The directions of scientific and methodological work of the department are:
- Development of measures to improve the effectiveness of scientific and methodological activities of the teaching staff;
- Improving the quality of the educational process through the development and implementation of new forms and methods of education;
- Organization of scientific and methodological conference of faculty;
- Organization of scientific and methodological seminars on various sports and health improvement;
- Control and coordination of the activities of the methodological commission of the department;
- Generalization and dissemination of best practices of teachers of the department and teachers of departments of physical education of other universities.
At the Institute for Advanced Studies "Orleu" the following teachers underwent advanced training: D.K. Zhanbau, K.K. Kunshashov, G.K. Yerzhanov, R.U. Uakhitov, N.R. Zhaltaev Almaty.
Also, under the program of Cambridge University, advanced training Umirzakov N.A. Astana.