Material technical base
Department “Department of preschool and primary education” is located in the administrative and educational building located at Moldagulova Ave., 34. Special classrooms of the Department are 407, 410, 411, 421, 423, 216.
The academic building is equipped with tools and desks, tables; it includes 3 interactive whiteboards, tele-video equipment, a self-knowledge and relaxation room, equipped with modern technical facilities, 5 computer labs, a language lab, a mobile projector, laptops.
410 auditorium – scientific and pedagogical center “Search”
417 – auditorium of Self-knowledge
Department “Department of preschool and primary education” is located in the administrative and educational building located at Moldagulova Ave.,34. Special classrooms of the Department are : 407,410,413, 417,418,422,423.
The academic building is equipped with labor tools and appropriate equipment and equipped with modern technical means: desks, tables; there are 3 interactive whiteboards, a mobile projector, laptops. There are also special study rooms: auditorium of «Self-knowledge», auditorium named after Hero of the Soviet Union Kozhabay Zhazykov, “Language Training” cabinet, cabinet of volunteers «Ray of Good», the doctoral students and undergraduates cabinet, auditorium scientific pedagogical center «Search» and museum «History of Kazakhstani Pedagogy».
418 – auditorium named after Hero of the Soviet Union Kozhabay Zhazykov
407 – cabinet of volunteers «Ray of Good»
422 – “Language Training” cabinet
423 – Тhe doctoral students and undergraduates cabinet
413 – Museum «History of Kazakhstani Pedagogy»