Educational and scientific activities
Currently, the faculty has 7 bachelor's degree programs:
Educational programs
Bachelor's degree:
- 6B01404 – Physical education and sports;
- 6B01405 – Fine arts, art work, graphics and design;
- 6B02102 – Design;
- 6B07207 – Technology and design of light industry products";
- 6B01401 – Music education;
- 6B02101 – Choreography;
- 6B11102 – Cultural and leisure work.
- 5B010800 – Physical education and sports: sports coach (2020- 2021);
- 6B01401 – Musical education: traditional singing, instrumental performance (2020- 2021 academic year)
The program of double- degree education:
- University of Economics
- Institute of Physical Culture (Bydgoszcz, Poland) – 6th art. (2020).
Master's degree, doctoral studies
- 7M01404 – Physical education and sports;
- 7M01405 – Visual art, art work, graphics and design;
- 7M01401 – Music education.
Research work of the teaching staff
Articles in the Scopus and Web of Science database
- Kartbaeva Zh. Zh. – 2
- Botagariev T. A. – 1
- Botagariev T. A., Kubeeva S. S., Gabdullin A. B.–2
- Botagariev T. A., Kubeeva S. S., Khakimova Z. A. –1
- Mukhtarov S. M. –1
- Raimbergenov A. I. –1
- Kurgambekov M. S.–1
- Kasenova K. B.–2
- Momenov B. M. –1
- Momenov B. M., Kurgambekov M. S., Barbosynova G. E. –1
- Mukeeva N.E., Berdenova A. J.–1
List of scientific publications recommended for publication by COXON
- Kartbaeva Zh. Zh.– 9
- Botagariev T. A.– 2
- Raimbergenov A. I. – 2
- Mukeeva N.E. – 1
- Satybaldieva Zh. K. – 1
- Kurgambekov M. S.– 1
Communication of the faculty with industrial enterprises:
Practice bases
- Aktobe Regional Philharmonic named after G. Zhubanova
- Lyceum school No. 23
- Municipal state institution "Kazakh Secondary School" No.38
- Center for Children and Youth Creativity
- House of Culture "Geologist"
- Regional House of Folk Art
- JSC NC "Construction Consulting"
- Atelier "Ai–Sho–Ra"
- A–Textile LLP, Aktobe Garment Factory
- Municipal state institution "General secondary school" No. 64
- Municipal state institution "General secondary school" No. 40
- Global–Overalls LLP
- Municipal state institution "Secondary school–Lyceum" No. 27
- Municipal state institution "Kazakh Secondary School" No. 30
Elements of dual training
- Academy of Creativity
- Regional House of Folk Art
- JSC NC "Construction Consulting"
- A–Textile LLP, Aktobe Garment Factory
- Municipal state institution "General secondary school" No. 64
- Municipal state institution "General secondary school" No. 40
- Secondary school–Lyceum No. 27
- Municipal state institution "Kazakh Secondary School" No. 30
Academic mobility
External academic mobility (outgoing)
- University of Economics of Bydgoszcz (Poland);
- Sakarya University (Turkey).
- 6B01404–Physical culture and sports EP
- Orenburg State Pedagogical University–1 student
Internal academic mobility (incoming)
- M. Utemissov West Kazakhstan University;
- Caspian State University of Technology and Engineering named after Sh. Yesenova, Aktau city;
- Saratov State University named after N. Chernyshevsky;
- Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai.
- Internal academic mobility (outgoing)
- Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai;
- Almaty University of Technology;
- Caspian State University of Technology and Engineering named after Sh. Yesenov, Aktau city.
Creative works of the faculty and students
- 1.Teaching staff and students of the specialties took part in various international, national and regional exhibitions and received diplomas of the I- st, II- nd, III- rd degrees. Their works are included in the catalogues.
- The ex- libris of Professor M. J. Zhaksygarina were included in the catalog dedicated to the library of the outstanding President "N. Nazarbayev: century, personality, society" (6 works).
- 8 students (under the guidance of M. Zhaksygarina, G. Sibagatova, N. Tnalina, R. Kausheva) received diplomas of the I- st, II- nd, III- rd degrees at the international exhibition of decorative and applied arts "The Image of changeable fantasies". Orenburg State University.
- At the festival of students of folk art "National Treasure" in Privolzhsk city (Kazan Federal University), 5 students received diplomas of the II degree.
- The exhibition of ex- librarians "Sport and football in ex- libris" (Moscow city) presents the works of 5 students.
- Baktybayeva Zh., Ramazanova A. - Grand Prix. The international student competition– festival "On Nikolaevskaya" Orenburg city.
- Baktybayeva Zh., Ramazanova A. - Grand Prix of the International competition "Shabyt" Astana city.
- Baktybayeva Zh., Ramazanova A., Aidos kyzy A. - Grand Prix of the international competition "Roses of Kazakhstan" Aktobe city.
- Sagieva A., laureate of the III- rd degree. The International festival–competition "Akkanat" Aktobe city.
- Gotova N. K. - diploma of the first degree of the republican contest of scientific creativity "Zhas daryndary".
International exhibition of ex- librarians "Bicycle & Nature" (2022) in Olesnitsa (Poland) students of 5B042100–Design educational program under the guidance of M.J.Zhaksygarina
Students research work
- The number of Start–up participants is 31
- The number of conference participants is 75
Total: 106
According to the international academic mobility program, the faculty works with universities in Europe, Russia, China, South Korea and Turkey. According to the multilingual program, the faculty teaches a number of disciplines in English.