Graduates of the faculty successfully work in all regions of Kazakhstan. Among our graduates there are Candidates of Pedagogical Sciences, Deputies of Local Educational Departments,   headmasters of schools, directors of pre-school educational organizations, etc.

Maral Yesekeshova,
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department for Professional Education, Kazakh Agro Technical University named after S.Seifullin.

Zhansaya Ismaeva,
a head of the kindergarten “Akbota”.

Assiya Seitova,
a head of the Pre-school organization No. 14 “Konzhyk” in Aktobe.

Dina Trumova,
a head of theState Public Utility Enterprise Special (correctional) pre-school organization No. 10 “Alma” for children with speech impairment.

Sandugash Abdishukirova, a head of State Public Utility Enterprise No.12″ Іnjugul”

Bolgan Molzhanova, a head of pre-school organization No. 35 “Balbulak”

Gulmira Satybaldiyeva, a head of pre-school  organization  No. 48 “Shattyk”

Bakhyt Yelamanova, a head of Aktobe Psychological-Medical and Pedagogical Consultation

Raygul  Biarstanova, a head of “Oblast Psychological and Medical Pedagogical Consultation” in Aktobe

Alla Zhanguzhina, a head of the Center for psychological and pedagogical correction in Khromtau

Rimma  Akhmetova, a head of Aktobe regional rehabilitation center   Aktobe region in Alga

Aigerim Kanbayeva, a head of the Center for psychological and pedagogical correction (KPPK) Bayganin district, Karaulkeldy

Farida Kamalova, a head of  Regional Special Correctional School-kindergarten of Aktobe.

Saltanat Onbayeva, a head of pre-school organization No. 17″ Shugyla ”

Dina Dorogopuplya, a head of the Center of Psychological and Pedagogical Correction of the Kargalinsk, Badamsha

Gulshat   Kudaibergenova Kusainovna, a Director of the special (correctional) school No. 7. in Aktobe.

Information about  employees

Employment of graduates is one of the most important issues for any University. University’s activities on employment, close work with potential employers and positive reputation of the faculty together give a stable positive result. Employers’ appeals about recommendations for the employment of graduate students are systematically received.

Following work on the issues of employment of graduates was carried out at the Faculty  of Pedagogy:

  • Over last 3 years (2014-2017) a base of graduates of Bachelor degree is updated;
  • Faculty took an active part in preparation and holding of “Job Fair-2018” ;
  • Employment of graduates in accordance with the requests of the Departments of the University;
  • Documents are designed according to the sample and in accordance with the employment plan.



Телефон: +7 (778) 467-28-08 email: history@zhubanov.edu.kz Адрес: ул. Братьев Жубановых 263, здание Мухтара Арына, каб.203