
In the 2020-2021 academic year, as part of the international academic mobility program for students of EP 6B01301-Pedagogy and Methods of primary education by K.E. Sarashova, Z.S. Nadyrova, G.M. Bokatova, M.K. Kurbangalieva, individual work curricula were developed at the University of Economics in Bydgoszcz, Republic of Poland. Based on the reconciliation of work curricula for the educational programs of the relevant specialties of the university, classes were held from 17.11.2020 to 14.02.2020 in an online format.
PhD, Associate professor of the Department of Preschool and Primary Education Zhusupova Zh.A. completed a scientific internship in the Netherlands – Rotterdam.
An exhibition in honor of the Day of the Orenburg region in Aktobe was organized at our university
From March 6 to March 16, 2022-2023 at the Department of Preschool and Primary Education under the academic mobility program in offline format Professor of Orenburg State University, Tatyana Alexandrovna Olkhovaya read an educational lecture by for undergraduates and doctoral students in the discipline “Actual problems of science and primary Education”.
Within the framework of the cooperation agreement between the Non JSC Atyrau University named after H. Dosmukhamedov and the Aktobe Regional University named after K. Zhubanov Associate Professor Bakhtiyarova Gulshat Rakhmetzhanovna lectured for 1st year students of EP 6B01301- Primary education teacher in the 2nd half of the 2022-2023 academic year as part of the academic mobility program from 10.04-23 to 21.04.2023.
Within the framework of the cooperation agreement between the NonJSC Atyrau University named after H. Dosmukhamedov and Aktobe Regional University named after K. Zhubanov in the 2nd half of the 2022-2023 academic year as part of the academic mobility program 10.04-23-21.04.2023 Ph.D., Associate Professor U.T. Tulenova lectured for students on EP 6B01301 (7M01301)- Primary education teacher.
According to the international program Bolashak, in 2022, senior lecturer Yertleuova Baktygul Baktygereevna completed an 11-month scientific internship at Lomonosov Moscow State University.
In purpose to increase the scientific creative potential of students and arouse interest in science, the department has social and scientific circles “Search” and “Young Educator”, whose leaders are Zhakim Assel Zhakimovna, Aitmagambetova Shynar Kuntuarovna.
The teachers of the department take an active part in various round tables and seminars held at the University. Science weeks, subject Olympiads, contests, brain rings are also held annually. The teaching staff of the department is actively involved in attracting students to research work and deepening psychological and pedagogical knowledge.
The Department for formation and improving of professional training of future specialists cooperates with medium-specific educational institutions of the city: Kazakh-Turkish Lyceum, Nazarbayev Intellectual school, boarding school for children, specialized gymnasium No. 21-Farabi, public secondary ” school-Lyceum № 72 named after Abish Kekilbaev”, secondary school №64 named after U. Kulymbetov, secondary School № 39, secondary school-Lyceum №63; preschool organizations: Kindergarten No. 45″ Altyn Bala”, Kindergarten No. 33″ Nursat”, Kindergarten No. 16″ Aq Qain”, Kindergarten No. 12″ Inzhugul”, Kindergarten No. 33″Bobek”.
The results of the research work of the teaching staff are used in the study of author’s courses, electives and special disciplines.
- Bakhtiyarova G.R. Pedagogy and ethnopedagogy. Collection of test tasks, Aktobe, 2010.
- Bakhtiyarova G.R. Historiography of the traditional pedagogical culture of the Kazakh people. Textbook, Almaty, 2010.
- Bakhtiyarova G.R. Traditional pedagogical culture of the Kazakh people: history, theory and practice. Textbook, Aktobe, 2012.
- Zhusupova Zh.A., Narenova A.B., Baymakhanova G.K. Educational and methodological guide for conducting research during the pedagogical practice of students of 1-4 courses of the specialty 5B010000 “Education”. – 2015.
- Seitenova S.S. Kazakh language. A textbook for students studying at the Russian department of pedagogical specialties. Aktobe, 2015.
- Seitenova S.S. Professional Kazakh language. A study guide. 2nd ed. – Aktobe, 2014.
- Narenova A.B. Psychology and human development (textbook). Aktobe, 2013.
- Zhusupova Zh.A., Narenova A.B., Baymakhanova G.K. Educational and methodological guide for conducting research during the pedagogical practice of students of 1-4 courses of the specialty 5B010000 “Education”. 2015.
- Seitenova S.S. Kazakh language. A textbook for students studying at the Russian department of pedagogical specialties. – Aktobe, 2015.
- Seitenova S.S. Professional Kazakh language. A study guide. 2nd ed. – Aktobe, 2014.
- Narenova A.B. Psychology and human development (textbook). Aktobe, 2013.
- Zhusupova Zh.A. Pedagogy (textbook). – Aktobe, 2017.
- Mukeeva N.E. Bululatova A.K. Methods of teaching musical art, a textbook for students studying in the specialty 5B010200 – Pedagogy and methods of primary education. Aktobe, 2017.
- Zhazykova M.K. Ethnopedagogy (textbook) 2017.
- Adilshinova Z.U., Kubieva V.A. Russian language. A study guide. – Almaty, 2016.
- Bakhtiyarova G.R. Kenshikova K.M. Fundamentals of inclusive education. Textbook, Aktobe, 2019.
- Bakhtiyarova G.R. Traditional pedagogical culture of the Kazakh people. Textbook, Aktobe, 2019.
- Bakhtiyarova G.R. The history of the traditional pedagogical culture of the Kazakh people. Monograph, – Almaty, 2020.
- Turebayeva K.Zh., Zhusupova Zh.A., Bozgulanova N.E., Amanzhol M.A.. The methodology of speech development of preschoolers.Textbook, Aktobe, 2021.20.
Rysbaeva A.K., Kereymagambetova Zh.N. Psychology of communication. A study guide. – Aktobe, 2021.
- Kubieva V.A. Children’s literature. Textbook, Aktobe, 2021.
Development and publication of electronic learning resources
Bakhtiyarova Gulshat Rakhmetzhanovna
Electronic visualization resources:
Asiya Bolatovna Narenova
Electronic Visualization Resources:
Asiya Bolatovna Narenova
Electronic Visualization resources: