History of the Faculty
The Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogical Personnel training was opened at Aktobe State University named after K. Zhubanov in 1992.
The formation of the faculty was accompanied by the development of pedagogical thinking, pedagogical culture and general education in Kazakhstan.
The following teaching stаff worked at the faculty in different years:
- Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor E. B.Baimanov,
- Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor T.K. Musalimov,
- Senior teachers M. S.Dartaev and Kh. B. Kurakbayev,
- Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences B. Zhaumitov,
- Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor O.В.Baimagambetov
- Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor T. A. Botagariev,
- Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, docent A.V.Usov,
- Candidate of Medical Sciences B. U. Tuleuov,
- Docents V. V. Prosyankin and T. K. Samuratova,
- Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences M. M. Shashtygarin,
- senior teachers T. Kayrakbaev and K. R. Koblanov,
- Candidates of Pedagogical Sciences M. S. Kurgambekov,
- Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Docent G. K. Sibagatova,
- candidates of Pedagogical Sciences M.A.Suteeva, M. Menkeshov, S. Teilibekova, B. B. Bekniyazov, N.E.Mukeeva, etc.
According to the Department of Physical Culture and Sports of the professional and creative faculty, more than 50 masters of sports of the USSR and 41 applicants for the title of master of sports have been trained.
Master of sports in sambo, triple world champion, docent A. Shakharov, Honored Master of Sports of Kazakhstan in boxing, Asian and world champion, participant of the Olympic Games G. Jafarov, master of sports of international class, A. B. Kulmaganbetov, judge, master of sports of Kazakhstan, multiple winner of the presidential multiathlon Sh.E.Tuleuov, world champion in powerlifting T. Dyachenko, world and European sambo champion M. Raev, world and Asian champion in athletics, winner of the medal "For Merits in the development of physical culture and sports" M. Baiturin, world and European sambo champion E.Kuanov, swimming champion of Kazakhstan A. Kamzin, etc.
The faculty's teaching staff has achieved significant success by actively participating in various international, national, regional, city conferences, competitions, and seminars. The teaching staff of the faculty conducts active scientific, pedagogical and creative work, has been awarded high state awards, among them:
- Botagariev T. A. – corresponding member of the Kazakh Academy named after I. Altynsarin, winner of the medals "For Merits in the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan", "For merits in the development of physical culture and sports" of the Republic of Kazakhstan"
- Tuleuov B. U. – Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Prosyankin V.V., Shumbalova S.T. – awarded the badge "Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan"
- T. V. Bormatenkova – winner of the Y. Altynsarin medal
- M. Aitimov, G.Zh.Mambetova, M. Menkeshev, S. Taylibekova – labor figures
- Bekniyazov B.B., is the recipient of the state grant "The best university teacher"
- G.Amanbayeva, P.Kalamova.– diploma holders of various international competitions
- T. Kayrakbayev is a member of the Union of Artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- K. R. Koblanov is a member of the Eurasian Union of Designers
- Yesengulov Zh. K. – winner of the Altyn Kayyk award
In order to develop sports and physical culture, various conferences have been held at the faculty since 2005;
- The 4th International Scientific and Practical Conference,
- International scientific and practical online conference,
- International competition "Decorative and Applied Art",
- International seminar "Cooperation of Kazakh and Chinese culture: traditions and innovations". This seminar was organized within the framework of international cooperation with Xinjiang Khanba University of Finance and Economics and Aktobe State Pedagogical Institute.
The teaching staff has a high scientific potential, constantly improving their knowledge. Scientific works aimed at improving the level of educational and research work are constantly being introduced into the educational process.
In the 2017- 2018 academic year, a master's degree in the specialty 6M012000 – vocational training, a master's degree and a college in the specialty 6M010800 – Physical culture and sports were opened.
In the 2017- 2018 academic year, according to the results of the NAAR, the specialty 5B010700 – "Fine Arts and drawing" took the 1st place, in the specialty 5B010800 – Physical culture and sports – the 4th place.
Since the 2017- 2018 academic year, the Faculty, together with the University of Economics of Bydgoszcz (Poland), has been implementing a double- degree education program.
The specialties of the faculty have passed 100% accreditation, the academic degree of the faculty is 51%, 88% of graduates of the faculty are employed.
From 2017 to 2022, the dean of the faculty was Ph.D., Associate Professor S. S. Mukhtarov.
From January 18 to May 18, 2022, Kangeldin A. K. performed the duties of the dean of the faculty, since May 18, 2022, Zh. Zh. Kartbayeva has been acting dean of the faculty.
Currently, the faculty has four departments:
- Department of Art work and Design
- Department of Music Education and Choreography
- Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education
- Department of Physical Education