Educational and research activity of the faculty of Pedagogy has an innovative focus and is devoted to the problem of «Psychological and pedagogical support of the student in educational activities”. Within the framework of the stated topics, the teaching staff of the Institute actively publishes scientific materials in the collections of scientific and practical Conferences, improves qualifications and participates in scientific and practical seminars.

Besides, teachers take an active part in scientific competitions and projects. Results of research works are scientific publications and educational and methodological developments, certificates and certificates of raising qualifications both in Kazakhstan and abroad.

The qualitative staff of the faculty of Pedagogy is represented by three Doctors of Sciences, two PhD Doctors, thirty nine Candidates of Sciences  and twenty eight Masters of Art.

For successful mastering of educational programmes, faculty Professors and teachers successfully conduct active seminars and conferences on the use of innovative teaching methods in the educational process, presentations of training courses. Introduction of innovative technologies in the educational process improves the efficiency of teaching and learning.

Priority direction of the faculty is training specialists with a practical orientation of vocational education and increasing their professional literacy as future specialists.

2015-2016 academic year a seminar on the exchange of educational programme  “Inclusive Education” on the basis of Orenburg State Pedagogical University was organized by K.  Turebayeva, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,  Associate Professor, S. Doszhanova, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor and Ye. Shestakova, senior teacher.

In the framework of this work K. Turebayeva, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor participated in the Republican seminar “Modernization of the system of pre-school education and teaching in the context of the State programme for providing children with pre-school education “Balapan”.

In the work of the above-mentioned Republican seminar Ye. Shestakova, a senior teacher   made a report on the problem of “Inclusive and corrective pedagogy in pre-school education”, after which she was awarded a Letter of thanks from the Republican Center “Pre-school childhood”.

Teaching staff of the faculty takes a part in training seminars on explaining rules of writing articles with Impact factor, seminars-trainings organized by Elsever. The possibility of accessing to the electronic database of “Web of knowledge”, journals of citation indexes Thomson Reuters is considered.

Teachers of the faculty successfully use modern educational technologies in the educational process: problem training, integrative-developing approach, modular training, game training, development of critical thinking, smart card technology and participate annually in the competition “The best demonstrative class in the interactive form”, which is carried out by the Innovative Center for Pedagogical Education.

So, in 2016-2017 academic year Zh. Kartbayeva, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Pre-school and Special Education took the 1st place in the competition. B. Amantayeva, Master of Arts (Pedagogical Sciences), senior lecturer of the Department of Preschool and Special Education was an owner of the nomination “Technological development of the classroom”.

2017-2018 academic year in the teaching and methodological support of the educational process at the Faculty of Education were opened specialized classrooms:

Center for Socialization “SENIM” (November, 2017)

Educational and methodical room “ZERDE” (December, 2017)

Cabinet “ETHNOPSYCHOLOGY” (December, 2017)

Cabinet of psychological and pedagogical counseling “SANA” (December, 2017)

Office of «ORAL ART» (December, 2017)

The “Psychology of the Person” (December, 2017)

Cabinet of national education “SHOLPS” (December, 2017)


The most important part of the faculty’s activity is a research work of students, which takes a leading role in shaping their status, comprehensive development of the individual, objective self-assessment, acquisition of skills in creative collectives, organizational skills.

Students of these specialties actively participate in scientific-research works; take prizes in International and Republican Olympiads, Conferences and competitions.

On 30-31March, 2017 the IX Republican Subject Olympiad on the specialty 5B0105000-Defectology was held in Karaganda. Our students, having taken an honorable 3rd place among Universities of Kazakhstan, were awarded the diploma. Scientific heads – G. Turetayeva,  Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor and Ye. Shestakova, senior teacher.

Team “Zhana tokyn” took the IІI place, they were awarded the diploma.

