The employment of graduates is an important stage in their lives, which determines not only their career path, but also their contribution to the development of society. 

We are proud of the success of our graduates and continue to work to provide them with the best conditions for employment. With the support of our educational institution, mentors and professionals, they will be able to achieve high results in their careers and make a significant contribution to the development of society. 

Employment of graduates of the department: 

  • 6B02102 – Design–72% 
  • 6B07207– Technology and Construction of Light Industry Products –100% 
  • 6B01405 — Visual Arts, Artistic Labor, Graphics and Projecting – 85% 
  • 7M01405 — Visual Arts, Artistic Labor, Graphics and Projecting – 100% 

Attracting practitioners: 

  • 6B02102 – Design–1 
  • 6B07207– Technology and Construction of Light Industry Products –1


Уразбаева Ляззат Аманжоловна

Graduate of Aktobe State University named after K. Zhubanov (1997)

Teacher of secondary school No. 24 in Aktobe (1997-2003); Director of secondary school No. 40 in Aktobe (2003-2011); Head of the State Institution "Department of Education of Aktobe" (2011-2017); Deputy Akim of Aktobe (01.2017-11.2017); Head of the State Institution "Department of Education of Aktobe region" (09.2017-02.2021); Head of the Department of Internal Policy of Aktobe region (10.2021-01.2024); Deputy Head of the Office of Akim of Aktobe region (from 02.2024)

  1. Winner of the regional competition "Director of the Year-2008"; 
  2. Certificate of Honor and Gratitude of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, letters of thanks - Akim of Aktobe region, Department of Education of Aktobe region, Akim of Aktobe city; 
  3. Badges: "Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan", "Ybyray Altynsarin", "Laureate of the national award "Amanat"; 
  4. Jubilee medals: "20 years of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan", "25 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan", "25 years of Maslikhat of the Republic of Kazakhstan"

Ноғаев Қайрат Болатбайұлы

Graduate of Aktobe State Pedagogical University (2000). 

Head of the ONER ART studio. Excellent student of culture and art of the Republic of Kazakhstan, member of the Union of Artists of Kazakhstan.

In 2020-2021, he worked as an ethnographer-artist in the West Kazakhstan integrated ethnoarchaeological expedition led by Professor of Historical Sciences and ethnographer S. Azhigali from Almaty.

In 2023, his works were included in the Republican collection of creative works by professional artists and teachers of additional education "Altyn Tumar", for which he was awarded a badge. 

In 2019, he held a solo exhibition at the Aktobe Museum of Art. 

On October 17, 2020, the Aktobe Museum of Art hosted an online solo exhibition in the genre of graphics called "Art without Language".

In April 2022, the Aktobe Museum of Art hosted a personal exhibition "Expedition of the Great Steppe". He is an active participant in republican creative festivals, international art plein-airs, competitions and exhibitions, which emphasizes his desire for professional development and the exchange of experience with colleagues.

Есказина Аида

A graduate of Aktobe Regional State University named after K. Zhubanov with a degree in Fashion Design in 2018, Aida won prizes in international and national competitions and exhibitions during her studies. Since the fourth year of study, she began to create her own brand and traveled with collections to fashion shows in various regions of the country. 

Currently, Aida has organized a fashion show "Aida Yeskazina Brand", which is recognized by famous Kazakhstani designers.

Узакбаев Турар

Graduate of Aktobe Regional State University named after K. Zhubanov with a degree in Architectural Design (2012), Master of Arts, member of the Eurasian Union of Designers. Since 2015, he has worked at Temirzholsu — Aktobe LLP as a lead engineer of the VET, then as a design engineer at NPF Munaygas Engineering, LTD. Since 2017, he has been working as a lecturer at the Department of Design of Aktobe Regional State University named after K. Zhubanov. In 2018, T.K. Uzakbayev He entered the doctoral program at the Kazakh Head Architectural and Construction Academy in Almaty.

Калмен Сағыныш Мергенұлы

Graduate of Aktobe Regional State University named after K. Zhubanov with a degree in Architectural Design (2017), Master of Arts, member of the Union of Designers of the Republic of Kazakhstan, member of the Eurasian Union of Designers, member of the Union of Artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Academician of the National Academies. 

2017-2019 the city of Aktobe GKP "Academy of creativity" Teacher of additional education. 

2019-2021 Aktobe city "ARSU named after K.Zhubanov" teacher of the department of "Art work and Design". 

2022-2023 Astana city, Turan-Astana senior lecturer of the department "Design, Service and Tourism". 2024 and to this day the city of Astana , Turan-Astana Associate professor of the Department of Design, Service and Tourism.