Our graduates and employment

Today, graduates of the department are working in various regions of the country and in the Aktobe region (Baiganin, Martuk, Aitekebi, Shalkar). Among them, such graduates as N.P. Albytova, Zh.A. Zhusupova, B.K. Almurzaeva, Zh.Zh. Kartbaeva have the degree of Candidate of Sciences, Associate Professor. Masters of pedagogy and psychology Kubieva V.A., Zh. Orazova, A.Rystygulova, A. Suguralieva, A.Rysbaeva, G. Baimakhanova, A.A Sagieva, A.A. Meirkhanova, Sh. Ran work at our university.

Jusupova J.A. Ph.D.

Kartbayeva J.J. Ph.D.

Almurzayeva B.K. Ph.D.

Kubieva V.A.master`s degree

Orazova J. master`s degree

Suguraliyeva A. master`s degree

Rystygulova A. master`s degree

Ryspayeva A. master`s degree

Baimakhanova G. master`s degree

Abil A.S. master degree

Amanzhol M.A. master

Students of educational programs – members of student unions, the Committee on Youth Affairs, the youth wing of the People’s Democratic Party “HipoTan”, the public association “Zhas Otan”, the regional public association of teachers, as well as student construction teams “Sheber”, “Zhastar”.

Most of our graduates take part in the project “With a diploma to the village” and get jobs in the region, such as Baiganin, Martok, Aiteke bi. A number of students have the opportunity to continue their education at the master’s and doctoral levels.

Also, in the specialty 5B012300 – “Social pedagogy and self-knowledge” T. Karskanova and Turemuratova Zh.A. entered to the Master Degree in Russia, A.Kulzhan graduated with a master’s degree. Zhanibekova Nurzhaina, Seitzhanova Nurzhainar, Zhumabay Aida graduates of the specialty 5B010200 – “Pedagogy and Methodology of Primary Education” entered the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University for a master’s degree.

Eleusinova Bulbul Orakovna – Head of the Department of Internal Policy of Aktobe region. He graduated from Aktobe K. Zhubanov Regional State University. She began his career in September 1995 as a teacher at №12 secondary school in Aktobe. From August 2004 he worked as a chief specialist of the department of social and cultural development of Hobda district akim’s office of Aktobe region, then he was appointed deputy akim of Hobda district.

From November 2016 – Head of the Secretariat of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan of Aktobe region

Abylkhatova Mairagul Tugelbayevna – Primary school teacher, Deputy Director for Educational Work of № 9 secondary school-gymnasium. Teacher of the highest category. Teaching experience is 28 years.

She participated in the competition “Teacher of the Year -92” and was awarded a diploma of VI degree. In 1988, she took part in the competition “Teacher of the Year” and won 1st place. She is Delegate of the 1st Congress of Education Workers of the Republic of Kazakhstan and laureate of the Mayor’s Award. From the 2016-2017 academic year, she is the head of the system association “Guarantee of professional development and renewal of teachers of the city” at the scientific and practical center of the region.

Mikhailova Tatyana Vasilyevna is a primary school teacher at № 9 secondary school-gymnasium in Aktobe. He graduated from Zhubanov University in 1996 with a degree in “Pedagogy and Methodology of Primary Education.” He began his career at №15 secondary school in Aktobe. From 2002 to the present she has been working as a primary school teacher in № 9 secondary school-gymnasium.

From 2008 to 2016, she worked as Deputy Director for Scientific and Methodological Work. In 2009-2011 she was awarded the grant of the akim of the region “Best Teacher”. In 2013, she was awarded the badge “Best Education Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. Since 2018, she is the head of the master class on criteria-based assessment for regional primary school teachers.

Ahmetkalieva Aigul Urazaevna – director of the Altynsarin school, Chagatai village, Terekty district. In 2011, she was awarded a Certificate of Merit for pedagogical skills, creative pursuits and achievements in the education of the younger generation in the regional education system – in 2016 for pedagogical skills, creative pursuits and achievements in the education of the younger generation in the regional education system.

Seilkhanova Shynar Amangosovna – In 1992, she graduated from the Aktobe K. Zhubanov Pedagogical Institute, Department of “Pedagogy and Methodology of Primary Education.” Since October 5, 2016, she has been working as a director at Zarechny school-kindergarten.

The following achievements have been made in the performance of this function;

  • “Certificate of Merit” from the akim of Temir district for significant work;
  • Grant of the akim of the region for recognition as the “Best class teacher of the region”;
  • published manuals for primary school teachers in the electronic environment.

Zharylgasova Zhanylsyn Maylanovna – in 1992, she graduated with honors as a primary school teacher of the Aktobe Zhubanov Pedagogical Institute with “Best Badge”. Qualification category “Highly qualified specialist of the highest level” she is the owner of the “Letter of thanks” of the Ministry of Education and Science and the “Certificate of Merit” of the Department of Education of Aktobe region. There was a presentation of the Kazakh language, analysis of textbooks for grades 3, 6, 8 and acquaintance with the curriculum.

In 2017, The report of linguists of Aktobe Regional State University named after K.Zhubanov on the regional forum certificate “Textbook – a source of preservation of the national code in the modernization of the new generation” №3 “Alphabet from A. Baitursynov” was read.

Regional workshop on “Development of creative activity of primary school students in language lessons” in Aktobe regional scientific-practical center. She shared her experience on the topic “Ways to develop the speech of primary school students.” Textbook “Kazakh language” on modern education for secondary schools (grade 3) – Almaty, 2018 published.