The educational activity of the Faculty of Pedagogy is focused on the formation of an active, socially responsible, comprehensively developed personality of future specialists in demand on the labor market.

In accordance with the work plan of the Faculty, educational work is carried out in the following directions:

  • formation of patriotic and spiritual and moral education;
  • prevention of religious extremism and terrorism;
  • prevention of offenses and formation of anti-corruption culture of youth;
  • formation of a healthy lifestyle;
  • participation of students in the academic life of the faculty and University;

In general, the content of the educational work of the Institute is integrated into three main directions:

  • formation of professional and labor culture of students.
  • formation of civil-law culture of students.
  • formation of students’ moral culture.

Educational work is also carried out by the Council of Curators, the Committee for Youth Affairs and Student Self-Government.

As part of the educational work for the last year, the Institute conducted:

Within the framework of the educational work for last years the following events were conducted at the Faculty:

  • student competitions on various topics;
  • numerous University, city and regional events dedicated to the State language;
  • a variety of sports activities aimed at the formation and maintenance of a healthy lifestyle.
  • organization and control of scientific work of students.

A body of student self-government, taking an active position in issues of student’s life is also formed at the faculty. Students are members of collegial bodies, such as the faculty’s board and supervisory board. Issues of social security of students are being successfully solved. At the initiative of students and management, “Student Dean’s Office” was organized.  This will seek to address issues related to teaching and social conditions of students. Those students who are trained on a contract basis have an opportunity to get discounts for training, vacant state grants based on the results of the examination session and personal scholarships. Thus, all conditions for self-realization of students’ personalities are organized by the Faculty.

Organization of events on civil-patriotic, legal and polycultural education is aimed to the formation of a civil position and patriotic consciousness, legal and political culture, the development of national identity, the culture of interethnic relations, social and religious tolerance, based on humanism, love and respect for language, history and customs of Kazakh people, preservation and development of traditions, study and development of cultures of other people of Kazakhstan.

The main importance in modern conditions is a formation of students’ legal awareness, their readiness to confront unlawful manifestations in the youth environment; increase of the social status, civil-patriotic, legal and multicultural education of youth. Activities carried out within the framework of civil-patriotic, legal and multicultural education raise the level of content, methods and technologies on the basis of real interaction between educational and training structures (Youth Club, Student Deans, Deputy Director for Educational Affairs,  Center for Educational Affairs,  Sports Club).

Competitions and festivals, concerts, evenings, Club of cheerful and resourceful, exhibitions of their own works, debates, visits to concerts, museums, exhibitions, performances, etc. are organized in order to fully disclose the creative potential of the student’s personality.

Nowadays there are sports sections on volleyball, basketball, table tennis, national kinds of games at the Faculty.

Students take an active part in public life of the faculty, University, City, Region and Republic.

In order to realize a health saving technology, a round table “Talking about a healthy lifestyle” is organized. Students took an active part in the City tournament among University students on the knowledge of the strategy “Kazakhstan -2050” and annual messages of the President of the country to the people of Kazakhstan.

In 2016-2017 academic year a series of activities to implement a Comprehensive Programme “Healthy Lifestyle” and a series of events on “Drug addiction – a road to nowhere” were organized.  Following actions as “Let’s say NO to AIDS!”,   sports competitions among teaching staff of the Faculty were organized.   In the same direction, the week “The World against AIDS”, the action “Future without Drugs”, the competition of the Tennis  were organized and held at the Faculty. Together with the Department for the National Security Committee and Department of Internal Affairs, students of Pedagogical Faculty  participated in the action “Aktobe against Drugs” and together with the leaders of  “Nur-Otan” Party  participated in the action “Identification of the facts of illegal sale of alcoholic beverages”. A series of lectures aimed at forming a healthy lifestyle were conducted by the teaching staff of the Faculty.  In December 2017, a competition of students creative works of the Faculty was held within the framework of the week “The World against AIDS”.

Students of the Faculty of Pedagogy are members of the public student organizations of the Alliance of Students of Kazakhstan,   Student Trade Union Committee, Youth Wing of the People’s Democratic Party “Zhas Otan – zhastar kanaty” and Public Association of Regional Educators. Under the guidance of teaching staff of the University, students created their own student theater, orchestra of Kazakh folk instruments, choir, sports club and debating club. For spiritual and moral development of student youth, there is a circle of “Kazakhsa sylesileik” and “My tongue is my friend”,  “Umgege үylesimdik” and “Zhas Kalamger”.

Student construction teams, gardening teams based on the results of summer work semester occupy a leading position. Active work is being done at the sports and fitness Center. Sectional classes in volleyball, tennis, basketball, track and field athletics, as well as classes in two gyms will be organized there.

In January 2016, a traditional charity event “From Heart to Heart” was organized to help orphanages and children’s homes. The following facts as students participation in the competition “Zhigit sultany – 2017″ among Universities,   creative competition “Talented freshman”,   patriotic action “Erligimnіmi zemіsі, eldigimnin belgisi”, City Youth Forum,   competition “Customs and traditions of the peoples of Kazakhstan”, activities dedicated to the International Family Day, etc. show students  activity  in public life. : Students of the Faculty of Pedagogy in December 2017 participated in a series of educational events dedicated to the Independence Day.

As part of the implementation of Message of President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan, curatorial hours were held in specialties and  main provisions of the Message were explained to the students.

Among students there is also an active work on legal education and crime prevention. The purpose of this work is a formation of legal awareness and moral and moral qualities in accordance with the State Programme of Legal Reform and construction of a legal state by the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In September,  a number of events such as demonstrative curatorial hours on the subject “Til Adity”, “Memlekettik til-menіt tіlіm” were organized according to the plan of the Department for the Development of the State Language and International Cooperation.  Students of the faculty took part in the competition of young poets and were awarded with Diplomas. Students also took part in the Competition among  teachers of the University “Kazakhstan-dostyk pen kelіsim mekeni” and  they won the second prize place   with cash.

In all groups curatorial hours were held on the topics “From the ban nuclear tests to a world free of nuclear weapons”, “The Independent World refused to test nuclear weapons “,”Test cancellation is our mission”,”Zaman-ai”  in order to implement the project “ATOM” of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev, voiced during the International Conference “From the ban of nuclear tests to a world free of nuclear weapons” on August 29, 2012 “. control, and are equipped with the necessary teaching and methodological complexes.

Students of the Faculty of Pedagogy are provided with guidebooks, which contain information on the rules of internal regulations and mode of operation of all services. They are informed about a procedure for tuition fee, educational courses and system of knowledge assessment,   main policy of the University in the educational process and basic requirements for conducting knowledge.

An administrative structure that is responsible for educational work and  a system of formation patriotic, spiritual and moral qualities of students, conditions for personal development and education of students and bodies of student’s self-government are functioned at the Faculty.