Material technical base
The disciplines taught at the Department of General Pedagogy and Management in Education are conducted in classrooms, educational institutions and classrooms equipped with a special interactive whiteboard, audio-video and multimedia devices and a personal computer. Premises that make up the material and technical base of the department:
Conference Hall named after Takhaoui Akhtanov;
«IT Cabinet»;
Umbetbay Uaydin’s office;
The office of Professor Nuryshev Galymzhan Zhumabaevich; (for research work of undergraduates)
Oratory Cabinet;
Conference Hall named after Takhaoui Akhtanov;
Purpose: to conduct international, republican, regional events of various formats aimed at scientific and theoretical informing of students in social, social, political and economic terms.
IT Cabinet;
Purpose: training students in information technology and computer knowledge, practical practice and the ability to apply technology. Improving the competitiveness of students, creating conditions for the use of modern technologies in the educational process, promoting competencies on websites, games, 3D modeling.
Educational and methodical office «Zerde»;
Purpose: to convey public knowledge to students by updating thematic data. Updating students’ knowledge using thematic projects, tables, diagrams and other elements of exercises. Assistance to teachers in the selection of educational materials, their placement and use for the preparation of the curriculum.
Umbetbay Uaydin’s Office;
Objective: to increase the thematic awareness of students by providing them with educational materials. Organization of work on the study of scientific ideas of the scientist, conducting theoretical, scientific and methodological research in the field of special education, analysis of the best and innovative technologies, implementation in the educational process.
The office of Professor Nuryshev Galymzhan Zhumabaevich; (for research work of undergraduates)
Purpose: to provide students and undergraduates with special resources and conditions for learning and research. It is equipped with books, journals, online resources, programs and research tools for conducting research.
Oratory Cabinet;
Purpose: the formation of students’ oratorical abilities with the formation of reading skills. This room allows students to engage in creativity, oratory, create new projects, offer ideas and implement them. Teaching music, writing, drawing, theater and other categories.