Training of bachelors in the educational program 6B01404 — "Physical Culture and sports" is carried out in accordance with standard, modular curricula. The provision of disciplines with standard training programs is 100%. 

Can perform the following types of professional activities in the EP 6B01404 - "Physical Culture and sports":

  • education (pedagogical) - education, correction, forecasting of the results of pedagogical activity;
  • study, generalization, dissemination of advanced innovative experience in the field of Physical Culture.

Base of experiments:

Secondary school No. 21, secondary school No. 30, secondary school No. 33, secondary school No. 27, football school ODYUSHOR, secondary school No. 3, secondary school No. 36, Secondary School No. 10, youth swimming school, youth sports school, Aviator Sports School.

The educational process uses new technologies and teaching methods, workshops, a modern library, specialized classrooms equipped with interactive whiteboards.

Every year, teachers of the department receive international certificates. In addition, teachers of the department annually improve their skills and receive certificates on the basis of the University. Teachers participate in methodological seminars conducted by the University and the faculty, successfully defend reports and projects, exchange experience. 

Teachers of the department, engaged in research work, publish their scientific articles, theses, reports in the collections of scientific papers and international and national conferences.

Textbook of Professor T. A. Botagariev "theory and methodology of Physical Culture and sports".

Textbook "Physical education of schoolchildren in the regions" by Professor Botagariev T.A.

General foundations of the theory and methodology of Physical Culture Monograph "The use of information technologies in the educational process on the subject of "Physical culture" in higher education and school" Professor-Botagariev T.A., Ph.D.-Kubieva S.S.

Monograph “The use of information technologies in the educational process in the subject “Physical Education” at universities and schools” Professor-Botagariev T.A., Ph.D.- Kubieva S.S.

Educational and methodical manual "Sport of oyindary (Football, Basketball)" Senior lecturer-A.Sh.Zhiembayev

Educational-methodical post "technology of improving the body taking into account the anthropometric characteristics and the quality of movement of female students of the 1st - 2nd Year" Professor-Botagariev T. A.,Master of Pedagogical Sciences-Gabdullin A. B.

Educational and methodical Manual of the senior teacher, master N. O. Utegenov "methods of teaching basketball"

Educational and methodological Manual of the senior teacher, master N. O. Utegenov "methods of determining the morphofunctional development of student youth"