Achievements of the faculty
According to the faculty, all specialties have passed specialized accreditation by the independent Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for accreditation and rating.
The faculty employs:
- 1 Doctor of Sciences
- 23 Candidates of Sciences
- 1 PhD Doctor
- 10 Masters
- 2 honorary workers of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- 3 recipients of the insignia "For merits in the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan"
- 2 Honored Workers of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- 1 cultural worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- 3 honorary workers of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- 2 honorary sports figures of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- 2 recipients of Y. Altynsarin badge,
- 1 recipient of the badge "For merits in the development of physical culture and sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan"
- 1 winner of the "Golden Boat" award
- 1 excellent student of culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- 4 members of Kazakhstan Designers’ Union
- 5 members of the Union of Artists of Kazakhstan
- 2 members of the Eurasian Union of Designers
- 1 recipient of the badge "Til zhanashyry"
- 1 The best teacher of the University of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Currently, the faculty continues to study:
- in the master's degree – 5 teachers
- in postgraduate studies (Russia) – 2 teachers
- in doctoral studies – 2 teachers
Rating results
Rating of "Atameken" National Chamber of Entrepreneurs:
- 5B010700–Fine arts and drawing – 2- nd place;
- 5B012000–Vocational training – 3- rd place.
- 6B01404 – Theory and methodology of physical education- 2- nd place;
- 6B01405 – Visual art, art work, graphics and design –3- rd place;
- 6B02102 – Design – 2- nd place.
- 6B01405 – Visual art, art work, graphics and design – 3- rd place.
NAAR National Rating:
- 6B01404–Theory and methodology of physical education–2nd place;
- 5B042100 – Design – 4th place.
- 6B02101 – Choreography–4th place.
- 6B01405 – Visual art, art work, graphics and design – 2nd place;
- 6B02101 – Choreography–3rd place.
- 6B01405 – Visual art, art work, graphics and design – 2nd place