The history of the department

In the 2023-2024 academic year, the departments were divided in order to meet production needs in the areas of educational programs and the Department of Psychology and Special Pedagogy was created. The department has 1 Doctor of Sciences, 1 Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), 9 candidates of Sciences, 13 masters.

Bachelor’s degree:

  • 6B03101 – PSYCHOLOGY

Master’s degree:

  • 7M03101 – PSYCHOLOGY

Branches of the department:

  • Department of the Border Service of the National Security Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the Aktobe region
  • 6655 National Guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Anima Personality Development Center
  • Department of the Penal Enforcement System of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Training and coaching Center “Sharing”
  • Aktobe regional specialized (correctional) kindergarten for children with special educational needs KMM
  • “Alma” — specialized kindergarten for children with severe speech disorders KMM
  • “Akbota” is a specialized kindergarten for children with severe speech and visual impairments.
  • Preschool organization No. 17 “Shugyla” (correctional)
  • Aktobe regional specialized boarding school-college-complex for children with hearing and visual impairments
  • Special (correctional) school No. 7

International Academic Mobility Program

In the 2022-2023 academic year, a 2nd–year student of OP 6B01902 – Special Pedagogy, Esenbek Adela studied at the Pomeranian Academy (Poland).

A 3rd-year student of OP 6B03101-Psychology Kenzhegali Asemgul studied at the University of Kastomonu (Turkey) as part of the academic mobility program.

3rd year student OP 6B03101-Psychology Seilkhanova Lyazzat studied at the University of Canakkale Onsegiz March (Turkey) as part of the academic mobility program

3rd year student OP 6B01901-Special Pedagogy Tanatarova Gauhar studied at the University of Pamukkale (Turkey) as part of the academic mobility program.

3rd year student OP 6B01901-Special Pedagogy Mingisieva Laura studied at Yildirim Erzincan University (Turkey) as part of the academic mobility program.

From October 2 to February 10, 2023-2024 academic year, 3rd-year student of OP 6B03101-Psychology sakenova Alemgul is studying at the

University of Canakkale Onsegiz Mart (Turkey) for academic mobility as part of the academic mobility program.


As part of the annual subject Olympiad of students, the team of OP 6B01902-Special Pedagogy took first place. The Olympiad was held on the basis of the North Kazakhstan University named after M.Kozybayev (Petropavlovsk).

In the second half of the 2022-2023 academic year, the teaching staff of the department conducted 4-week courses on the pilot course “Korganysty koldayyk”. This project is being implemented in cooperation with the ARU named after K.Zhubanov, the Department of the Border Service for the Aktobe region and the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The teachers of the department conducted 72 hours of classes and trainings on the following topics: “Prevention of suicidal behavior”, “Emotional states of employees and methods of their correction”, “Prevention of emotional burnout of employees”.

During the course, border guards mastered psychological methods, received information on how to recognize psychological abnormalities, signs of suicidal thoughts and how to prevent mental illness.

At the end of the project, certificates were awarded to employees of the Department of the Border Service in the Aktobe region, letters of thanks from the Rector of the ARU named after K.Zhubanov Karabasova L.Ch.

Practice week

Students of the 4th year of the educational program 6B01902-Special pedagogy completed practical training in the period from 09 to 20 October 2023. The head of the department, K. Zh. Turebayeva, visited the bases of industrial practice, where she was familiarized with the conditions and progress of the practice. Based on the results of the internship, the students made conclusions. The procedure for students to practice at the relevant production bases was discussed at a meeting of the department.

Experience exchange classes

October 2, 2023 Baltymova Mayra Rashidovna, senior lecturer of the Department of Pedagogy and Special Pedagogy, Master of Pedagogy of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Education Management 6B01901-Special pedagogical educational program “Dislalia” on the subject “Fundamentals of speech therapy” in 201 group. An open seminar on the topic “Semantic speech disorder” was held.

During the seminar, students got acquainted with scientific, theoretical and practical knowledge on dyslalia, a language disorder common in children, and semantic speech disorder. In addition, he got acquainted with the types of speech therapy work in the correction of speech deficit dyslalia and learned how to work with sounding probes. In order to improve his abilities as a professional in correcting language deficiencies, he practically performed articulation speech exercises. According to the topic of the lesson, students performed theoretical and practical

16.10.2023 senior lecturer of the Department of Psychology and Special Pedagogy Uteuova A. A. held an open lesson on the discipline “Group therapy” in the group OP 401 specialty 6B03101-Psychology on the topic: “Requirements for the personal and professional qualities of the group leader”; teacher, master R.A.Kazbergenova, conducted an open lesson on the discipline “Social Psychology” on the topic: “Z.Freud, E.Erickson, E.Fromm, A.Adler” in group 301 OP 6B03101-Psychology

For students of the 103 group OP 6B03101-Psychology in the discipline “General Psychology”. The students showed activity and interest. The purpose of the lesson has been achieved, the tasks have been solved.

The teaching staff of the department regularly takes advanced training courses “Orleu” in order to improve the learning process and provide it with new innovative technologies. Over the past three years, teachers Doszhanova S.E., Esengulova M.N., Turetaeva G.I., Kusametova G.K., Taganova A.M., Sautenkova M.Yu., Karimova A.T., Karimova G.M., Uteuova A.A., Isataeva B.B., Izmagambetov A.K., Duisenbayeva R.D., Rystygulova A.T., Izmagambetova R.M., Bozgulanova N.E., Kulmanova K.M., Kenshilikova K.M., Tilmaganbetova R.E., Amantayeva B.I. we have fully mastered the programs of this course. In 2017, teachers of the Department Zhubatyrova B.T., Duysenbayeva R.D., Rystygulova A.T. took English language courses organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the basis of the Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages.Abylai Khan.

In the academic year, the teaching staff of the department actively participated in advanced training courses “Development of interactive electronic courses”, “Virtual environment used for recording video lectures”, “Internet platforms for creating tests”, “Modern communication technologies and means of distance learning and digital education”, “Organizational culture: from control to evaluation of results”, “Modern approaches to the organization of the educational process. Support of innovative pedagogical technologies”, “”Subject-language integrated learning in the process of teaching special disciplines””, “Information technologies and their role in creating distance education systems and activating independent learning”, “Methodology of research and writing articles”, “Managerial thinking: technologies and practice”, “Cyber Pedagogue”, “Inclusive education in higher education”, “Innovative technologies and methods of preschool education”, “Event management. Corporatik ic-sharalardy uyymdastyru”, “Fundamentals of labor legislation” organized by the Institute of Continuing Education on the basis of Aktobe Regional University named after K.Zhubanov in order to effectively introduce digital technologies into the educational process.

At the beginning of the 2021-2022 academic year, Turebayeva K. Zh. took the course “Psychological support of a modern organization: system supervision, digital strategies”, organized by the Association of Psychoanalysis of Kazakhstan in the Chundzhinsky district of Almaty region, Bozgulanova N.E. takes a refresher course within the framework of the World Bank project “Strengthening the potential of pedagogical education” in order to improve pedagogical education.