During testing the following disciplines as «Special Pedagogy”, “Special Psychology”, “Bases of Speech Therapy”, a member of the team “Pedsovet” of the specialty 5В010500 “Defectology” Karlygash Kolganatova, having scored the maximum number of points passed in the second round, thus providing the third place to the team.

The Organizing Committee of the Republican subject Olympiad on the specialty 5В010500 – “Defectology” awarded Ye. Shestakova  with a Letter of thanks for active participation in the preparation of students for the Olympiad.

The team “Bolashak” of specialty 5B010100 – Pre-school education took the first place in The Republican Subject Olympiad,which held 6-7 April, 2017 at the Pedagogical Faculty of Karaganda State University named after E. Buketov.

The Organizing Committee of the Republican Subject Olympiad on the specialty 5B010100 Pre-school education awarded Zh.Kartbayeva  with a Letter of thanks for active participation in the preparation of students for the Olympiad.

In 2016 students of the specialty “Psychology” took the 2nd place at the Republican Student Subject Olympiad in Almaty.

“The best teacher of the university-2017”  Zhussupova  Zhanna Azatovna

Organized by the Kobdinsky Regional Youth Resource Center dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the capital Astana, the regional contest of songs among young people “Askaktai ber, Astana!” was held. Myrzakabylova Akerke, a 2nd student in the specialty Psychology, was awarded a letter of thanks for her active participation in the event.

The head of the department “Pedagogy, Psychology and Primary Education” Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Seytenova Salima Saginovna took part in the international competition “Top of  Excellence” and won a prize.

In the republican project “Best Student – 2018”, 3 year students of the specialty “Psychology” Anarbekova Ayazhan and Esmaganbetova Moldir  were awarded badges from the first Kazakh cosmonaut Toktar Aubakirov and were awarded letters of appreciation for participating in the II Republican book of talented students “Zhas Kiran”.

In the framework of the memorandum on cooperation in the field of education between Aktobe Regional State University named after K.Zhubanov and Gdansk State University (Poland, Gdansk) according to the approved plan to attract foreign specialists in the period from 23.11 to 05.12.2018 at the Department of “Pedagogy and Psychology” lectures by a foreign scientist, doctor PhD, Professor Adam-Zhagiello-Rusilovsky on the subject “Diagnosis and Methodology of Psychological Research” for students of the specialty 6M050300 – “Psychology”.

Also during the stay in ARSU them. K. Zhubanova scheduled seminars “Youth on the way to science”, “Erasmus +” master class.

Adam-Zhagiello-Rusilovsky is a teacher, researcher and social entrepreneur working in the field of sustainable development of education and innovative competences. He has a master’s degree in English literature and a doctorate in educational psychology from the University of Gdansk. He completed an PhD internship at the University of Northern Iowa, and completed a Leadership in Community course at Columbia University and a social economy at INSEAD (Fontainableau) business school. He is the leader of three youth projects as well as NGOs, as well as the Ford and Ashoka Program Fellow, worked as an expert in the Soros foundations in Eastern Europe, the European Cultural Foundation in Amsterdam and UNVRA in the Gaza Strip.

He has 25 articles, and is also a co-author of several monographs and books on the use of drama and applied arts to improve the sustainability and integrity of education.

February 4, 2019 Sagadatov Rаibek, Master of the 1 course of the specialty 6M010300 – Pedagogy and Psychology, was awarded to deputy akim of the region.

Arkharov Daulet, a 2 nd year student of the pedagogical faculty of the specialty “Psychology”, won the Republican Grand Prix “Astana Cup 2019” held on February 24, 2019 in Astana.


The team “Senim” specialty 5B010500- “Defectology” took the first place in the XI Republican subject Olympiad, held April 4-5, 2019 at the pedagogical faculty of Karaganda State University named after Ye.A. Buketova.

Certificates were awarded to scientific  head G.I.Turetayeva,  candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor and third-year students   Bakhytzhankyzy  Aruzhan, Zhalgasova Gulmanat, Suleiman Azamat.